Control of Clostridium perfringens ATCC13700 in Dairy Products Using Bacteriocin Plantaricin UG1

Document Type : Research article


Dept. of Food Hygiene & Control, Faculty of Vet. Med., Suez Canal University, Egypt


Controlling of Clostridium perfringens ATCC13700 using bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 in vitro and some dairy products was studied. The mean viable cells counts of Cl. perfringens significantly increased (P<0.05) from 105 to 108-109 cfu/g in all control samples, meanwhile the counts significantly decreased (P<0.05) from 105 to 0 cfu/g in bacteriocin treated brain heart infusion and cooked meat broths. Addition of partially purified plantaricin UG1 to kareish, canned domita and Ras chesses resulted in a significant decline of viable Cl. perfringens cell from 105 to 6.0x103-9.7x103 cfu/g within 60 hs storage. Consequently, the percentage values of inactivated spores ranged from 99.99 to 76.93% in all treated dairy samples within 60hs storage. Although the inhibitory effect of bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 against Cl. perfringens in dairy samples was confirmed in this study, more investigation may be required for clarifying the use of bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 as a natural bio-preservative to controlfood-borne pathogens in dairy products.


قسم الرقابة الصحية علي الاغذية

      کلية الطب البيطري

      جامعة قناة السويس


السيطرة على جرثومة الکولوستيريديوم بيرفرينجينس  فى منتجات الالبان بأستخدام البلانتراسين يوجى 1


احمد حسن سعد

 قسم الرقابة الصحة علي الأغذية - الرقابة الصحية علي الالبان

کلية الطب البيطرى -  جامعة قناة  السويس


الملخص العربي

تأتى هذه الدراسة في سياق الاهتمام العالمي بالحفظ الحيوي للأغذية لتلاقي الآثار الضارة للمواد الحافظة الکيميائية والمسرطنة للإنسان . وتم في هذه الدراسة حقن عينات منتجات الألبان بجراثيم الکولوستيريديوم بيرفرينجينس بنسبة 510 خلية لکل جرام ثم فحصها ميکربيولوجيا بعد 60 ساعة من التخزين عند درجة حرارة 37 درجة مئوية. هذا وقد وصل متوسط الزيادة فى أعداد هذه الجراثيم الى 2x 10 7 , 5.4 x 10 7 , 9.7 x 10 7 خلية لکل جرام للجبن القريش والدمياطي المعبأ فى صفائح والجبن الرايس على التوالي. بينما عند إضافة البلانتراسين يو  جى 1 إلي تلک العينات المحقونة بعترات الکوليستيريديا ثم تخزينها حتى 60 ساعة وجد أن متوسط أعداد هذه الجراثيم يقل الي 8.1 x 10 3 , 6 x 10 3 , 9.7 x  10 3 خلية لکل جرام على التوالى. وان نسبة  بقاء تلک الجراثيم حيوية بعد 60 ساعة تکون من 23.07- 0.01 % فقط. بينما نسبة تثبيط الجراثيم وجدت تتراوح بين 76.93- 99.99 % ودلت هذه الدراسة على أهمية استخدام مرکب البلانتراسين يوجى 1 المنتج من بکتيريا لاکتوباسيللس بلانتاريم الآمن فى حفظ الاغذية. وأوصت الدراسة بمزيد من التجارب العلمية لاستبيان مدى تأثير هذا مرکب البلانتراسين يوجى 1 على الجراثيم المتعلقة بالأغذية وذلک لاستخدامها فى حفظ منتجات الالبان لضمان صحة وسلامة المستهلکين.


