Document Type : Research article


1 Department of Food Hygiene (Meat Hygiene), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.

2 Department of Food Hygiene (Meat Hygiene), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, banha University, banha, Egypt.


The intent of the current study was to assess the changes concerning beef and camel meat during chilling at 4 °C and their role in the shelf life of camel and cattle meat. The studied parameters included sensory (colour, odour, consistency and appearance). Microbiological characteristics (total bacterial count (TBC), yeast and mould count, coliforms and Staph. Aureus counts) and chemical parameters (Potentiality of hydrogen (pH), Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA), Total Volatile Nitrogen (TVN), Peroxide value (PV), Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), catalase (CAT), Fractionation of amino acid, Fractionation of fatty acid and Free Fatty Acids (FFAs)). The results revealed that the sensorial quality of fresh cattle meat was acceptable until the 6th day but still on the 8th day of camel meat. The microbiological quality indicated the validity of cattle meat on the 8th day and camel meat on the 10th day for all mentioned microbial parameters. Chemically, the results were evaluated for cattle meat until the 8 Th day and camel meat on the 10th day for pH., TBA, TVN, PV, Glutathione peroxidase, Catalase and free fatty acids, as well as fractionation of amino acids and fatty acids. In summary, chilling preservation at 4 °C enhanced fresh camel meat shelf life for 8 days and fresh cattle meat shelf life for 6 days without undesirable and detrimental effects on its sensory acceptability. 


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