Document Type : Research article


1 Département des Sciences Vétérinaires, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, Université IBN-Khaldoun de Tiaret, Algérie

2 Département des Sciences Vétérinaires, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, Université IBN-Khaldoun de Tiaret, Algérie.

3 Département de Pathologie de la Reproduction, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes, Nantes, France.


SUMMARY The aim of this study was to prove the interest of injection of a synthetic analogue of PGF2qCloprostenol), in cows with retained placenta and
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006
whose are subject to manual deliverance. The study included 40 friesian cows breed, distributed on to 4 groups: (1) The first group, without treatment, (2) The 2nd group has been injected by saline (4 ml), the day of the delivery, (3) The 3rd group has been injected by PGF2a (4 ml, IM) the day of the delivery, (4) The 4th group has been injected twice by PGF2a (4 ml, IM): the day of the delivery and 15 days after. All cows were examined for uterine involution by rectal palpation on day 30 post partum. Afterwards they were re-examined 2-4 weeks later. The parameters used to measure subsequent reproductive performance were days to first service, days open, first service conception rate and conception rate. The history of each animal was observed up to next pregnancy when possible. Treatment of retained placenta with a single or two intramuscular injections of 500 mg Cloprostenol have a significant effect on reproductive performance in treated group 3 and 4, than in control groups (1 and 2). This significant effect was noted in reducing the interval frombirth to first mating, the interval from birth to conception and the number of service by conception. However, we have observed no significant effect between the group 3 and 4, for the same parameters of evaluation. However, a single injection of Cloprostenol at the moment of deliverance had a positive repercussion on the ulterior fertility and it's not necessary to repeat the treatment 15 days later.


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006

Département des Sciences Vétérinaires, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, Université IBN-Khaldoun de Tiaret, Algérie.



(With 2 Tables)



and D. TAINTURIER* * Département de Pathologie de la Reproduction, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes, Nantes, France.

(Received at 16/3/2006)

تقييم عدة طرق لمعالجة إحتباس المشيمة عند الأبقار بإستعمال هرمون

البروستاجلاندين في ألفا، في الجزائر عبد اللطیف نیار،خالد زيدان،مختار بن شهرة،دانیال تانتوریی هدف هذه الدراسة هو تسليط الضوء على أهمية إستعمال هرمون البروستاجلاندين عند الأبقار التي تعاني من مشکلة إحتباس

المشيمة. شملت هذه الدراسة 40 بقرة من سلالة الفريزيان، قسمت إلى أربعة مجاميع متساوية (ن=۱۰). المجموعة الأولى استعملت کشاهد. المجموعة الثانية حقنت بالماء المقطر فقط. المجموعة الثالثة حقنت بهرمون البروستاجلاندين، في اليوم الذي لوحظ فيه إحتباس المشيمة. الجموعة الرابعة حقنت بنفس هرمون البروستاجلاندين، لکن بواسطة جرعتين: الجرعة الأولى في بداية العلاج والثانية في اليوم الخامس عشر بعد الحقنه الأولى. کل الأبقار تم الکشف عن مدى تراجع الرحم فيها، في اليوم الثلاثين من الولادة، بطريقة جس المستقيم باليد. تقييم الکفاءة التناسلية في الأبقار المعالجة کانت تهدف إلى دراسة الوقت الخاص للشيوع ابتداء من يوم الولادة، الأيام المفتوحة في هذه الأبقار، نسبة التلقيح في التسفيد الأول، ونسبة التلقيح الکلية. لم نلاحظ إختلاف نسبی بين أبقار المجموعة الثالثة والرابعة، لکن کانت النسبة متباينه بين المجموعة الأولى والثانية والآخرين. أهمية حقن الهرمون تمثلت في تقليص الفترة ما بين الولادة وعودة الشيوع في الأبقار، وتقليص الفترة ما بين الولادة والتلقيح، وکذلک تقليص عدد التلقيحات للحصول على الحمل عند هذه الأبقار.