Control of Clostridium perfringens ATCC13700 in Dairy Products Using Bacteriocin Plantaricin UG1


Ahmed H. Saad

Dept. of Food Hygiene & Control, Faculty of Vet. Med., Suez Canal University, Egypt


Controlling of Clostridium perfringens ATCC13700 using bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 in vitro and some dairy products was studied. The mean viable cells counts of Cl. perfringens significantly increased (P<0.05) from 105 to 108-109 cfu/g in all control samples, meanwhile the counts significantly decreased (P<0.05) from 105 to 0 cfu/g in bacteriocin treated brain heart infusion and cooked meat broths. Addition of partially purified plantaricin UG1 to kareish, canned domita and Ras chesses resulted in a significant decline of viable Cl. perfringens cell from 105 to 6.0x103-9.7x103 cfu/g within 60 hs storage. Consequently, the percentage values of inactivated spores ranged from 99.99 to 76.93% in all treated dairy samples within 60hs storage. Although the inhibitory effect of bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 against Cl. perfringens in dairy samples was confirmed in this study, more investigation may be required for clarifying the use of bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 as a natural bio-preservative to controlfood-borne pathogens in dairy products.


Clostridium perfringens is a gram-positive, non motile spore forming anaerobic rode. This strain is widely distributed in the nature which exists in soil, sewage, stool and intestine of animal and humans (Steele and Wright, 2001). It is able to produce spore which is capable of surviving in the ultra heat processed dairy foods. Surviving spore may require heat to initiate germination and this is proved by cooking when raw milk is already contaminated spores.

Cl. perfringens has been isolated from dairy productsand its presence could be attributed to contamination of raw milk used in production because its spores, being heat resistant, and would not be destroyed during processing (Sinha and Sinha, 1986). Cl. perfringens food poisoning is common by eating foods stored in large quantities at room temperature in schools, camps and buffets (Martel et al., 2004). The symptoms including watery diarrhea, abdominal pain and gas are attributed to enterotoxin produced by the organism in the intestine (Teo and Tan, 2005). This enterotoxin causes also necrotic enteritis in humans (Wise and Siragusa, 2005).

One of the traditional methods used for preservation of the milk and dairy product for human against bacteria is the addition of chemical preservatives which are harmful .Hence, inhibition of pathogens in foods by a safe lactic acid bacterium or its metabolites is a matter of interest. Bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 produced by Lactobacillus plantarum UG1 isolated from dry sausage inhibited some food borne pathogens including Cl. perfringens in vitro (Enan, 2006b). Plantaricin UG1 was active against clostridia at acidic and neutral pH values (4-7) and over a temperature range from 0-90°C. (Enan et al., 2004).

Little literatures were published concerning the inhibition of clostridia in dairy products using bacteriocin of Lactobacillus plantarum. Therefore, the present work was undertaken to study the inhibition of Cl. perfringens using Plantaricin UG1 in culture media and some dairy samples.

Materials and Methods

Strains and Dairy samples

Cl. Perfringens ATCC 13700, Lactobacillius plantarum UG1 and plantaricin UG1, were obtained from Department of Food Technology and Applied Biological Sciences, University of Gent, Belgium. L. Plantrum UG1, the producer of plantaricin UG1, was maintained at -20°C in De Man Rogosa and Sharp medium plus 20% glycerol (De-Man et al., 1960), and then propagated in MRS broth. Cl. perfringens ATCC 13700 spores were maintained as frozen stock in glass beads at -20°C. Few glass beads were suspended in cooked meat broth (Difco), heated at 80°C for 15 min to stimulate spore germinationand incubated at 37°Cfor 48 hours. Cells were then subcultured every 48 hour in cooked meat broth. Samples of canned soft (damiatta), kareish and hard cheeses were minced in separate sterile food processor (Ts/12/Omas/Uk). 100g portions from each sample were placed aseptically in sterile plastic bags until used. Brain heart infusion broth (Difco) and cooked meat broth samples (Difco) were added into 250 ml screw capped bottles (100 ml for each) and autoclaved.

Preparation of Plantaricin UG1

L. plantarium UG1 was grown in MRS broth for 16h at 30°C. Cell free supernatant was obtained by centrifuging the culture (10000Xg for 10min at 4°C). The pH value of cell free supernatant was adjusted at 6.5 and subjected to ammonium sulphate precipitation as described previously (Bhunia et al., 1988). The ammonium sulphate precipitates (Surface pellicles and pellets) were recovered in 10m M potassium phosphate buffer pH 6.5 and dialyzed against the same buffer for 24h at 4°C in visking dialysis membrane. This partially purified plantaricin UG1 was sterilized by filtration through cellulose membrane filters (Amicon, 0.45 um) and was used in the experiments. 1ml of this partially purified plantaricin UG1 appeared to contain 2020 AU/ml as assayed previously with Cl. perfringens as the indicator organism (Enan et al., 1996).

