Document Type : Research article


Dept. of Theriogenology Fac. Vet. Med. Alex., Univ. Egypt


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different trials for treatment of post partum (p.p.) ovarian inactivity in buffaloes and their economic values. 75 buffalo-cows not observed in estrus 3 months followed parturition, were used in this study. Clinical examinations and progesterone assay revealed ovarian inactivity. The animals were randomly allocated to 5 treatment groups. Group I (GI) was kept as control (injected by 5 ml saline). Group II (GII) was injected by 0.02 mg buserelin (5 ml Receptal, GnRH analogue). Group III (GIII) was injected by 40mg progesterone for successive 8 days and 0.02 mg buserelin at 8th day. Group IV (GIV) was injected by 40mg progesterone for successive
days and 2mg and lmg estradiol benzoate at 1st and 8th day respectively. Group V (GV) was injected by 10 ml tonophosphane daily for 2 days and received 200 gm disodium phosphate and 250 gm mineral mixture divided into 5 days with bran mash. All buffalo-cows were observed for estrus detection three times daily (at dawn, afternoon and evening). Animals came in estrus were naturally mated using fertile buffalo-bulls and their plasma were tested for progesterone level 8 days after mating. While animals did not came in estrus were weekly examined. Pregnancy diagnosis was done using rectal palpation 42 days after mating. The results indicated that, buffalo-cows came in estrus were 40%, 73.3%, 80%, 60% and 53.3% in GI, GII, GIII, GIV and GV respectively. GIII showed the shortest treatment-estrus interval (TEI), treatment conception interval (TCI) and days open (DO) (8.1+1.7, 20.9=4.7 and 116.4+6.1 days, respectively), followed by GIV (18.3+5.7, 31.9+5.7 and 127.76.1 days, respectively). While, the longest TEI, TCI and DO (52.6+4.6, 66.5+6.2 and 161.636.9 days, respectively) was obtained in GI. The lowest service per conception (S/C) (1.60+0.2) was obtained in GIII while, the highest was obtained in GV (1.86+0.3). The highest 1st service conception rate was obtained in GIII (60%) while, it was equal in other groups (46.7%). Plasma progesterone assay revealed
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006
highly significant increase in p < span style="text-decoration: underline;">rogesterone levels at day 8 post service
>ing /ml) indicating functioning corpora lutea. The obtained net profit, profit/cost ratio, net profit/return and net profit/cost in GIII were the highest followed by that of GIV. In conclusion, hormonal treatment of buffalo-cows proved useful in reducing the calving interval and to
increase fertility.


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Dept. of Theriogenology Fac. Vet. Med. Alex., Univ. Egypt



(With 5 Tables)

By K.K. METWELLY (Received at 19/9/2006)

علاج خمول المبايض بعد الولادة في الجاموس وتقييمة الاقتصادي

کمال کمال متولی

استهدفت هذه الدراسة تقييم تأثير محاولات علاجية مختلفة لخمول المبايض بعد الولادة في الجاموس وتقييمها الاقتصادي. اجريت هذه الدراسة على عدد ۷۵ جاموسة و التي لم يظهر عليها الشبق طيلة الثلاثة اشهر التالية للولادة وظهر في الفحص الإکلينيکي وتحليل هرمون البروجستيرون أنها تعاني من خمول المبايض. قسمت الحيوانات الي خمس مجموعات متساوية (هاجاموسة في کل منها). المجموعة الأولى: (ضابطة) تم حقنها ب ه مل محلول ملح فسيولوجي. المجموعة الثانية : تم حقنها به مل ريستال (الهرمون الحاث للغدة النخامية). المجموعة الثالثة: تم حقنها به 40 مجم بروجستيرون لمدة ثمانية أيام متتاليه وه مل ريستال في اليوم الثامن. المجموعة الرابعة: تم حقنها ب

