Document Type : Research article


Dept. of Hygiene and Food Control, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo university


Unsold aged hen eggs, collected from different egg shops in Cairo and its Suburbs were examined microbiologically. Group analysis of the results showed that 42 contaminants belonging to different ty pes of moulds and yeasts as well as 121 bacterial isolates could be identified. The serological typing of isolated Salmonellae revealed the presence of 7 serotypes, with an incidence percentage ranging from 4.17% to 33.12%. Isolated strains in a descending manner included S. pullorum, s. thompson, S. New port, S. typhimurium, S. Kivo, S. goergia and S. Umhelali. Out of the 26 isolated Escherichia coll, only 21 isolates could be typed serologica lly (eleven serotyp < /strong>es). Proteus species, Pseudomonas aerogenosa, Klebsiella, Enterobacter coloaca and Alca ligenes feacalis could be isolated from contaminated eggs with an incidence p < /strong>ercen tage of 19.09%, 18.18%, 10.91%, 9.09% and 7.27% respectively. The frequency destribution of isolated moulds revealed that Aspergillus fumigatus was the most prevalent (21.87%) while Penicillium oxalicum was the least (9.37%) and Aspergillus flavous, Asp < /strong>ergillus niger, Penicillium cycolabium, Penicillium chrysog enum and Rhizopous lie inbetween. Isolated yeasts proved to be Candida albicans (9.09%). The economic and p < /strong>ublic health importance of isolated microorganisms has been discu ssed. Suggested measures for improving the quality of produced hen eggs are given.