SUMMARY The aim of this study was to prove the interest of injection of a synthetic analogue of PGF2qCloprostenol), in cows with retained placenta and


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006

whose are subject to manual deliverance. The study included 40 friesian cows breed, distributed on to 4 groups: (1) The first group, without treatment, (2) The 2nd group has been injected by saline (4 ml), the day of the delivery, (3) The 3rd group has been injected by PGF2a (4 ml, IM) the day of the delivery, (4) The 4th group has been injected twice by PGF2a (4 ml, IM): the day of the delivery and 15 days after. All cows were examined for uterine involution by rectal palpation on day 30 post partum. Afterwards they were re-examined 2-4 weeks later. The parameters used to measure subsequent reproductive performance were days to first service, days open, first service conception rate and conception rate. The history of each animal was observed up to next pregnancy when possible. Treatment of retained placenta with a single or two intramuscular injections of 500 mg Cloprostenol have a significant effect on reproductive performance in treated group 3 and 4, than in control groups (1 and 2). This significant effect was noted in reducing the interval frombirth to first mating, the interval from birth to conception and the number of service by conception. However, we have observed no significant effect between the group 3 and 4, for the same parameters of evaluation. However, a single injection of Cloprostenol at the moment of deliverance had a positive repercussion on the ulterior fertility and it's not necessary to repeat the treatment 15 days later.

Key words: Retained placenta, late uterine involution, PGF2a, dairy cows.


Estimates of the annual incidence of uterine infections in postpartum animals in herds range from 10 to 50% of the dairy cattle (Arthur et al, 1992 and Lewis, 1997). Early identification and diagnosis of reproductive problems through a herd health program are an essential part of successful dairy management. A cow must be pregnant by 85 day post partum to achieve a 12-month calving interval. This is the backbone of sound reproductive management in an economical dairy business (Greaves and Mc Lean, 2002; Mateus et al, 2002).

Many factors during late gestation, parturition and early lactation can lower reproduction efficiency. These include mastitis, cystic ovaries, lack of body condition, retained placenta and anestrus. Also, certains disorders occur together. For example, a cow with milk fever will frequently have a retained placenta. These post partum problems lengthen calving intervals and affect reproductive efficiency (Roberts, 1986).


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006

In most herds, 10% or more of the cows will still have their placenta attached at 24 or more hours after calving. Most animals or cows will normally expel their placentae within 12 hours. Retained placentas are more frequent in cases of dystocia, toxins, abortions and certain infectious diseases (brucellosis, chlamydiosis and Q-fever. Cows with a history of not expelling the placenta will probably continue to have problems (Bekane et al, 1994 and Frederiksson et al, 1985).

Selenium appears to play an important role to placental release. Selenium appears to be involved in the release of prostaglandin. Prostaglandin may induce the release of the placenta by stimulating collagenase activity. Collagenase breaks down collagen, the material that cements the cells of the uterus and placenta together. Vitamins A and D are also involved (Abo-Shusha, 1990; Osman and Shehata, 1992 and Hemmingway, 2003).

Cows should also be provided whith a clean, comfortable calving area. Sanitation is essential to prevent uterine infections as well as getting the calf off to a god healthy start (Laven and Peters, 1996 and Sabry et al, 1997).

If treatment of retained placenta is necessary, it is desirable to use drugs that do not cause residue problems in milk, such as oxytocin and prostaglandin. These drugs increase uterine motility.

Intramuscular injections of PGF a have become the preferred treatment for retained placenta in cattle, in many countries (Lewis, 2003; Scott et al, 2005). Exogenous PGFza is used to induce luteolysis and clear uterine infections. In fact, PGF2a seems to have effects that are independent of its effects on corpus luteum function. Even though exogenous PGF2e has become the preferred treatment, intrauterine and systemic antibiotic treatments are common in many countries (Chenault, 2001). General concerns about the relationship between antibiotic used in livestock and the potential for accelerating the evolution of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria have aimed our research at determining whether nonantibiotic, native compounds can be used to enhance host immunity and prevent or resolve uterine infections (Roberts, 1986; Laven and Peters, 1996; Koningsson, 2001 and Lewis, 2003).

PGF2a is a proinflammatory molecule that stimulates the production of various proinflammatory cytokines, and it may enhance uterine production of leukotriene B4. Proinflammatory cytokines and leukotriene B4 enhance phagocytosis and lymphocyte functions. Even though, there are clear associations among prostaglandin F2a, leukotriene B4, proinflammatory cytokines, phagocytosis, and


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lymphocyte functions. The mechanism of action of exogenous PGF2a in overriding the down-regulatory effects of progesterone and resolving uterine infections has not been elucidated. Defining this mechanism should yield new prevention and treatment strategies for uterine infections that do not rely on antibiotic and antimicrobial compounds (Roberts, 1986 and Guilbault et al. 1989 and Dhaliwal et al, 2001).


