Document Type : Research article


1 Veterinarian in Directorate of Veterinary Medicine in Assiut

2 Dept. Food Hygiene, Faculty veterinary medicine, Assiut Uni, EMeat Hygiene Group, Department of Food Hygiene, Safety and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egyptgypt

3 3 Dean of Technological Health Sciences Faculty, New Assiut Technological University 4 Food Hygiene Department, Nanotechnology Research Unit, Animal Health Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Egypt

4 Department of Food Hygiene (Meat Hygiene), Safety and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.


Freshness is one of the most significant goals for fish quality. In the current study, evaluation of some chemical quality indices, as well as proximate composition, was carried out on some fish species in Egypt. A total of 100 samples from four different fish species; Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia), Bagrus bayed (Bagrus), Scomber scomber (Mackerel), and Latus niloticus (Latus), 25 of each were collected from various markets in Assiut Governorate, Upper Egypt. The Overall acceptability of fish declared Bayad was the most fresh, while Mackerel achieved the lowest sensory scores. Results of pH, total volatile base nitrogen (TVBN) "mg N /100g", thiobarbituric acid reactive substances  (TBARS)" mg MDA/kg", moisture%, protein%, fat%, and ash% were 6.20± 0.12, 14.79 ± 4.66,  0.32 ± 0.05, 81.27±1.87, 13.43±1.53, 3.87±0.57 and 0.19±0.03, respectively for Tilapia; 6.25±0.18, 12.75± 4.04, 0.31 ± 0.07, 78.69±2.99, 12.12±1.91, 8.57±2.01 and 0.21±0.04, respectively for Bagrus; 7.81±0.40,  34.06 ± 8.01, 1.26±0.18, 72.11±1.46, 18.09±1.53, 8.9±0.79 and 0.28 ± 0.05, respectively in Mackerel; 6.30±0.17, 14.51 ± 5.29, 0.27±0.08, 81.63±3.99, 16.13±2.31, 1.61±0.46 and 0.17 ± 0.04, respectively in Latus. In conclusion, Latus niloticus (Latus) showed better sensory and chemical characteristics, as well as high protein but low-fat content, being the better species of the examined fish.


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