Preparation of Cl. Perfringens spores

This was performed according to procedure described by Craven and Blankenship, (1985). About 1% inoculum of Cl. perfringens was inoculated into Ducan-Strong Sporulation medium (Duncan and Strong, 1968). Incubation was carried out at 37oC for 24h without provisions for anaerobiosis. Spores were harvested by centrifugation at 4oC and cleaned by repeated washing with cold deionized water. The cleaned phase dark spores were used in the experiments.

Experimental design

The dairy samples were tested by inoculating of either brain heart infusion broth or cooked meat broth by cell suspension of the experimental Cl. perfringens strain to give 105cfu/ml. The above inoculated samples were treated with 40880 AU/ml partially purified plantaricin UG1 and were shaken again to mix the bacteriocin with inoculated samples. The air was excluded from bags by hand; and from culture media as their boiling during sterilization drive off dissolved oxygen. Control samples were inoculated by Cl. Perfringens cells without treatment by bacteriocin plantaricin UG1. Treated and controls plates were incubated at 37oC in an anaerobic jar equipped with GasPak H2+CO2 generator envelops and catalyst as described by the manufacturer's instructions (Oxiod). After appropriate time intervals treated and control plates were taken and analyzed for viable counts of Cl. perfringens as described by Rhodehamel and Harmon (2006).

Challenge Test

The survival of Cl. perfringens spores in the presence of plantaricin UG1 were tested as follows: A series of test tubes, each containing 1g aliquots of solid food suspensions of tested samples, bacteriocin and the controls with containing spore suspension without bacteriocin as prepared previously.Samples and controls were incubated under anaerobic conditions as described previously by Rhodehamel and Harmon (2006) for 60hs. Every 10hs, two tubes (one tube of samples and one tube of controls) were taken and heat shocked by heating at 80oC for 15min. in a thermostatically water bath. The colony forming units of heat shocked samples and controls were determined as described previously (Garcia et al., 2001).


The effect of the bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 on growth of Cl. perfringens viable cells in both cooked meat broth and brain heart infusion broth is shown in Table 1. The viable cell population of Cl. perfringens in controls samples was significantly increased (P<0.05) from 105 to 9.8X108cfu/ml within 60hs but it significant decrease (P<0.05) in both treated broths by bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 from 105 to 2.9x103 and 8.7x102 cfu/ml respectively within 24hs. No viable counts of Cl. perfringens were detected in the bacteriocin treated culture media after 60hs of incubation.

Tale 1

Inhibition of Cl. perfringens ATCC13700 viable cells using plantaricin UG1 in culture media.

Brain heat infusion broth

Cooked meat broth














































Means by different superscripts in same column are different (P < 0.05)


The growth values (cfu/g) of Cl. perfringens in dairy product samples were shown in Table 2. Cl. perfringens could grow in all controls dairy samples and significantly increased (P<0.05) in their mean values from 105 to 5.8x107cfu/g within 60hs of incubation. However, in the bacteriocin plantaricin treated samples, the viable cell count of Cl. perfringens significantly decreased (P<0.05) gradually reaching 8.1x103 cfu/g; 6.0x103; 9.7x103 cfu/g after 60hr in kareish cheese, canned damiatta cheese and Ras cheese respectively. No organisms could be detected in the bacteriocin treated samples after further 3 days of storage.

Table 2

Growth of the Cl. perfringens ATCC 13700 viable cells in dairy product samples after bacteriocin plantaracin UG1 treatment.


Kareish cheese

Canned damiatta cheese

Ras cheese































































      Means by different superscripts in same column are different (P < 0.05)

The percentage of survived spores were  gradually decreased reaching 0.04%; 0.01% ; 0.02 % in kareish cheese; canned damiatta cheese and ras cheese respectively (Table, 3). While the percentage of inactivated spores were gradually increased reaching 99.96%; 99.99% and 99.98% respectively within 60 hs incubation.

