Document Type : Research article


Animal Health Research Institute, Shalatin Regional Lab.


A Parasitological survey was carried out on 530 camels of different ages, sex and seasons to clear- up the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites at Shalatin region, Red Sea Governorate, Egypt in period of Jan. 2005
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006
till Dec. 2005. It was found that 72.83% of the examined camels were positives. Out of positive cases 45.66 % were harbouring helminths eggs, 10.94% coccidian oocysts and 16.22% mixed infection. Prevalence of infection with nematodes eggs: Trichostrongylus sp. was the most common parasites detected 35.06%, followed by Oesophagostomum sp., 16.15%, Trichuris sp., 12.19 %, Haemonchus sp., 10.67 %, Ostertagia sp., 8.84%, Chabertia sp., 8.53%, Nematodirus sp., 4.87% and Strongyloides sp. 1.82 %. Prevalence of infection with cestodes eggs: Moniezia sp. 1.82 % and coccidian oocysts as Eimeria cameli oocysts 48.61%, Eimeria dromedary oocysts 27.87 and Eimeria Rajathani oocysts 5.6%. Coproculture producing third stage larvae of Trichostrongylus sp., Strongyloides sp., Haemonchus sp., and Ostertagia SP. The prevalence rate of infection was lower in young ages and higher in older ages. Females tend to be highly affected than males. The highest rate of infection was noticed in winter and spring. Therapeutical trials with different anthelmintic drugs were carried out on some infested camels and concluded that Albendazole was the choice drug in treatment of camel's helminthiosis. Conversely, Zanide was less effective.


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Animal Health Research Institute, Shalatin Regional Lab.



By O.M. MAHRAN (Received at 16/6/2006)

بعض الدراسات الوبائية والطفيلية علي مدي انتشار طفيليات الجهاز الهضمي في الابل وحيدة السنم بمنطقة شلاتين، محافظة البحر الأحمر، مصر

ومحاولة علاجها|

عثمان محمد مهران تم عمل مسح طفيلي على عدد ۵۳۰ جمل من الجنسين ومختلف

الأعمار وفصول السنة الاستبيان معدل انتشار طفيليات الجهاز الهضمي في الابل في مدينة شلاتين بمحافظة البحر الأحمر، مصر في الفترة من يناير ۲۰۰۵ حتى ديسمبر ۲۰۰۵ ووجد أن ۷۲٫۸۳% من الابل مصابة موزعة کالاتى: بويضات دید آن

45,66 % واکياس کوکسيديا %

۱۰,94 %

وعلاوة مختلطة 16,۲۲ % وکانت نسبة العدوى ببويضات الديدان الاسطوانية کالاتي: جنس

التريکوسترونجيلس اکثر شيوعا


%، الأسوفاجوستوعام ۱۹٫۱۵%، التريکيورس.

%۱۲٫۹، الهييمونکس

۱۰,۹۷ %، الأوسترتجيا ۸۸4%، الشابرتیا

۸,۵۳.%، النيماتوديرس


والأستورنجينيدس ۱٫۸۲% وکانت نسبة الإصابة بالديدان الشريطية المونيزيا

%۱٫۸۲ ونسبة الإصابة بالطفيليات الأولية. اکياس

الايميريا کالاتي: ايميريا کامیلا


%48,61 ، ايميريا درو مودارای ۲۷٫۷۸% وايميريا راجاسانی


%. تم عمل مزرعة من عينات البراز وتم الحصول على الطور اليرقي المعدي الثالث لديدان الترايکوسترونجيلس،

الأوستورنجلیدس، الهيمونکس، والأوسترتجيا وکان معدل الإصابة في الأعمار الصغيرة أقل من الکبيرة والاناث اعلى من الذکور. وکانت اعلى اصابة في فصلي الشتاء والربيع وکانت محاولات العلاج بمضادات الديدان المختلفة التي اجريت على بعض الجمال المصابة أوضحت أن البندازول هو الأکثر تأثيرا وعلي العکس کان الرانيد