40 مجم بروجستيرون لمدة ثمانية أيام متتالية و ۲ مجم و امجم من بنزوات الاستراديول في اليوم الأول و الثامن على الترتيب. المجموعة الخامسة: تم حقنها با ۱۰ مل تونوفوسفان لمدة يومين متتالين بالاضافة الى ۲۰۰ جرام ثنائي فوسفات الصوديوم و ۲۰۰ جرام من مخلوط المعادن والأملاح أعطيت مقسمة على خمسة أيام مخلوطة بالردة. تمت ملاحظة الحيوانات لرصد الشبق بواقع مرات يوميا ( فجرا - ظهرا - مساءا ) تم تلقيح الحيوانات التي أظهرت الشبق طبيعية کما جمعت عينات البلازما بعد ثمانية أيام من التلقيح لتحليل البروجستيرون. تم فحص الحيوانات التي لم تظهر عليها علامات الشبق أسبوعيا. تم تشخيص الحمل عن طريق الجس المستقیمی 4۲ يوم بعد التلقيح، أظهرت النتائج أن نسبة الحيوانات التي أظهرت الشبق کانت 40% و ۷۳٫۳ % و ۸۰% و60% و ۵۳٫۳ % في المجموعات من الأولى الى الخامسة على الترتيب. أظهرت المجموعة الثالثة أقصر مدة مابين العلاج و ظهور الشبق وما بين العلاج حتى الحمل وما بين الولادة حتى الحمل (۸٫۱ | ۱٫۷ و ۲۰٫۹+


و ۱۱۹,4 + 6٫۱ يوم على الترتيب. تلتها المجموعة الرابعة (۱۸٫۳ + ۰٫۷ و ۳۱٫۹ +

5,۷ و ۱۲۷٫۷ + 6٫۱ يوم على الترتيب. بينما أظهرت المجموعة الأولى الضابطة أطول مدة مابين العلاج و ظهور الشبق (۵۲,۶

+ 4,6 يوم) وما بين الع

لا ج والحمل (66,۰


6,۲ يوم ) وما بين الولادة و الحمل (۱۹۱٫6+6,۹

يوم). کان اقل معدل التلقيحات بالنسبة

الحدوث الحمل (۱٫6

۰٫۲) في المجموعة الثالثة وکان اعلاها في المجموعة الرابعة


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

۰٫۳) وکان أعلى معدل للحمل بعد التلقيحه الاولى هو ما سجلته المجموعة الثالثة


jenayo Julai yt.(% 21,V) Jbeall lia si ale apell caughan lain (%7.)

البروجستيرون في بلازما الدم الى زيادة مستواه عند اليوم الثامن بعد التلقيح في اشارة الى فعالية الجسم الأصفر في هذه المرحلة. کما أظهرت دراسات الربح والتکلفة الى أن أعلى قيم


الربحية کانت في المجموعة الثالثة تلتها المجموعة الرابعة. مما سبق يمکن أن نستخلص المعاملة الهرمونية لخمول المبايض في الجاموس بعد الولادة أدت إلى أفضل النتائج وأدت الى تحسن الخصوبة وتقصير الفترة ما بين الولادتين.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different trials for treatment of post partum (p.p.) ovarian inactivity in buffaloes and their economic values. 75 buffalo-cows not observed in estrus 3 months followed parturition, were used in this study. Clinical examinations and progesterone assay revealed ovarian inactivity. The animals were randomly allocated to 5 treatment groups. Group I (GI) was kept as control (injected by 5 ml saline). Group II (GII) was injected by 0.02 mg buserelin (5 ml Receptal, GnRH analogue). Group III (GIII) was injected by 40mg progesterone for successive 8 days and 0.02 mg buserelin at 8th day. Group IV (GIV) was injected by 40mg progesterone for successive

days and 2mg and lmg estradiol benzoate at 1st and 8th day respectively. Group V (GV) was injected by 10 ml tonophosphane daily for 2 days and received 200 gm disodium phosphate and 250 gm mineral mixture divided into 5 days with bran mash. All buffalo-cows were observed for estrus detection three times daily (at dawn, afternoon and evening). Animals came in estrus were naturally mated using fertile buffalo-bulls and their plasma were tested for progesterone level 8 days after mating. While animals did not came in estrus were weekly examined. Pregnancy diagnosis was done using rectal palpation 42 days after mating. The results indicated that, buffalo-cows came in estrus were 40%, 73.3%, 80%, 60% and 53.3% in GI, GII, GIII, GIV and GV respectively. GIII showed the shortest treatment-estrus interval (TEI), treatment conception interval (TCI) and days open (DO) (8.1+1.7, 20.9=4.7 and 116.4+6.1 days, respectively), followed by GIV (18.3+5.7, 31.9+5.7 and 127.76.1 days, respectively). While, the longest TEI, TCI and DO (52.6+4.6, 66.5+6.2 and 161.636.9 days, respectively) was obtained in GI. The lowest service per conception (S/C) (1.60+0.2) was obtained in GIII while, the highest was obtained in GV (1.86+0.3). The highest 1st service conception rate was obtained in GIII (60%) while, it was equal in other groups (46.7%). Plasma progesterone assay revealed


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

highly significant increase in progesterone levels at day 8 post service

>ing /ml) indicating functioning corpora lutea. The obtained net profit, profit/cost ratio, net profit/return and net profit/cost in GIII were the highest followed by that of GIV. In conclusion, hormonal treatment of buffalo-cows proved useful in reducing the calving interval and to

increase fertility.

