STUDIES ON THE SANITARY CONDITION OF MARKET MILK IN ASSIUT PROVINCE, EGYPT Part II: The incidence of potentially pathogenie micro-organisms

Document Type : Research article


Dept. Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Vet. Med., Assiut University.


64 milk samples marketed hy street peddlers and dairy shops in Assiut City were examined bacteriologically. Regarding the enteric group of organisms (E. coli, Alcaligens faecalis, Alkal iscens dispar, Arizona, Klebsiella and Proteus species were iso lated in the following percentages : 21.8, 10.9, 4.6, 6.2, 7.8 and 7.8, respectively.
Other micro-organisms isolated were Strept. pyogenes (20.3%). Strept. faecalis (7.8°c), Staph, aureus (17.1%) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (4.6°).
Moreover, Clostridial species (C1. welchii) wer detected in 9 milk Samples (14.06%)
The results obtained from this study revealed that 71.4% of the isolates were from samples of milk distributed by street ped dlers.
The public health significance of each isolate was discussed.