A Parasitological survey was carried out on 530 camels of different ages, sex and seasons to clear- up the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites at Shalatin region, Red Sea Governorate, Egypt in period of Jan. 2005


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

till Dec. 2005. It was found that 72.83% of the examined camels were positives. Out of positive cases 45.66 % were harbouring helminths eggs, 10.94% coccidian oocysts and 16.22% mixed infection. Prevalence of infection with nematodes eggs: Trichostrongylus sp. was the most common parasites detected 35.06%, followed by Oesophagostomum sp., 16.15%, Trichuris sp., 12.19 %, Haemonchus sp., 10.67 %, Ostertagia sp., 8.84%, Chabertia sp., 8.53%, Nematodirus sp., 4.87% and Strongyloides sp. 1.82 %. Prevalence of infection with cestodes eggs: Moniezia sp. 1.82 % and coccidian oocysts as Eimeria cameli oocysts 48.61%, Eimeria dromedary oocysts 27.87 and Eimeria Rajathani oocysts 5.6%. Coproculture producing third stage larvae of Trichostrongylus sp., Strongyloides sp., Haemonchus sp., and Ostertagia SP. The prevalence rate of infection was lower in young ages and higher in older ages. Females tend to be highly affected than males. The highest rate of infection was noticed in winter and spring. Therapeutical trials with different anthelmintic drugs were carried out on some infested camels and concluded that Albendazole was the choice drug in treatment of camel's helminthiosis. Conversely, Zanide was less effective.

Key words: Epidemiological and Parasitological on gastrointestinal parasites

of camels.


Dromedary camels are important multipurpose animals in different areas of the word including Egypt. They are used for transportation and production of meat, milk and finest silky wool. Gastrointestinal parasitism appears to be a peak problem for the production of camels. Gastrointestinal parasites reduce the feed intake, the efficiency of feed conversion and they are deterring the optimum functions of antibody-producing systems of the infested camels (Soulsby, 1983 and Pathak et al, 1993). Furthermore, (Rutogwende and Munyana, 1983) corroborated that helminthiosis was the third most production constraint in dromedaries. Several reports on gastrointestinal parasites of camels in different areas in Egypt (in Delata region and Upper Egypt) have been documented. (Selim and Rahman, 1972; Laila et al, 1986; Nafie et al, 1992; Nafady et al, 1995; Sayed 1997; and El- Salahy and Arafa, 2000). However prevalence of helminthiosis of camels at Shalatin area, which have a high population of camels, appears to be scanty. Therefore the fundamental goals of the present work was to clear-up the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthes, protozoa present,


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

seasonal pattern of infestation, identification of third stage larvae of some nematodes and therapeutic trials of some infested cases were done.


Area: The study was undertaken in Shalatin area, Red Sea Governorate, Egypt. This is a desert area occupied the southern part of the eastern desert and is considered one of the southern borders of Egypt. The mean annual temperature in winter and summer ranged between (20°C -22°C) and (41°C -44°C) respectively. The total number of camels in this area is about 67,000 (Govs, 1998). Animals: A total of 530 camels of different ages and sex were examined for gastrointestinal parasites infestation during the period of January to December 2005. The camels grazed freely and browsed on ephemeral plants during rainy seasons and were supplemented with green Fodder (barseem). The examined camels had not been given antihelmintics at least one and a half month before collecting the samples. The animals were grouped in to four age groups of 1-2, 3-5, 8-10 and 12-15 years. Collection of feacal samples: The feacal samples were collected directly from the rectum before the animals were dosed at day zero and thereafter at 4, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days intervals, on the days of dosing. Faecal samples were transported in an ice-cooled box and examined within 2h. Parasitological procedures: Faecal samples were prepared for detection of gastrointestinal helminths and Eimeria oocysts by concentration techniqus Margaret and Solss (1980) and Soulsby (1982). Faecal egg count was done using a modification of the McMaster technique to assess the level of infestation, on the day of collecting the samples Reinecke (1983). Identification of helminthes eggs was based on the morphological characteristics as described by Soulsby (1982) and Georgi and Georgi (1990). Eimeria oocysts were identified according to Levine (1985). Samples containing 70 epg or more were incubated at 27°c for 8-15 days Georgi and Georgi (1990) and the infective third stage larvae were morphologically identified Soulsby (1982). The size of the eggs and oocysts were measured using eyepiece micrometer and illustrated photomicrographs.

