Document Type : Research article


Infectious Diseases, Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt


Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a worldwide viral, non-contagious disease that is transmitted to cattle. It is determined to be a significant source of economic loss for several ruminant species. It is mainly caused by ovine herpesvirus-2 (OvHV-2), which affects the epithelial and lymphoid tissues of the respiratory and digestive tracts. There are limited data on MCF in Egypt, and there is no epidemiological investigation of the clinical prevalence of MCF in Assiut governorate. So the aim of this work is to study the clinical occurrence of MCF at Manfalut center in Assiut governorate, and serological detection of MCF infection in cattle. A total of 30 cows suspected infected with MCF were screened using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. Each investigated cow's age, sex, breed, admission time, and contact with sheep were recorded in order to determine the prevalence of MCF. Records included fever, lymphadenitis, corneal opacity, erosions in the buccal cavity, abnormal breathing, purulent nasal discharge with the nasal ulcer, and diarrhea. Overall, 10% of the examined cows were affected. The seroprevalence of MCF infection was higher in native female cows aged 1-3 years, which had previously interacted with sheep, particularly in April and May, although statistical analysis did not reveal a significant difference. Cattle are more likely to get infected if raised in the same grazing area as sheep and goats. As a result, we advise keeping cattle grazing areas distinct from those used for sheep and goats.


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