In a field trial Cloprostenol (Estrumater), a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin Fza was used therapeutically, after diagnosis of retained placenta (fetal membranes were considered retained if not expelled within twelve hours after parturition). The trial was conducted from January to December 2005 on several commercial dairy herds in Tiaret, Algeria. A total of 40 Friesian cows, were enrolled in the study. Animals were allotted in 4 groups of 10 cows.

In each group, an attempt was made to remove carefully the fetal membranes. After the manipulation, an intrauterine antibiotic treatment was administered. Cows of the 4 experimental groups have received the following treatments: Control group 1: received no treatment. Control group 2: received only an intramuscular injection of 4 ml of saline. Group 3: received a single intramuscular injection of 500 mg Cloprostenol (4 ml Estrumate®) at the day of delivery. Group 4: received two intramuscular injection of 500 mg Cloprostenol (4 ml Estrumate®). The first injection at the beginning of the treatment, within the 5 days after birth, and the second injection, 15 days after the first injection.

All cows were examined for uterine involution control by rectal palpation on day 30 post-partum.

Afterwards they were re-examined two to four weeks later. The parameters used to measure subsequent reproductive performance included days to first service, days open, first service conception rate, and conception rate. The history of each animal was observed up to next pregnancy when possible.


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A/ Uterine involution:

Uterine involution has been studied and quantified by mean of rectal palpation of internal genital tract and results are presented on Table 1:

Table 1: Relationship between Cloprostenol (PGF2«) injection, and

uterine involution in treated versus not treated cows.

Group I: Total %

Group II : Total %

Group III :

Total %

Group IV:

Total %

Uterine involution control at day 30 Normal uterine Involution

30% (n = 3)

40% (n = 4)

60% (n=6)

70% (n=7)

20% (n=2)

10% (n = 1)

20% (n=2)

20% (n=2)

Sub involution Delayed uterine involution (metritis)

50% (n=5)

50 % (n=5)

20% (n=2)

10% (n = 1)


100% (n=10)

100% (n=10)

100% (n = 10)

100% (n = 10)

In the absence of treatment, only 30 % of the cows in group 1 and 2 have presented a normal uterine involution. With a single intramuscular injection of 500 mg Cloprostenol (PGF2a) at the day of delivery, the results were better, and uterine involution was done within the deadlines in 60 % of the cases (n = 6), and that among this group, two cows had a delay of uterine involution.

For group 4, cows having received a double injection of PGF2a, one the day of delivery and the second 15 days after, the percentage of the subjects having had a normal involution was 70 % of the cases (n=7), appreciably higher compared to those which underwent a single injection. In this group, only one cow underwent a delay of uterine involution. B) Fertility: Table 2: Relationship between Cloprostenol (PGF2«) injection and

fertility parameters, in treated versus not treated cows.



Number of services Mean

% of non return in heats






Interval Birth - First Mating | Birth - Conception

[Mean] 86,7

116,7 72,9

112,3 61,7

80,7 59,5



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

50 % 60 %


80 %

10 10




Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006

Fertility parameters of each cow of the fourth studied groups were evaluated, starting from the number of services (here, number of natural mating), interval birth to first mating, interval birth to conception, and finally the percentage of non return in heat.

In the absence of treatment for groups 1 and 2, the animals underwent an average of 2 to 2.2 mating by conception, against 1,5 to 1,4 for the animals of groups 3 and 4 having respectively received 1 and 2 injections of Cloprostenol. With regard to the interval birth to conception, the results confirm the really influence of PGF2« treatments. Thus, cows treated with 1 or 2 injections of Cloprostenol were respectively fertilized 36 and 46,7 days earlier than not treated cows.


For uterine involution control, each cow of the fourth groups was submitted to a transrectal examination, practised on day 30 post partur The criteria selected were the degree of opening and the position of the cervix, the nature and the volume of the flows, the diameter of the uterine horns as well as the presence of an ovarian activity.