Table 3

Inactivation percentages (%)of Cl. perfringens ATCC 13700 in dairy product samples


Kareish cheese

Canned damiatta cheese

Ras cheese

































































Cl. perfringens has been commonly isolated from dairy products collected from the supermarkets allover Egypt by many investigators (El-Bassiony, 1977; Bergere and Cerf, 1978; Shelaih, 1979, Saudi, 1980; El-Boudy, 1985; Sinha & Sinha, 1986 and Hatab, 1996). Consequently, dairy products could be incriminated in the food poisoning outbreaks especially when inadequate refrigeration was applied. In addition, late fermentation Clostridia (Cl. perfringens, Cl. sporogens and Cl. butyricum) were considered the most dangerous spoilage microorganisms in cheese making, causing blowing for cheese rendering it undesirable to consumer due to formation of off-flavors. Hence, controlling of Cl. perfringens spores in dairy products is one of the challenges facing food hygienists allover the world. Increasing the consumers demand for additives-free dairy products have led to greater interest in the application of natural inhibitory substances like bacteriocin as food bio-preservatives which could replace the use of chemical additives (Vaughan et al., 1994).

In this study, Cl. perfringens was re-isolated from inoculated dairy samples stored at 37oC.kareish, canned damiatta and Ras cheeses contained nearly 45% fat, 62% moisture content and not more than 5% salt. Cl. perfringens was reported to survive at sodium chloride concentrations up to 6% which were higher than used in normal fermented foods (Abd-el-Rahman, 1972; El-Bassiony, 1975 and Abdel-Hakiem, 1986). In addition, storage temperatures play an important role for growth of Cl .perfringens in dairy product samples.  Kramer and Schallehn, (1974) confirmed that dairy products must be stored at temperature below 15oCto prevent grows of Cl .perfringens.

The inactivation of Cl. perfringens by Lactobacillius plantarum bacteriocin in different foods contributes to a better understanding of the microbial processes. This of interest due to the wide applications of L. plantarum strains as starter cultures for food fermentation (Hugas et al., 1993).

The significant decrease in viable cells count of Cl. perfringens UG1 in treated dairy product samples by 100% within 60hr. were related to the anticlostridial activity of plantaricin UG1 at 37oC. plantaricin UG1 could be more effective as natural bio-preservative rather than other preservatives due to its inhibitory activity at acidic and neutral pH (Enan et al., 1994). Bacteriocin as a natural bio-preservative was recommended as food preservatives especiallyagainst lactic acid bacteria (Nettles and Barefoot, 1993), and more recently it was recommended against Cl. perfringens in a study conducted by Enan (2006). The bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 inactivate Cl. perfringens within three days of study in vitro and vivo. It could be attributed to bacteriocin effect which alter the tertiary structure of bacterial endospores making inactivated  spores (Lopez et al 2003) and killing effects of plantaricin UG1 against the germination of survivors (Enan, 2000).


Bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 could be used as a food additive and its producer, Lactobacillus plantarum UG1, as starter culture for milk fermentation to prevent the blowing of cheese due to clostridia contamination, without adverse effect on cheese quality. Although the inhibitory effect of bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 against Cl. perfringens in dairy product samples was confirmed in this study, more investigation may still required to clarify the use of bacteriocin plantaricin UG1 to controlfood-borne pathogens in dairy products to safe the consumers' health.


My indebtedness to Prof. Dr. G. Enan, professor of food microbiology, King Khalid Military Academy, Sauidi Arabia; and Prof. Dr. Ir. J. Debevere, Charman of Department of Food Technology and Food preservation at university of Gent, Belgium for providing the experimental  strains.



Abdel-Hakiem E.H. (1986): Sanitary condition of milk, fermented milk, kareish cheese and butter manufactured in Assiut Province,  MV.Sc. Thesis. Faculty of Vet. Med., Assiut  Univeristy, Egypt.