Key words: Ovarian inactivity, infertility, estrus, parturation, buffalo-cows.


In recent decades, buffalo farming has expanded widely in Mediterranean areas and in Latin America, but also in Central/Northern Europe where several herds were introduced (Barile, 2005). Reproductive efficiency is the primary factor affecting productivity and is hampered, in female buffalo, by the late attainment of puberty, seasonality of calving, long postpartum anestrous and subsequent calving interval (Barile, 2005). Moreover, he added that, artificial insemination (AI), which is normal practice in cattle, is seldom performed in buffalo, because of the weakness of estrus symptoms and the variability of estrus length, which make estrus detection very difficult. Resumption of estrous cyclicity after calving which is a critical factor in obtaining a satisfactory reproductive performance, remains an important problem specially for buffaloes. Ovarian hypofunction tended the females to show long anestrous periods after calving which could extend to 11 months for buffaloes (Barr, 1963). Excessively long calving conception interval in the buffalo results in substantial economic losses, as well as creating managerial problems (Singh, et al., 1979). One of the most important factors responsible for ovarian inactivity during the postpartum period is believed to be suppressed pituitary function (Gordon, 1996). The ability of the pituitary to respond to GnRH is restored by day 20 postpartum in Murrah buffaloes (Palta and Madan, 1995). In addition, ovarian inactivity affected 30-40% of lactating buffaloes and persist until the calves are weaned naturally or separated from their dams (Gordon, 1996) for this reasons many treatment have been used to treat such cases.

This study aimed to evaluate some trials of treatments of post partum ovarian inactivity in Egyptian buffalo-cows and the economic evaluation of theses trials.


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006



This study was performed using buffalo-cows in their first, second or third lactation period. Seventy five buffalo-cows without a corpus luteum (CL) or follicles on their ovaries and without uterine or ovarian pathology upon rectal palpation and not detected in estrus at least for 3 months postpartum were used in this study. The animals were present in private farms in Kafr-El-Sheikh Province, Egypt. They were fed on balanced ration and free from internal and external parasites. Blood plasma progesterone assay by RIA (El-Banna et al., 1985) revealed that, the progesterone levels were < lng/ml. The clinical examinations and progesterone assay indicated ovarian inactivity. Average daily milk yield was recorded in all animals. Treatments:

The animals were divided randomly into five equal groups (15 buffalo-cows per each): Group I (GI) was kept as control and injected i.m. by 5 ml saline. Each case costed zero LE. Group II (GII) was injected i.m. by 0.02 mg buserelin (5 ml Receptal, GnRH analogue, Intervet International) given by two shots 1 hr interval (3 ml in first shot and 2 ml in second shot.). Each case costed 25 LE. Group III (GIII) was injected i.m. by 40 mg progesterone (Lutone, Misr Co. for Pharm. Ind. S.A.E., Egypt) for successive 8 days and 0.02 mg buserelin at 8' day at two shots 1 hr interval. (0.012 mg in first shot and 0.008 mg in second shot.). Each case costed 40 LE. Group IV (GIV) was injected by 40mg progesterone for successive 8 days and 2mg and 1mg estradiol benzoate (Folone, Misr Co. for Pharm. Ind. S.A.E., Egypt) at 1st and 8th day respectively. Each case costed 20 LE. Group V (GV) was injected by 10 ml tonophosphane (Intervet International) daily for 2 days and received 200 gm disodium phosphate (El-NasrPharm. Co., Egypt) and 250 gm mineral mixture (Agri-Vet, Egypt) divided on 5 days on bran mash. Each case costed 15 LE.

All buffalo-cows were observed for estrus detection three times daily (at dawn, afternoon and evening). Animals came in estrus were naturally mated using fertile buffalo-bulls (each mating costed 10 LE) and their plasma were tested for progesterone level 8 days after mating. While animals did not came in estrus were weekly examined. Pregna diagnosis was done using rectal palpation 42 days after mating.