Therapeutic trials: Camels yielded 500 eggs per gram in their fecal matter and showed the characteristic signs of gastrointestinal upset as diarrhea; emaciation, poor body condition and inappetance were selected and subjected to therapeutic trials. Eighty camels having mixed infection were selected. The selected cases were distributed randomly according


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

to their ages and sex into four groups (20 cases per each) The camels in groups 1, 2, 3, were drenched with albendazole (10 mg/kg body weight levamisole (15mg/kg body weight) and zanide (50mg 100/kg body weight) respectively. Camel's in-group 4 was unmedicated. Fecal samples of all camels were collected on day 0, 4, 7, 14, 21, and 28 post treatment and EPG were determined.

RESULTS Out of 530 camels examined for gastrointestinal parasites, 386 (72.83%) were found positive. From these infected animals, 242 (45.66%) were harbouring helminthes eggs, 58 (10.94%) were having coccidian oocysts and 86 (16.23%) were having mixed helminthes and coccidian parasites. Total helminthes infection was 328 (61.89 %) and total coccidian infection was 144 (27.17 %). Table, 1 Tablel: Prevalence of helminthes eggs and coccidian infection of the

examined camels. Total of No. of Single Single Mixed

Total Ex.Animalss infected infection of infection of Infection Helminthes Coccidian


helminthes coccidian e ggs+oocysts) eggs

oocysts 530 No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

386 72.83 242 45.66 58 | 10.94 86 16.23 | 328 61.89 144 27.17

Table 2: Helminths eggs and their sizes found in faeces of 328 camels in

Shalatin region.


Helminthes eggs Single Mixed inf. Total No. Size of egg

infection A-Nematodes

No. % No. % No. % Trichostrongylus sp. 43 | 13.10 7221.95 115 35.06 M. 78X37.5u Oesophagostomum sp. 1 18 5.4835 10.67 | 53 16.15 M. 69.9X47.5u Trichuris sp.

111 3.35 | 29 | 8.84 | 40 12.19 M. 65.5X29.54 Haemonchus sp

19 2.74 26 7.92 35 10.67 M. 70.4X38.7u Ostertagia sp.

18 2.34 21 6.40 29 8.84 M 61.5X38.34 Chabertia sp

6 1.82 | 195.79 28 853 M. 89X52u Nematodirus sp

6 1.82 103.04 | 16 4.87 M.249.5X110.8u Strongyloides sp. 2 0 .60 4 1.21 6 1.82 M. 69 X254 B- Cestodes Moniezia sp.

4 1.21 | 2 | 0.606 1.82 M. 77.9-67.84

M=mean Details distribution of the coprologically positive infesting camels was illustrated on. Table, 2 and the most predominant parasites were Trichostrongylus SP., followed by oesophagostomum sp., Trichirus sp., and Haemonchus SP.


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Table 3: Infective third stage larvae of some Nematodes of camels

obtained from faecal culture.

Nematode larvae

Total length

Length of the tail sheath

Morphological feature





Trichostrongylus sp.



22.6 33.54

679.3 690.6u 524 672u

Strongyloided sp.


Haemonchus sp.

8.03.5u | 82-1124974

745 8624 795.5 8754

Short, tail end with tiny tubercle Caudal extremity of larva is truncated. Sheath kinked ai the tip of tail,

Triangular shape. Tail of the sheath taper slowly to

end in blunt end.

Ostertagia sp.