During present experiments, 30 % only of cows presented a normal uterine involution in the absence of PGF2a treatment (group 1 and 2), against 50 and 60 % for the animals treated respectively by a single injection (group 3) or two injections (group 4). These results are lower than those published by authors having used "étiproston", another synthetic analogue of PGF2a, in cows whose delivery was spontaneous. Tainturier (1991) has found the following averages: 36 %, 70, 1 % and 80,2% respectively for control group, group 2 (having received a single injection of PGF2a) and group 3 (having received a double injection of PGF2a).

Cardin (2000), obtained 50 % of normal uterine involution in the control group against 80 % for the treated groups. Concerning the rates of metritis (delay of uterine involution) observed in this present work, they were 30 %, 20% and 10% respectively for groups I, III and IV. Present results are similar to those published by Mami (1997), who has followed the same protocol by using étiproston and by delivering the cows manually. The rates observed by Ilari (1998) are also close as our results, and found 40 %, 15,8 % and 10 % respectively for groups 1, 2 and 3.

We have observed an average of 2, 2 to 2, O respectively for control groups (1 and 2), against 1,5 and 1,4 respectively for group 3


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006

(having received a single injection) and group 4 (having received a double injection of PGF2d, at 15 days interval). These results are comparable with those found by Ilari and Cardin.

Control Group Group 1: Single Group 2: Double

injection of PGF2a injection of PGF2a Ilari (1998)

1,8 Cardin (2000)







In addition, Tainturier (1991) brought back an average of 1,37 in Cows which received a single injection of étiproston.

Mami (1997) by using étiproston and by delivering the cows manually, has found 153 days, 98 days and 67 days respectively for control groups (1 and 2), and group 4 (having received a double injection of PGF2a, at 15 days interval). These averages are very close as of our results: 116 28,9 day, 80,7 + 12,27 days and 70 17,36 days, respectively for groups 1, 2 and 4. Ilari (1998) and Cardin (2000) have also observed comparable results:

Control Group Group 1 : Single Group 2: Double

injection of PGF2a injection of PGF2a Ilari (1998) 114,4 + 51 101,7 32,7

98,4 = 44 Cardin (2000) 114,4 51

98,5 = 45,3


However, it should be noted that the standard deviations of the average values are more significant at Ilari and Cardin compared to our results. That marks a great individual variability inside the two batches.


The good course of the postpartum is essential for the reproductive future of the milk cow. The placental retention, current affection after births, involves a fall of cow's reproductive performances: Delayed uterine involution, lengthening of birth conception intervals. Taking into account the specific role of PGF2a and its synthesis analogues of synthesis on the genital tract (uterotonicity and luteolysis), the experimentation of a double injection of PGF2a (Cloprostenol), the day of birth, and 15 days after was tried. The uterotonic effect of Cloprostenol seems to be beneficial, and which results in a faster involution uterine (cervix positioned in the pelvic area within 30 days) in the treated compared to non treated cows. Likewise,


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006

the rate of delayed uterine involution (metritis) passes from 30 and 40 % respectively for group's 1 and 2 (untreated animals) to 20 and 10 % respectively for group's 3 and 4 (treated animals). The direct consequence of these changes is an improvement of the fruitfulness of the treated animals, resulting in a significant reduction (31,5 days) of birth conception interval, between group 2 (having received saline injection) and group 3 (having received a single injection of Cloprostenol). In the same way, the number of services by conception which falls of from 2 = 0, 66 for group 2 to 1,5= 0, 52 for group 3. In addition to that, the non return to estrus rate observes to him also a clear improvement with 80 and 90 % respectively for the treated groups 3 and 4 against 50 and 60 % respectively for the untreated groups 1 and 2.

We can also concluded from present results that saline injection for control group 2, does not induce any significant difference on the parameters studied compared to control group 1. Finally, a double injection of Cloprostenol (at 15 days interval) gives more favourable results than a single injection.


