1. 1857 infertile cattle and buffaloes including 605 cows (50 heifers and 555 cows) 1252 buffaloes ( 160 heiters and 1094 buffaloes ) were studied from gynecological p < /strong>oint of view in Assiut, Menia and Sohag p < /strong>rovinces. 2. The incidence of anoestrum was higher in buffaloes, cows and heifers ( 73.90% and 88.75%) than in cattle ( 49.9% and 54.0% ). 3 - Ovarian inactivity was the more frequent form of ancestrum in cattle and buffaloes. The total incidence was higher in buffaloes (81.04%) than in cattle (74.73%). 4. Very low incidence of persistant CL was recorded in heifers(cattle and buffaloes), while in cows it was higher (19.86% in cattle and 12.14 in buffaloes). 5- The incidence of silent heat was slightly higher in buffaloes than cattle. It was higher in heifers than cows. 6- The incidence of rep < /strong>eat breeding syndrome was higher in buffaloe: cows than heifers. The percentage of rep < /strong>eat breeding with ap < /strong>parent healthy genetalia was slightly higher in cows than heifers, while that with endometritis was higher in both cows and buffaloes in the three provinces than that with cervicitis only.
SERUR, B., FARRAG, A., & GOMAA, A. (1982). INCIDENCE OF CERTAIN INFERTILITY PROBLEMS AMONG COWS AND BUFFALOES IN UPPER EGYPT. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 10.1(19), 205-214. doi: 10.21608/avmj.1982.191895
B.H. SERUR; A.A. FARRAG; A. GOMAA. "INCIDENCE OF CERTAIN INFERTILITY PROBLEMS AMONG COWS AND BUFFALOES IN UPPER EGYPT", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 10.1, 19, 1982, 205-214. doi: 10.21608/avmj.1982.191895
SERUR, B., FARRAG, A., GOMAA, A. (1982). 'INCIDENCE OF CERTAIN INFERTILITY PROBLEMS AMONG COWS AND BUFFALOES IN UPPER EGYPT', Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 10.1(19), pp. 205-214. doi: 10.21608/avmj.1982.191895
SERUR, B., FARRAG, A., GOMAA, A. INCIDENCE OF CERTAIN INFERTILITY PROBLEMS AMONG COWS AND BUFFALOES IN UPPER EGYPT. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 1982; 10.1(19): 205-214. doi: 10.21608/avmj.1982.191895