Table 4: Size of Eimeria sp. (coccidian oocysts) found in the faces of

camels (n=144)

No %

E cameli


E dromedari % Size

E rajasthani No. % Size

Mixed int. No.


Total Coccidan Edromedani E rajasthani.


| 40 | 27 78




18.05 No

48.61 Mean


Mean | 27.6X21.2u

Mean 39 5X264

% No 1% 66 67 68 45.83

NO % 34 | 2361

Table 5: Effect of age, sex and seasons of infested camels on rate of

infection with gastrointestinal parasites.






1-2 year 3-5 year 8-10year 12-15 year

42.5 66.67 78.61 90.22

Examined camels Total

Infested 530

386 Age susceptibility 80 144

96 173

136 133

120 Sex susceptibility 235

150 295

236 Seasonal distribution

151 125

97 105

66 115

Male Female

63.83 80


81.62 77.6

Winter | Spring

Summer Autumn

62.85 62.60


Old age groups had a higher prevalence rate of infection than younger. Female animals showed higher rate of infection than males and the higher rate of infection was in winter and spring.


Assiut Vel. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Table 6: Therapeutic trials of some infected camels with gastrointestinal



No. Of Drug treated camels

Eggs per gram of facces before and after treatment

4 17 14










Albendazole 5%

| 10

mg/kg body weight


180 16




Levamisole HCL

15 790.23 mg/kg body weight 50 mg 6658 100kg body weight













| 632.9


Plate 1: Different species of nematodes and cestode eggs of camel Fig. 1: Trichostrongylus sp. egg x10 Fig. 2: Oesophagostomum sp. egg x10 Fig. 3: Trichuris sp. egg x10

Fig. 4: Haemonchus sp. egg x10 Fig. 5: Chabertia sp.egg x10 Fig. 6: Ostertagia sp egg x10. Fig. 7: Nematodirus sp. egg x10 Fig. 8: Strongyloides sp. egg x10


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006



Plate 2: Third stage larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes of camels Fig. A: Trichostrongylus sp. larva x10 Fig. B: Strongyloides sp. Larva x10 Fig. C: Tail of Haemonchus sp. larva x10 Fig. D: Tail of Ostertagia sp. larva x10

Plate 3: Moniezia sp. and Coccidian Oocysts of the infected camels Fig. A, B, and C: Monieza SP.X20 Fig.D: Oocyst of E.cameli x10 Fig. E: Oocyst of E.dromedarii x40 Fig. F: Oocyst of E. Rajasthani X40


Assiut Vet. Med J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006


The current study revealed that 72.83% of the parasitologically examined camels (n= 530) were infested with gastrointestinal parasites. This indicated a problem in dromedary camels rearing in Shalatin region. (Nafie et al. 1992) at North of Sinia and (El Salahy and Arafa, 2000) in Assiut, Governorate reported high prevalence rates 79.7% and 82.7 respectively, moderate prevalence rates of infection were recorded by Sayed et al. (1997) in Assiut Governorate, 54%. In Sudan the prevalence rates of infection reached up to 89% (Arzoun et al. 1984). The published results of El- Bihari and Kawasmeh (1980) and Magzoub, et al. (1997) concluded that the prevalence rates of camels gastrointestinal parasites in Saudi Arabia ranged from 60%-90%. (Bekele, 2002) reported that the prevalence rates of gastrointestinal parasites in camels were 75% in Ethiopia. Incidence of infection varies widely from region to region, from season to season besides the ages of animals, and veterinary care (Higgins, 1986). Moreover Bekele (2002) added that the contradictions in the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites might be due to the difference in sampling period of the year and duration of the study.