Abu-Shusha, A.H. (1990): Prophylactic strategies for minimizing the

retention of placenta in bovines. Thesis, M.V.Sci., Zagazig

Univ., Egypt. Arthur, G.H.; Noakes, D.E. and Pearson, H. (1989): Veterinary

Reproduction and Obstetrics, 6th Edition Philadelphia: Baillière

Tindall, London. Bekana. M: Jonsson P: Ekmon T. and Kindahl. II. (1994):

Intrauterine bacterial findings in postpartum cows with retained

fetal membranes. J.Vet. Med. A., 41: 663 - 670. Cardin, G. (2000): Intérêt de l'injection d'un analogue de la PgF2a ,15

jours après le vêlage chez les vaches laitières présentant une rétention placentaire. Thèse de Docteur Vétérinaire. Ecole

Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes. Chenault, J.R.; Mc Allister, J.F.; Chester, S.T.; Dame, K.J. and

Kausche, F.M. (2001): Efficacy of ceftiofur hydrochloride administered parenterally for five consecutive days for treatment of acute postpartum metritis in dairy cows. 34th Annual Convention Proceedings, Am Assoc Bovine

Practitioners, 34:137-138. Dhaliwal, G.S.; Murray, R.D. and Woldehiwet, Z. (2001): Some aspects


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006

of immunology of the uterus related to treatment for

endometritis. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 67 (3-4): 135 -- 152. Frederiksson, G.; Kindahl, H.; Sandstedt, K. and Edquist, L.E. (1985):

Intrauterine bacterial findings and release of PGF in the posbl.

Vet. Med. A., 32: 368-380. Greaves, W.M. and Mc Lean, A.K. (2002): Solving post partum breeding

problems. Bulletin N° 1211; Cooperative Extension Service; University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and

Environmental Science. Gross, T.S., Williams, W.F. and Moreland, T.W. (1986): Prevention of

retained fetal membrane syndrome (retained placental) during

induced calving in dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 26, 3, 365-370. Gross, T.S.; Williams, W.F. and Russek-Cohen, E. (1991): Cellular

changes in the peripartum bovine fetal placenta related to

placental separation. Placenta, 1-2, 12 (1): 27-35. Guilbault, L.A.; Thatcher, W.W: Drost, M. and Hopkins, SM. (1989

Source of F series prostaglandins during the early postpartum

period in cattle. Biol. of Reproduction, 31:879-887. Ilari, F. (1998): Intérêt de l'injection d'un analogue de la PgF2a 240 à

48 heures après le vêlage chez les vaches laitières présentant une rétention placentaire. Thèse de Docteur Vétérinaire. Ecole

Vétérinaire de Nantes. Koningsson, K.; Gustafsson, H.; Gunnarsson, A. and Kindahl, H.

(2001): Clinical and bacteriological aspects on the use of oxytetracycline and flunixin in primiparous cows with induced retained placenta and postpartal endometritis. Reprod. Domest.

Anim. 36 (5): 247-256. Lewis, G.S. (1997): Uterine health and disorders. J. Dairy Sciences, 80:

984-994. Lewis, G.S. (2003): Steroidal regulation of uterine resistance to bacterial

infection in livestock. Reproductive Biology and

Endocrinology, 1:117. Mami, H. (1997): Utilisation de l'étiproston après délivrance manuelle

chez la vache et sa répercussion sur les performances de la

fertilité. Thèse Doc. Vét. Tunisie. Osman, A.M. and Shehata, H.M. (1992): Prophylactic reduction of

retained placenta in buffaloes and subsequent fertility. 12th Int. Congr. Anim. Reprod. The Hague, The Netherlands, August 23 27th, Vol. 2, 271.


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006

Scott, A.M.; Schouten, M.J.; Gaiser, J.C.; Belschner, A.P. and Jordan,

E.R. (2005): Effect of intrauterine administration of ceftiofur on fertility and risk of culling in post parturient cows with retained fetal membranes. Twins, or both. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 15;

226 (12): 2044 - 2052. Tainturier, D.; Zaiem, I., Ascher, F.; Handaja Kusuma, P.; Fieni, F;

Bruyas, J.F. and Wyers, M. (1991): Comparaison de deux analogues de la PgF2a: L'étiproston et le Cloprostenol dans la traitement des métrites post-partum chez la vache. journées scientifiques du réseau biotechnologies animales de I'UREF. Dakar (Sénégal), 5-8.