Abdel-Rahman, H.A. (1972): Studies on Egyptian white cheese. M.V.Sc. Thesis Fac. Vet. Med. Cairo University, Egypt.

Bergere, J.L. and Cerf, O. (1978): Spore forming bacteria in heat treated soft cheese. International Dairy Congres, Vol. E.:766.

Bhunia, A.K., Johnoson, M.C. and Ray, B. (1988): Purification, characterization and antimicrobial spectrum of bacteriocin produced by Pediococcus acidilactici. J. Appl.  Bacteriol., 65:261-268.

Craven, S.E. and Blankenship, L.C. (1985): Activation and injury of Clostridum perfringens spores by alcohols. Appl.Environ.Microbiol., 50: 249-256.

De Man, J.C., Rogosa, M. and Sharp, M.E. (1960): A medium for the cultivation of lactobacilli. J. Appl. Bacterial, 23:130-138.

Duncan, C.L. and Strong, D.H. (1968): Improved medium for sporulation of Clostridium perfringens. App. Microbiol., 16: 82-89.

El-Bassiony, T.A. (1975): Studies on Kareish cheese in Upper Egypt. M.V.Sc. Thesis Fac. Vet. Med. Assiut Univ. Egypt.

El-Bassiony, T.A. (1977): Incidence of pathogenic microorganisms and viability of some food poisoning bacteria in kariesh cheese during storage. Ph.D. Thesis, Fac. Vet. Med. Assiut, Univ. Egypt.

El-Boudy, A.A. (1985): Studies on spore forming poisoning organisms in milk and some milk products. M.V.Sc. Thesis, Fac. Vet. Med. Alexandria Univ. Egypt.

Enan, G. (2000): Inhibition of B. cereus ATCC 14579 by plantaricin UG1 in vitro and in food. Nahrung/Food, 44: 364-367.

Enan, G. (2006): Inhibition of Clostridium perfringens LMG 11264 in meat samples of chicken, turkey and beef by the Bacteriocin Plantaricin UG1. Intern. J. of Poultry Science 5 (2):195-200.

Enan, G., El-sayed, M.A., El-Essawy, A.A. and Debeveere, J. (1994): Influence of growth medium on Lactobillus plantarum UG1 growth and bacteriocin production. Proceedings of the 7th forum for Applied  Biotec. Brugge,  Belgium, 2311-2316.

Enan, G., Uyttendaele, M., El-Essawy, A.A. and Debevere, J. (1996): Antibacterial activity of Lactobacilluss plantarum UG1 isolated from dry sausage: characterization, production and bactericidal action of plantaricin UG1 in vitro and in food. International J. Food Microbiol., 30: 189-215.

Enan, G.; Abdel-Salam, H and El-Azouni, I (2004): Partial purification of plantaricin UG1: an anticlostridial bacteriocin produced by L. plantarum UG1, Egypt . J. Microbiol., 9:251-266.

Garcia, J.C., Limon, J.C. and Heredia, N.L. (2001): Cross protection by heat and cold shock to lethal temperatures in Clostridium perfringens. Brazilian J. Microbiol., 32: 110-112.

Hatab, M.A. (1996): prevalence of clostridia in milk and some dairy products. Ph.D. Thesis. Fac. Vet. Med. Zagazig Univ. Egypt.

Hugas, M; Garriga, M.; Aymerich, T. and Monfort, J.M. (1993): Biochemical characterization of lactobacilli from dry fermented sausages. Int. J. Food  Microbiol. 18: 107-113.

Kramer, J. and Schallehn, G. (1974): Effect of enterocin of Clostridium perfringens and Clostridum septimum. Zentralbl Bakterial., 1: 105-113.

Lopez, P.T.; Riog, I.X. and Guamis, B. (2003): Inactivation of Bacillus cereus endospores in cheese by high hydrostatic pressure with addition of nisin or lysozyme. J. Dairy Sci., 88: 3075-3081.

Martel, A.; Devrise, L.A.; Cauwverts, K.; De Gussem, K.; Decostere, A. and Haesebrouck, F. (2004): Susceptibility of Cl. perfringens strains from broiler chickens to antibiotics anticoccidials. Avain., Pathol., 1: 3-7.