The obtained results of coprological examinations revealed different helminthes eggs. Tricostrongylus sp. egg was the most common nematodes eggs (35.06%). This could be attributed to adaptation and higher resistance of tricostrongylus larvae to the hot dry climate (El-Salay and Arafa, 2000). Similar results was reported by Egbe-Nwiyi and Chandhry (1994), Nafady et al. (1995), Haroun et al. (1996), Hamid (1997) and Magzoub et al. (1997). Our results were less than that recorded by El-Salahy and Arafa (2000) who reported incidence of infection with tricostrongylus sp., was 45.3%. The prevalence rate of Oesophagostomum sp. eggs recorded in a rate of 16.15%. (El- Salay and Arafa, 2000) reported high prevalence rate 25.3% in Assiut Governorate. Conversely Nafady et al (1995) in Cairo reported low rate 1.4%. While Haroun et al. (1996) In Saudi Arabia reported rate ranged from 12%-20% according to seasons. (Kayum et al. 1992) reported that the difference in prevalence rate could be affected by methods of faecal examination, number of examined animal besides hygienic environment. Trichuris sp.eggs found in a rate of 12.19% and this result agrees the findings of Nafady et al. (1995). On the other hand our results were less than those obtained by El-Salahy and arafa (2000) who reported 25.3% and higher than that reported by Abdal-Aal and


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Sahlab (1998) who recorded 1% in Suez Canal. Haemonchus sp.eggs was recorded in 10.86% of infected camels. This result is nearly similar with that recorded by El-Salahy and Arafa (2000) and higher with finding of Abdal-Aal and Sahalb (1998) who reported (5%). It is one of the most pathogenic nematodes parasite specially when found in large number in young animals (Soulsby, 1982). Ostertiga sp. eggs were found in 8.84% of infected camels. This result agrees with that recorded by El-Salahy and Arafa (2000) while this parasite was not recorded by Nafady et al. (1995) in Cairo and Abdal-Aal and Sahlab (1998) in Suez Canal. Caberatia sp. eggs were recorded in 8.53% of infected camels our results were less than that reported by El-Salahy and Arafa (2000) who recorded 17.3% while this parasite was not detected by Nafady et al., (1995) in Cairo camels. Nematodirus sp.eggs were recorded in 4.87% of infected camels a relatively similar rate of infection were recorded by Abdal-Aal and Sahlab (1998) and El-Salahy and Arafa (2000). On the other hand our results were lower than that recorded by Haroun et al. (1996) who found that Nematodirus sp. eggs ranged between 20-50% while this parasite was not detected in Cairo camels by Nafady et al. (1995). Strongyloides sp. eggs were found in 1.82% of infected camels and this result is less than that recorded by Woldemeskel (2001), who recorded infestation ranged between 5.5 -14.2%.

Moneiza sp. eggs were found in 1.82% of infected animals. Our results were less than that reported by Nafie et al. (1992), Nafday et al. (1995) and El-Salahy and Arafa (2000) who recorded 6.1%, 4.1% and 6.6% respectively. Difference in prevalence may be attributed to the activity of oribatid mites in different region (El-Salahy and Arafa, 2000).

The infective third stage larvae obtained from faecal culture was facilitating the identification of some gastrointestinal nematodes eggs, which are similar in shape and size. The infective larvae obtained from faecal culture belong to four genera. Our results more or less coincided with the results, which were obtained by Magzoub et al. (1997). And El-Salahy and Arafa (2000)

Concerning the prevalence rate of coccidian oocysts in camels. The present work clarified that three species of Eimeria oocysts were recoded E. cameli, E. dromedarii and E. rajasthani, which represent 48.61%, 27.78% and 5.6%. In India E. cameli, E. dromedarii and E. rajasthani occurred in the rates 11.8%, 9.3% and 4.0% of camels respectively (Gill, 1979). In Saudi Arabia (Kasim et al. 1985) found oocysts of E. cameli (19%), E. dromedarii (42%) and E. rajasthani (22%). (Nagwa, 1997) in Egypt found E. rajasthani (36.7%), E. bactriani


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

(35.1%), E. dromedarii (2.9%) and E. cameli (2.4%). The present prevalence of infection was more or less similar to that reported by Dubey and Pande (1963), Gill (1976), Sayed et al. (1997) and El-Salahy and Arafa (2000) who reported 24%, 24.4%, 25% and 27.4% respectively. But higher than those obtained by Kawasmeh and Elbihari (1983) 14% and much lower than that reported by Kasim et al. (1985), Hussein et al. (1987) and Nagwa (1997) who reported (40%, 40.6% and 40% respectively. The difference in prevalence rate of infection may be due to the age of the animals and environmental conditions.