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Reproductive efficiency measures of buffalo-cows were calculated: 1. Treatment estrus interval (TEI). 2. Treatment conception interval (TCI). 3. Calving conception interval (Days Open "DO"). 4. Number of services per conception (S/C). 5. First service conception rate. N.B. - The price of milk = 2.5 LE/kg Statistical analysis:

The obtained results were statistically analyzed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 1987).


The results are presented in tables 1-5. The effects of different treatments of ovarian inactivity in buffalo-cows (Table 1) indicating that the buffalo-cows came in estrus were 40%, 73.3%, 80%, 60% and 53.3% in GI, GII, GIII, GIV and GV respectively. The shortest TEI, TCI and DO (8.1+1.7, 20.9+4.7 and 116.4+6.1 days, respectively) were obtained in Group III followed by that in Group IV (18.3–5.7, 31.9+5.7 and 127.7+6.1 days, respectively). While, the longest TEI, TCI and DO (52.6+4.6, 66.56.2 and 161.6+6.9 days, respectively) were obtained in Group I (control group). The lowest S/C (1.60+0.2) was obtained in Group III while, the highest was obtained in Group V (1.86+0.3). The highest 1° service conception rate was obtained in Group III (60% while in other groups; it was equal (46.7%).

Blood plasma progesterone assay revealed that, in all Groups, there were highly significant (P <0.01increase in progesterone levels at day 8 post service (>1ng /ml) indicating functioning corpora lutea (Table 2).

Group III had DO less than Group IV, II, V and I by 11.3, 15.5, 40.9 and 45.2 days respectively. Group IV had DO less than Group II, V and I by 4.2, 29.6 and 33.9 days respectively. Group II had DO less than Group V and I by 25.4 and 29.7 days respectively. Group V had DO less than Group I by 4.3 days (Table 3).

Returns, cost and net profit of different treated groups of ovarian inactivity indicated that, Group III gave the highest net profit and the lowest cost followed by Group IV. However, the lowest net profit and highest cost were obtained in Group I (Table 4).

In the same manner, economic efficiency measures of drugs used in different treated groups of ovarian inactivity indicated that, the


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

highest profit/cost ratio, net profit/return and net profit/cost were obtained in Group III followed by that of Group IV. While the lowest were obtained in Group I (Table 5).


Table 1: Effects of different treatments of ovarian inactivity in buffalo

cows on their reproductive efficiency parameters (means=SE) Groups

Animals Animals I TEI TCI days)

1st service I DO No. respond to

conception (days) treatments


rate (%) Group I 15

6 (40.0%) 52.6+4.6 66.536.28 1.66+0.2


161.6–6.99 Group II 15 11 (73.3%) 20.5+2.96 35.9+6.26 1.73+0.2

131.926.55 Group III 15 12 (80.0%) 08.11.76 20.9+4.75 1.60£0.2 60.02 116.456.15 Group IV 15 9 (60.0%) 18.3+5.76 31.945.76 1.80+0.22 46.78 127.746.16 Group V | 15 8 (53.3%) 41.8+5.4 60.127.02 1.86+0.32 46.76 157.337.1


Means in the same column carry different letters are significantly different (P<0.05)

Table 2: Levels of plasma progesterone before treatment of buffalo

cows with ovarian inactivity and 8 days after mating

(means+SE) Groups


Progesterone (ng/ml) No.

Before 8 days after mating

treatment Group I


3.22=0.46 Group II



2.91+0.32 Group III


2.88+0.72 Group IV



3.11+0.55 Group V

0.48+0.09 2.49+0.33 Means in the same raw carry different * are significantly different (P<0.01).




Table 3: More (+) or less (-) days open in groups of buffalo-cows

treated for ovarian inactivity (The groups were in ascending order)

Group 1

Group III Group IV

0.0 -11.3

Group II


Group V







Group III Group IV Group II Group V Group !





-40.9 -45.2

-33.9 -29.7

-4.3 0.0

+29.6 -33.9

+25.4 29.7

0.0 -4.3


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Table 4: Returns, costs and net profit of different treatments of ovarian

inactivity in buffalo-cows per each animal (By LE)



Cost of services

increased days open

Costs of decreased


Total cost


Return from life calves (at 40


Net profit



milk production

(kg) 361.6 124.0


00.0 25.0

16.6 17.3

904. 0 310.0


Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V



45.2 15.5 00.0 11.3 40.9



9 20.6

352.3 056.0 264.0 851.


| 1500.0

1500,0 1500.0 1500.0 1500.0





20.0 15.0

18.0 18.6




* Values represented compared to the group of shortest DO (Group III).