Abu-Shusha, A.H. (1990): Prophylactic strategies for minimizing the
retention of placenta in bovines. Thesis, M.V.Sci., Zagazig
Univ., Egypt. Arthur, G.H.; Noakes, D.E. and Pearson, H. (1989): Veterinary
Reproduction and Obstetrics, 6th Edition Philadelphia: Baillière
Tindall, London. Bekana. M: Jonsson P: Ekmon T. and Kindahl. II. (1994):
Intrauterine bacterial findings in postpartum cows with retained
fetal membranes. J.Vet. Med. A., 41: 663 - 670. Cardin, G. (2000): Intérêt de l'injection d'un analogue de la PgF2a ,15
jours après le vêlage chez les vaches laitières présentant une rétention placentaire. Thèse de Docteur Vétérinaire. Ecole
Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes. Chenault, J.R.; Mc Allister, J.F.; Chester, S.T.; Dame, K.J. and
Kausche, F.M. (2001): Efficacy of ceftiofur hydrochloride administered parenterally for five consecutive days for treatment of acute postpartum metritis in dairy cows. 34th Annual Convention Proceedings, Am Assoc Bovine
Practitioners, 34:137-138. Dhaliwal, G.S.; Murray, R.D. and Woldehiwet, Z. (2001): Some aspects
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006
of immunology of the uterus related to treatment for
endometritis. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 67 (3-4): 135 -- 152. Frederiksson, G.; Kindahl, H.; Sandstedt, K. and Edquist, L.E. (1985):
Intrauterine bacterial findings and release of PGF in the posbl.
Vet. Med. A., 32: 368-380. Greaves, W.M. and Mc Lean, A.K. (2002): Solving post partum breeding
problems. Bulletin N° 1211; Cooperative Extension Service; University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and
Environmental Science. Gross, T.S., Williams, W.F. and Moreland, T.W. (1986): Prevention of
retained fetal membrane syndrome (retained placental) during
induced calving in dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 26, 3, 365-370. Gross, T.S.; Williams, W.F. and Russek-Cohen, E. (1991): Cellular
changes in the peripartum bovine fetal placenta related to
placental separation. Placenta, 1-2, 12 (1): 27-35. Guilbault, L.A.; Thatcher, W.W: Drost, M. and Hopkins, SM. (1989
Source of F series prostaglandins during the early postpartum
period in cattle. Biol. of Reproduction, 31:879-887. Ilari, F. (1998): Intérêt de l'injection d'un analogue de la PgF2a 240 à
48 heures après le vêlage chez les vaches laitières présentant une rétention placentaire. Thèse de Docteur Vétérinaire. Ecole
Vétérinaire de Nantes. Koningsson, K.; Gustafsson, H.; Gunnarsson, A. and Kindahl, H.
(2001): Clinical and bacteriological aspects on the use of oxytetracycline and flunixin in primiparous cows with induced retained placenta and postpartal endometritis. Reprod. Domest.
Anim. 36 (5): 247-256. Lewis, G.S. (1997): Uterine health and disorders. J. Dairy Sciences, 80:
984-994. Lewis, G.S. (2003): Steroidal regulation of uterine resistance to bacterial
infection in livestock. Reproductive Biology and
Endocrinology, 1:117. Mami, H. (1997): Utilisation de l'étiproston après délivrance manuelle
chez la vache et sa répercussion sur les performances de la
fertilité. Thèse Doc. Vét. Tunisie. Osman, A.M. and Shehata, H.M. (1992): Prophylactic reduction of
retained placenta in buffaloes and subsequent fertility. 12th Int. Congr. Anim. Reprod. The Hague, The Netherlands, August 23 27th, Vol. 2, 271.
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 109 April 2006
Scott, A.M.; Schouten, M.J.; Gaiser, J.C.; Belschner, A.P. and Jordan,
E.R. (2005): Effect of intrauterine administration of ceftiofur on fertility and risk of culling in post parturient cows with retained fetal membranes. Twins, or both. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 15;
226 (12): 2044 - 2052. Tainturier, D.; Zaiem, I., Ascher, F.; Handaja Kusuma, P.; Fieni, F;
Bruyas, J.F. and Wyers, M. (1991): Comparaison de deux analogues de la PgF2a: L'étiproston et le Cloprostenol dans la traitement des métrites post-partum chez la vache. journées scientifiques du réseau biotechnologies animales de I'UREF. Dakar (Sénégal), 5-8.