Concerning the relationship between the age of the examined camels and the rate of infection. The present work revealed that the prevalence rate of infections among the different age groups showed difference; it was lowest in young age 42.5% and increased with age to reach the highest rate in oldest dromedaries 90.22%. These results coincided with the report of Rutagewende and Munyua (1983), Partani et al. (1996) and Bekele (2002). This may attributed to, in endemic area, the young animals first acquires passively immunity in the colostrums of the dams (Urquart et al., 1996), or may be due to acquired immunity through continued exposure in adult dromedaries(Bekele, 2002).

Concerning the sex susceptibility. It was noticed that females animals showed higher rate of infection than males, 77.6% and 64.8% respectively, the obtained results were in agreement with those previously reported by Higgins (1986) and Bekele (2002). The reason was suggested by Bekele (2001), who indicated that stress of lactation and pregnancy might be prohibiting the immunity in adult females.

The seasonal influence on gastrointestinal parasitic infestation of camels was clear. The highest rate of infection was in winter and spring 81.62% and 77.6% respectively. This result was supported by Pathak et al. (1993), Partani et al. (1996), Magzoub et al. (2000), Zekele and Bekele (2001) and Bekele (2002). The major factor, which plays a role in raising the rate of infection in winter, is a favorable climatic condition, that allows the development of larval stage in the externa envirorment, and facilitates resumption arrested development of larvae within the host. The shed of the ova continues through out all seasons but lower rates of infection in dry months. It can be deduced that lower moisture level in dry seasons is generally not favorable for larval development (Bekele, 2002) and this may interrupt the lower rate infection in summer seasons.

Concerning the efficacy of some anthelmintic drugs against natural infection with gastrointestinal parasites. The obtained results


Assiut Vei. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

revealed that reduction in the egg per gram in three treatments groups in comparison to the unmedicated group. On the 4th day of treatment the difference was not clear, while in the 7h day of treatment all anthelmintic showed reduction in the epg counts and remained low for the 21st days. On 7-21 days albendazole caused the most rapid fall in the epg values compared with the other treatment groups and this may refer to the efficiency of albendazol as the choice drug. On the 28 days there was not a high difference in the epg counts of various treatment groups. Camels of the treatment groups showed improvement in their health and the clinical sings disappeared. These results agree with those with reported by Lodha et al. (1977), Mukhwana and Mitema (1997). Bakunzi and Serumaga-Zake (2000) and Joshi et al. (2001).

The present study concluded that gastrointestinal parasitic infestation is considered as one of the major problems in camels in Shalatin area and control of the gastrointestinal parasites is urgent to increase the productively of camels.


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Chemotherapeutic trials of some of some anthelmintic against helninth parasites in camels. Indian J.Anim. sci. 47 (10):

677-682. Magzoub, M.; Omer, O.H. and Haroun, E.M. (1997): Gastrointestinal

parasites of dromedary camels in Gassim region, Saudi Arabia:

Indian. Vet. J. 74, 373-376. Magzoub, M.; Omer, O.H.; Haroun, E.M. and Mahmoud, O.M. (2000):

Effect of season on gastrointestinal nematode infection in Saudi Arabian camels (Camelus dromedaries): Journal of

Camel Practice and Research. 1, 107-108. Margaret, W. and Solss, B.S. (1980): Veterinary Clinical Parasitology,