Table 5: Economic efficiency measures of different treatments of

ovarian inactivity in buffalo-cows per each animal

Groups Profit/cost ratio (%) Net profit /return (%) Net profit/cost(%) Group I 0162.9+32.4°


0062.9+005.6° Group II 0425.8+43.26


0325.8+022.11 Group III 2678.6+162.42


2578.6=134.29 Group IV 0568.2455.6


0468.2+046.2 Group V 0176.1=23.5°


0076.2+008.2 Means in the same column carrying different letters are significantly different (P<0.01).

DISCUSSION Buffaloes and cattle are considered to be the most important animals among livestock in Egypt, but infertility is widespread among these two species of animals. This infertility incurs large economic losses to animals husbandry (Afiefy, 1966). The long calving interval is one of the major problems in buffalo breeding where the interval from calving to resumption of ovarian function is longer in buffalo when compared with cattle (Barile, 2005). Egyptian National Committees (1987) observed that, low fertility rates can be attributed to many reasons which would be faced as low births rate and low milk output leading to great losses in national incomes resulting from imbalance between production and consumption.

To maintain a calving interval of 13-14 months in buffaloes, successful breeding must take place within 85-115 days after calving (Usmani, et al., 2001). They added that, disturbances during this period due to delay of uterine involution or resumption of estrous activity are likely to prolong the calving interval and reduce the lifetime reproductive and productive efficiency. Also, they concluded that,


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

prolonged postpartum acyclicity (absence of ovarian cyclic activity) and anestrum (absence of overt estrus signs) are major sources of economic loss to buffaloes breeders.

Great efforts have been made to face the postpartum ovarian inactivity in buffaloes. As many factors interfere with the problem, treatments take many different ways, the hormonal treatment using GnRH is one important way which was represented in the present study by Group II (GnRH treated group) and Group III (progesterone and GnRH treated group).

In this study, 80% (GIII) and 73.3% (GII) of buffaloes came in estrus and became cycling while in GI (control) only 40% of buffaloes came in estrus. These results are agree with that of Borghese et al. (1993) who concluded that, 84.8% of anestrous buffaloes treated by progesterone and GnRH became cycling and 70.6% of that treated by GnRH only became cycling with no significant differences while none of control animals were found to be cyclic in the same period.

Group III accomplished the shortest TEI and TCI (8.1=1.7 and 20.9+4.7 days respectively). Such results assured by Singal et al. (1988) as they reported the role of exogenous administration of GnRH in solving anestrous problem in buffaloes. Also with that of Shah et al. (1990) and Ramoun et al. (2006) as they reported the effect of injection of GnRH in buffalo-cows in fasten the uterine involution, resumption of ovarian inactivity, shorter calving interval and high 15 service conception rate that improve the reproductive performance of buffaloes. Borghese et al. (1993); Uma et al. (1999) and Hattab and Osman (2000) recorded that, the more useful and efficacious method to induce estrus in buffaloes have been the treatment with progesterone in association with GnRH. Also, Barile (2005) concluded that, induction of estrus in buffaloes by hormonal treatments (progesterone and GnRH) proved useful in reducing the calving interval and to increase fertility. On other hand, Fateh et al. (1999) and Takkar et al. (1999) reported that, the use of GnRH given by multiple injections or in microencapsulated form, was not efficacious to induce estrus in buffaloes.

In the present work, treatment of ovarian inactivity by progesterone and estradiol benzoate (GIV) resulted in satisfactory results (60% showed estrus with 46.7% 15 service conception rate). These results are in agreement with that obtained by McDougall (2001, 2003) and Rhodes et al. (2003). They found that, treatment of anestrous cows by 5-6 days intravaginal progesterone and 1-2 days later by injection of 0.5-1 mg estradiol benzoate resulted in approximately 90% of cows


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

undergoing estrus and ovulation and 45% of inseminated cows conceiving to the first service. Also, McDougall et al. (2005) showed that, treatment of anestrous cows by 6-8 days intravaginal progesterone and injection of 2 mg estradiol benzoate at device insertion and Img estradiol benzoate 24 hrs after device removal resulted in 59.6% of inseminated cows conceiving to the first service. Xu et al. (2000) reported that, treatment of anestrous cows with either estradiol benzoate or GnRH at the time of insertion of progesterone device for 7-8 days resulted in an increase in conception rate compared to no estradiol benzoate or GnRH.

