Document Type : Research article



The major goal of this investigation is to determine the immunotoxic effects of sodium fluoride (NaF) in chickens. Two experiments were conducted to achieve this goal. In the first experiment, two groups of balady chickens were exposed to two doses (1000 and 1500 ppm) of NaF and third group served as control for three months. In the second experiment, two groups of white high line laying hens were also used. The first group was treated with 1500 ppm NaF and the second was kept as control for two months. Relative weight of lymphoid organs as well as phagocytosis percentage were
measured 30, 60 and 90 days after exposure of broiler chicken to NaF and 30 and 60 days in case of laying hens. Body weight and body weight gain were also taken into consideration in both experiments. Significant reduction in the relative weight of both thymus and bursa of fabricius in all chickens exposed to NaF was observed. Phagocytosis percentage was decreased parallely to the weight reduction of thymus and bursa of fabricius. Body weight and body weight gain were significantly decreased allover the course of the experiment in the two doses as well as the two experiments. Total serum protein level, albumin, globulin and Al/g1 ratio were also reduced with the administration of NaF. The reduction of serum albumin and globulin was positively correlated with the dose and time. Electrophoretic pattern of the tested chickens sera revealed a significant decrease in serum albumin percentrage in the group of chicken's treated with 1000 ppm NaF. Significant disturbances (P< 0.01) were observed in serum globulin fractions IgM, IgA and IgG in our results. Fluoride levels in the serum of tested chickens increased with the increase of the dose and time. Histopathological description
of lymphoid organs in treated chickens revealed severe to moderate pathological changes especially with the large dose of NaF after long time of exposure. Most disturbances caused by the fluoride exposure were dose and time related.