Nettles, C.G. and Barefoot, S.F.(1993): Biochemical and genetic characteristics of bacteriocin of food associated lactic acid bacteria. J. Food Prot., 56: 338-358.

Rhodehamel, J.E. and Harmon, S.M. (2006): Clostridum perfringens. Bacteriological analytical manual on line, pp:1-6.

Saudi, A.M. (1980): Microbiological studies in food poisoning microorganisms in some market dairy products. Ph.D. Thesis. Fac. Vet. Med. Cairo Univ., Egypt.

Shelaih, M.A. (1979): Microbiological studies on Egyptian soft cheese. Ph.D. Thesis. Fac. Vet. Med. Cairo Univ. Egypt.

Sinha, R.N. and Sinha, P.R. (1986): Incidence of clostridia with reference to dairy processing. J. Food Sci. and Tech., India, 25:2,101-102.

Steele, F.M. and Wright, K.H. (2001): Cooling rate effect on outgrowth of Clostridum perfringens in cooked, ready-t0-eat turkey breast roasts. Poult. Sci., 6:813-816.

Teo, A.Y. and Tan, H.M. (2005): Inhibition of Clostridium perfringens by a noval strain of B. subtidis isolated from gastrointestinal tracts of healthy chickens. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 71:4185-4190.

Vaughan, E.E.; Caplice, E.; Looney, R.; O'Rourke, N.; Conveney, H.; Daly, C. and Fitzgerald, G.F.(1994): Isolation from food sources of lactic acid bacteria that produce antimicrobials. J. Appl. Bacteriol., 76: 118-123.

Wise, M.G. and Sirgusa, G.R. (2005): Quantitative detection of Clostridium perfringens in the broiler foil gastrointestinal tract by real time PCR. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 71: 3911-3961.