Complete ovarian inactivity had been attributed to a variety of external factors among them the prolonged insufficient mineral intake (Roberts, 1986). He showed that, phosphorus deficiency adversely affects fertility. In the present study, the fertility was improved after supplying the animals by phosphorus sources (Group V that treated by tonophosphane, disodium phosphate and mineral mixture). These results are in agreement with Zaki and Gohar (1961) who reported that, ovarian inactivity in buffalo-cows was successfully treated by adding phosphate in ration. Also, Ali (1992) revealed the importance of phosphorus in treatment of the ovarian inactivity in buffaloes. On the other hand, Noseir et al. (1987) concluded that, there was no relationship between phosphorus and postpartum ovarian inactivity in buffalo-cows. Also, El Amrawi (1990) reported that, phosphorus had negligible effect on treatment of postpartum ovarian inactivity in buffaloes even though he successfully treated ovarian inactivity by glucose and tonophosphane.

In the present work, the lowest S/C (1.6 + 0.2) and the highest 1st service conception rate (60%) were obtained in GIII. These results come in agreement with that obtained by Barile et al. (2001) who concluded that, total conception rate was 56.5% after estrus induction in buffaloes by progesterone and GnRH.

Group III had DO less than Group IV, II, V and I by 11.3, 15.5, 40.9 and 45.2 days respectively. The most important factors influencing milk production and their profitability were calving interval and persistence of milk production. In abroad studies, the total losses due to reproductive failure were reported by Dijkuizen et al. (1985) to be about 2% of gross production value or 10% of average farmer income. Importance of regular calving intervals in the herd is emphasized in another abroad paper by the fact that, in most herds it costs $1.25 to 1.95 per day in lost income for each day calving interval prolonged beyond 365 days in cattle (Lafi et al., 1992).


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Returns, cost, net profit and efficiency measures of drugs used in different treated groups of ovarian inactivity indicated that, G III gave the highest net profit per head (1444.0 L.E) and the lowest cost (56.0 L.E.) followed by G IV (1236.0 L.E. and 264.0 L.E. respectively). While, the lowest net profit and highest cost per head were obtained in G I(Table 4).

It could be concluded that, Treatment of buffalo-cows with ovarian inactivity by progesterone and GnRH gave short TEI, TCI and high net profit and economic efficiency measures.


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GnRH analogue (buserelin) and oestradiol benzoate treatments

in anoestrous buffaloes. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 69 (5):310-312. Gordon, I. (1996): Controlled Reproduction in Cattle and Buffaloes. Ed.

CAB International. Hattab, S.A. and Osman, R.H. (2000): Use of Norgestomet and

oestradiol valerate injection with norgestomet implant and/or PMSG for induction of oestrus in anoestrous buffaloes. Vet.

Med. J. Giza 48(1):135-143. Lafi, S.Q.; Kaneene, J.B.; Black, J.R. and Lloyd, J.W. (1992):

Epidemiological and economic study of the repeat breeder syndrome in Michigan dairy cattle. II. Economic modeling.

Preventive Vet. Med., 14:99-114. McDougall, S. (2001): Reproductive performance of anovulatory

anoestrous postpartum dairy cows following treatment with two progesterone and oestradiol benzoate-based protocols, with or

without resynchrony. New Zealand Vet. J., 49: 187-194. McDougall, S. (2003): Resynchrony of previously anoestrous cows and

treatment of cows not detected in oestrus, but with a palpable corpus luteum with prostaglandin F20.. New Zealand Vet. J.,

51:117-124. McDougall, S., Compton, C.W.R.; Hanlon, D.W.; Davidson, P.J.;

Sullivan, D.J.; Gore, A.H. and Anniss, F.M. (2005): Reproductive performance in anestrous dairy cows following treatment with two protocols and two doses of progesterone.

Theriogenology 63:1529-1548. Noseir, M.B.; Taha, N. and El-Amrawi, G.A. (1987): Biochemical

investigation in some blood components in fertile and infertile

buffaloes. Alex. J. Vet. Sci., 2:61-67. Palta, P. and Madan, M.L. (1995): Alterations in hypophysial

responsiveness to synthetic GnRH at different postpartum intervals in Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Theriogenology

44: 403-411. Ramoun, A.A.; Darweish, S.A.; Abou El-Ghait, H.A. and Fattouh, el

S.M. (2006): Effect of enhancement of uterine involution and


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

earlier initiation of post partum cyclicity on the reproductive

performance of buffalo. Reprod. Fertile. Dev., 18(5): 545-550. Rhodes, F.M.; McDougall, S.; burke, C.R.; Verkerk, G.A. and

Macmillan, K.L. (2003): Treatment of cows with an extended

postpartum anestrous interval. J. Dairy Sci., 86:1876-1896. Roberts, S.J. (1986): Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases. 3rd ed.

