The objective of this study was to assess the clinical manifestations and outcomes in canines presenting with ankyloglossia pre- and post-surgical intervention. The study sample comprised 6 canines of varied ages, breeds, and genders admitted to the veterinary hospital. Following standard clinical and oral evaluations, congenital complete ventral ankyloglossia was confirmed. Surgical intervention entailed the utilization of the lingual frenuloplasty technique. During the postoperative phase, it was noted that sutures positioned on the tongue's ventral aspect self-dissolved within an average span of 4.6 days (ranging between 3 to 7 days), accompanied by minor wound line separation. Full recovery was evident within an approximate duration of 18 days. Post-recovery assessments revealed unhindered tongue mobility in the subjects, facilitating effortless consumption of solids and liquids. The findings from this study underscore the efficacy of the frenuloplasty technique in addressing pronounced adhesions. No post-surgical complications emerged that could detrimentally impact the canines' recuperation trajectory. The immediate alleviation of consumption challenges post-surgery, coupled with the rapid acclimatization to tongue mobility and enhanced bodily health, underscores the clinical significance and appropriateness of surgical intervention in afflicted canines.
AKGÜL, M., GÜLAYDIN, A., SULU, K., KILIÇ, S., & ERDEN, B. (2024). ANKYLOGLOSSİA IN DOGS: SURGERY AND OUTCOME STUDY. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 70(181), 1-7. doi: 10.21608/avmj.2024.239661.1192
MUSTAFA BARIŞ AKGÜL; ALI GÜLAYDIN; KADIR SULU; SEVDET KILIÇ; BAHAR ERDEN. "ANKYLOGLOSSİA IN DOGS: SURGERY AND OUTCOME STUDY", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 70, 181, 2024, 1-7. doi: 10.21608/avmj.2024.239661.1192
AKGÜL, M., GÜLAYDIN, A., SULU, K., KILIÇ, S., ERDEN, B. (2024). 'ANKYLOGLOSSİA IN DOGS: SURGERY AND OUTCOME STUDY', Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 70(181), pp. 1-7. doi: 10.21608/avmj.2024.239661.1192
AKGÜL, M., GÜLAYDIN, A., SULU, K., KILIÇ, S., ERDEN, B. ANKYLOGLOSSİA IN DOGS: SURGERY AND OUTCOME STUDY. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 2024; 70(181): 1-7. doi: 10.21608/avmj.2024.239661.1192