Abdel-Hakiem E.H. (1986): Sanitary condition of milk, fermented milk, kareish cheese and butter manufactured in Assiut Province,  MV.Sc. Thesis. Faculty of Vet. Med., Assiut  Univeristy, Egypt.
Abdel-Rahman, H.A. (1972): Studies on Egyptian white cheese. M.V.Sc. Thesis Fac. Vet. Med. Cairo University, Egypt.
Bergere, J.L. and Cerf, O. (1978): Spore forming bacteria in heat treated soft cheese. International Dairy Congres, Vol. E.:766.
Bhunia, A.K., Johnoson, M.C. and Ray, B. (1988): Purification, characterization and antimicrobial spectrum of bacteriocin produced by Pediococcus acidilactici. J. Appl.  Bacteriol., 65:261-268.
Craven, S.E. and Blankenship, L.C. (1985): Activation and injury of Clostridum perfringens spores by alcohols. Appl.Environ.Microbiol., 50: 249-256.
De Man, J.C., Rogosa, M. and Sharp, M.E. (1960): A medium for the cultivation of lactobacilli. J. Appl. Bacterial, 23:130-138.
Duncan, C.L. and Strong, D.H. (1968): Improved medium for sporulation of Clostridium perfringens. App. Microbiol., 16: 82-89.
El-Bassiony, T.A. (1975): Studies on Kareish cheese in Upper Egypt. M.V.Sc. Thesis Fac. Vet. Med. Assiut Univ. Egypt.
El-Bassiony, T.A. (1977): Incidence of pathogenic microorganisms and viability of some food poisoning bacteria in kariesh cheese during storage. Ph.D. Thesis, Fac. Vet. Med. Assiut, Univ. Egypt.
El-Boudy, A.A. (1985): Studies on spore forming poisoning organisms in milk and some milk products. M.V.Sc. Thesis, Fac. Vet. Med. Alexandria Univ. Egypt.
Enan, G. (2000): Inhibition of B. cereus ATCC 14579 by plantaricin UG1 in vitro and in food. Nahrung/Food, 44: 364-367.
Enan, G. (2006): Inhibition of Clostridium perfringens LMG 11264 in meat samples of chicken, turkey and beef by the Bacteriocin Plantaricin UG1. Intern. J. of Poultry Science 5 (2):195-200.
Enan, G., El-sayed, M.A., El-Essawy, A.A. and Debeveere, J. (1994): Influence of growth medium on Lactobillus plantarum UG1 growth and bacteriocin production. Proceedings of the 7th forum for Applied  Biotec. Brugge,  Belgium, 2311-2316.
Enan, G., Uyttendaele, M., El-Essawy, A.A. and Debevere, J. (1996): Antibacterial activity of Lactobacilluss plantarum UG1 isolated from dry sausage: characterization, production and bactericidal action of plantaricin UG1 in vitro and in food. International J. Food Microbiol., 30: 189-215.
Enan, G.; Abdel-Salam, H and El-Azouni, I (2004): Partial purification of plantaricin UG1: an anticlostridial bacteriocin produced by L. plantarum UG1, Egypt . J. Microbiol., 9:251-266.
Garcia, J.C., Limon, J.C. and Heredia, N.L. (2001): Cross protection by heat and cold shock to lethal temperatures in Clostridium perfringens. Brazilian J. Microbiol., 32: 110-112.
Hatab, M.A. (1996): prevalence of clostridia in milk and some dairy products. Ph.D. Thesis. Fac. Vet. Med. Zagazig Univ. Egypt.
Hugas, M; Garriga, M.; Aymerich, T. and Monfort, J.M. (1993): Biochemical characterization of lactobacilli from dry fermented sausages. Int. J. Food  Microbiol. 18: 107-113.
Kramer, J. and Schallehn, G. (1974): Effect of enterocin of Clostridium perfringens and Clostridum septimum. Zentralbl Bakterial., 1: 105-113.
Lopez, P.T.; Riog, I.X. and Guamis, B. (2003): Inactivation of Bacillus cereus endospores in cheese by high hydrostatic pressure with addition of nisin or lysozyme. J. Dairy Sci., 88: 3075-3081.
Martel, A.; Devrise, L.A.; Cauwverts, K.; De Gussem, K.; Decostere, A. and Haesebrouck, F. (2004): Susceptibility of Cl. perfringens strains from broiler chickens to antibiotics anticoccidials. Avain., Pathol., 1: 3-7.
Nettles, C.G. and Barefoot, S.F.(1993): Biochemical and genetic characteristics of bacteriocin of food associated lactic acid bacteria. J. Food Prot., 56: 338-358.
Rhodehamel, J.E. and Harmon, S.M. (2006): Clostridum perfringens. Bacteriological analytical manual on line, pp:1-6.
Saudi, A.M. (1980): Microbiological studies in food poisoning microorganisms in some market dairy products. Ph.D. Thesis. Fac. Vet. Med. Cairo Univ., Egypt.
Shelaih, M.A. (1979): Microbiological studies on Egyptian soft cheese. Ph.D. Thesis. Fac. Vet. Med. Cairo Univ. Egypt.
Sinha, R.N. and Sinha, P.R. (1986): Incidence of clostridia with reference to dairy processing. J. Food Sci. and Tech., India, 25:2,101-102.
Steele, F.M. and Wright, K.H. (2001): Cooling rate effect on outgrowth of Clostridum perfringens in cooked, ready-t0-eat turkey breast roasts. Poult. Sci., 6:813-816.
Teo, A.Y. and Tan, H.M. (2005): Inhibition of Clostridium perfringens by a noval strain of B. subtidis isolated from gastrointestinal tracts of healthy chickens. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 71:4185-4190.
Vaughan, E.E.; Caplice, E.; Looney, R.; O'Rourke, N.; Conveney, H.; Daly, C. and Fitzgerald, G.F.(1994): Isolation from food sources of lactic acid bacteria that produce antimicrobials. J. Appl. Bacteriol., 76: 118-123.
Wise, M.G. and Sirgusa, G.R. (2005): Quantitative detection of Clostridium perfringens in the broiler foil gastrointestinal tract by real time PCR. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 71: 3911-3961.