Ithaca N.Y. SAS (1987): Statistical Analysis System computer programe. SAS

Institute Inc. (USA). Shah, S.N.H.; Willemse, A.H. and Van de Wiel, D.FM. (1990):

Reproductive performance of Nili-Ravi buffaloes after a single injection of GnRH early postpartum. Tropical Animal Health

and Production 22: 239-246. Singal, S.P.; Lohan, I.S. and Arora, K.L. (1988): Studies on the

incidence and reproductive management of infertility in breedable dairy animals in Rural Haryana state. India. Dublin

(Ireland) abs. No. 544. Singh, N.; Chauhan, F.S. and Singh, M. (1979): Postpartum ovarian

activity and fertility in buffaloes. Ind. J. of Dairy Sci., 32: 134

139. Takkar, O.P.; Narinder, P.; Singh, C.; Jaght, S., Kaur, T. and

Chaudhary, K.C. (1999): Augmentation of postpartum reproductive efficiency by use of GnRH in buffaloes. Indian J.

Anim. Reprod., 20(1): 9-11. Uma, S., Agrawal, S.K.; Satish, P.; Kumar, E., Greesh, H. and Mohan,

M. (1999): Oestrus response and fertility using progesterone ear implant in noncyclic buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Indian J. Vet.

Res., 8(1): 54-58. Usmani, R.H.; Ahmad, N.; Shafiq, P. and Mirza, M.A. (2001): Effect of

subclinical uterine infection on cervical and uterine involution, estrous activity and fertility in postpartum buffaloes.

Theriogenology 55 (2): 563-571. Xu, Z.Z., Burton, L.J.; McDougall, S. and Jolly, P.D. (2000): Treatment

of noncyclic lactating dairy cows with progesterone and oestradiol or with progesterone, GnRH, prostaglandin Fza and

estradiol. J. Dairy Sci., 83: 464-470. Zaki, K. and Gohar, E. (1961): Phosphorus deficiency as etiological

factor of infertility in buffaloes. Vet. Med. J. Giza, 708: 301 308.


Afiefy, M.M. (1966): Seasonal variations in thyroxin and Iodine contents
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Med. Alex. Univ. Barile, V.L. (2005): Improving reproductive efficiency in female
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and Borghese, A. (2001): Effect of PRID treatment on conception rate in Mediterranean buffalo heifers. Livest. Prod.
Sci., 68: 283-287. Barr, M. (1963): Field investigation about infertility in cattle and
buffaloes in Egypt. Zuchthygine., 7: 342-348. Borghese, A.; Barile, V.L.; Campanile, G.; Esposito, L. and Pacelli, C.
(1993): Oestrus induction in acyclic water buffaloes. Note I. Cyclicity rate. Atti 5 Meeting Nazionale "Studio della Efficienza Riproducttiva degli Animali di Interesse
Zootecnico", Bergamo, Italy, 30 April, pp. 125-129. Dijkuizen, A.A.; Stelwagen, J. and Renkema, J.A. (1985): Economic
aspects of reproductive failure in dairy cattle. I. Financial losses at farm level. II. The decision to replace animals. Preventive
Vet. Med., 3:251-263 and 265-276. Egyptian National Committees (1987): Diseases of animals and its
economic effects. Vol. 40, study 27 Cairo 1987. El-Amrawi, G.A. (1990): Trial for treatment of postpartum ovarian
inactivity in buffaloes. 2nd annual cong. ESARF. Ismaillia, Jan., 24-26:130-139.
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006
El-Banna, J.M.; Asrgag, H.A.; Gado, M.S. and Gamal, M.H. (1985):
Development of a homologues iodine-125 labeled progesterone radioimmunoassay. Economy versus sensitivity and precision.
Alex. J. Agric. Res., 31:101-113. Fateh, M.; Dhaliwal, G.S. and Sharma, R.K. (1999): Clinical efficacy of
GnRH analogue (buserelin) and oestradiol benzoate treatments
in anoestrous buffaloes. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 69 (5):310-312. Gordon, I. (1996): Controlled Reproduction in Cattle and Buffaloes. Ed.
CAB International. Hattab, S.A. and Osman, R.H. (2000): Use of Norgestomet and
oestradiol valerate injection with norgestomet implant and/or PMSG for induction of oestrus in anoestrous buffaloes. Vet.
Med. J. Giza 48(1):135-143. Lafi, S.Q.; Kaneene, J.B.; Black, J.R. and Lloyd, J.W. (1992):
Epidemiological and economic study of the repeat breeder syndrome in Michigan dairy cattle. II. Economic modeling.
Preventive Vet. Med., 14:99-114. McDougall, S. (2001): Reproductive performance of anovulatory
anoestrous postpartum dairy cows following treatment with two progesterone and oestradiol benzoate-based protocols, with or
without resynchrony. New Zealand Vet. J., 49: 187-194. McDougall, S. (2003): Resynchrony of previously anoestrous cows and
treatment of cows not detected in oestrus, but with a palpable corpus luteum with prostaglandin F20.. New Zealand Vet. J.,
51:117-124. McDougall, S., Compton, C.W.R.; Hanlon, D.W.; Davidson, P.J.;
Sullivan, D.J.; Gore, A.H. and Anniss, F.M. (2005): Reproductive performance in anestrous dairy cows following treatment with two protocols and two doses of progesterone.
Theriogenology 63:1529-1548. Noseir, M.B.; Taha, N. and El-Amrawi, G.A. (1987): Biochemical
investigation in some blood components in fertile and infertile
buffaloes. Alex. J. Vet. Sci., 2:61-67. Palta, P. and Madan, M.L. (1995): Alterations in hypophysial
responsiveness to synthetic GnRH at different postpartum intervals in Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Theriogenology
44: 403-411. Ramoun, A.A.; Darweish, S.A.; Abou El-Ghait, H.A. and Fattouh, el
S.M. (2006): Effect of enhancement of uterine involution and
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006
earlier initiation of post partum cyclicity on the reproductive
performance of buffalo. Reprod. Fertile. Dev., 18(5): 545-550. Rhodes, F.M.; McDougall, S.; burke, C.R.; Verkerk, G.A. and
Macmillan, K.L. (2003): Treatment of cows with an extended
postpartum anestrous interval. J. Dairy Sci., 86:1876-1896. Roberts, S.J. (1986): Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases. 3rd ed.
Ithaca N.Y. SAS (1987): Statistical Analysis System computer programe. SAS
Institute Inc. (USA). Shah, S.N.H.; Willemse, A.H. and Van de Wiel, D.FM. (1990):
Reproductive performance of Nili-Ravi buffaloes after a single injection of GnRH early postpartum. Tropical Animal Health
and Production 22: 239-246. Singal, S.P.; Lohan, I.S. and Arora, K.L. (1988): Studies on the
incidence and reproductive management of infertility in breedable dairy animals in Rural Haryana state. India. Dublin
(Ireland) abs. No. 544. Singh, N.; Chauhan, F.S. and Singh, M. (1979): Postpartum ovarian
activity and fertility in buffaloes. Ind. J. of Dairy Sci., 32: 134
139. Takkar, O.P.; Narinder, P.; Singh, C.; Jaght, S., Kaur, T. and
Chaudhary, K.C. (1999): Augmentation of postpartum reproductive efficiency by use of GnRH in buffaloes. Indian J.
Anim. Reprod., 20(1): 9-11. Uma, S., Agrawal, S.K.; Satish, P.; Kumar, E., Greesh, H. and Mohan,
M. (1999): Oestrus response and fertility using progesterone ear implant in noncyclic buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Indian J. Vet.
Res., 8(1): 54-58. Usmani, R.H.; Ahmad, N.; Shafiq, P. and Mirza, M.A. (2001): Effect of
subclinical uterine infection on cervical and uterine involution, estrous activity and fertility in postpartum buffaloes.
Theriogenology 55 (2): 563-571. Xu, Z.Z., Burton, L.J.; McDougall, S. and Jolly, P.D. (2000): Treatment
of noncyclic lactating dairy cows with progesterone and oestradiol or with progesterone, GnRH, prostaglandin Fza and
estradiol. J. Dairy Sci., 83: 464-470. Zaki, K. and Gohar, E. (1961): Phosphorus deficiency as etiological
factor of infertility in buffaloes. Vet. Med. J. Giza, 708: 301 308.