Iowa State University Press, and Ames, Iowa. Mukhwana, E.J. and Mitema, E.S. (1997): Comparative efficacy of three

antihelmintic against mixed gastrointestinal nematode

infections in camels: Trop. Anim. Hlth. Prod. 29: 99-101. Mukhwana, E.J. and Mitema E.S. (1997): Comparative efficacy of three

anthelmintics against mixed gastrointestinal nematode infection

in camels. Tropical Anm. Hlth. Prod. 29: 99-101. Nafady, A.A.; Osman, A.H.; Doghain, R.E.; El-Mady, M.M. and

El-Gayish A. (1995): Preliminary pathology studies on parastic helminths in camel,s intestine. 3rd Sci. Cong., Egypt Soc Cattle

Dis., Assiut, Egypt 5,2, 123-133. Nafie, Th.S.; Hassan, M.G.; Amal, M.; El-Nahala and El-Sayed, RF.

(1992): Incidence and effect of some gastrointestinal parasitic infestation on camels at North of Sinia Assiut Vet. Med. J., 27

(54): 137–147. Nagwa, G.M. (1997): A study on Eimeria species infecting camels

(Camelus dromedarius) in Egypt. Vet. Med. J., 45, 4, 499-509.


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Partani, A.K.; Kumer, D.; Man hor, G.S. and Bhan, A.K. (1996):

Eipedimology of gastrointestinal nematodes of camel (Camelus dromedaries) at Bikamer Razasthan Indian J.Vet. Parasitol. 10

(1) 23- 32. Pathuk, K.M.I.; Arora, J.K. and Kapoor, M. (1993): Occurrence and

seasonal variation of gastrointestinal nematodes of the dromedary Camelus dromedaries in Rajasthan State of India.

Indian J. of Animal Sci., 63, 1, 30-31. Reinecke, R.K. (1983): Veterinary helminthiology, (Butterworth

Publisher, Durban/ Pretoria), 321-331. Rutagwende, T. and Munyua, W.K. (1983): The effect of panacur

(fenbedazole) on nematode parasites of camels under nomadic conditions in Northern Kenya. Bulletin of animals' heath and

production in Africa, 33, 63-73. Sayed, A.S., Sadiek, A.H.; Ali, A. A. and Ismail M.N. (1997): Clinical and

laboratory investigation on diarrhoea in camels in association with stress factors. 4th Cong. Sc. Egyptian Society for cattle

disease. Selim, M. K. and Rahman, M. S. (1972): Enteric nematodes of camels in

Egypt. Egypt. J. Vet. Sci. 9(1): 75-80. Soulsby, E.J.L. (1982): Helminth, Arthropods and Protozoa of

Domesticated Animals. 7ed. The English language book

Society Balliere, Tindall and Cassel. London. Urquhart, G.M.; Armour, J.; Duncan, J.L., Dunn, A.M. and Jennings,

FW. (1996): Veterinary Parasitology, 2nd ed., Blackwell

Sience. Woldwsmeskel, M.; Issa, A.; Mersie, A. and Potgieter, L.N.D. (2001):

Investigation of parasitic diseases of one-humped camels (camelus dromedaries) in Eastern Ethiopia. Journal of Camel

Practice and Research, 8, 1, 77–81. Zekele, M. and Bekele, T. (2001): Effect of Seasons on the productivity

of camels (Camelus dromedaries) and the prevalence of the major parasites in eastern Ethiopia. Trop. Hlth. Prod. 33: 321-329


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parasites of dromedary camels in Gassim region, Saudi Arabia:
Indian. Vet. J. 74, 373-376. Magzoub, M.; Omer, O.H.; Haroun, E.M. and Mahmoud, O.M. (2000):
Effect of season on gastrointestinal nematode infection in Saudi Arabian camels (Camelus dromedaries): Journal of
Camel Practice and Research. 1, 107-108. Margaret, W. and Solss, B.S. (1980): Veterinary Clinical Parasitology,
Iowa State University Press, and Ames, Iowa. Mukhwana, E.J. and Mitema, E.S. (1997): Comparative efficacy of three
antihelmintic against mixed gastrointestinal nematode
infections in camels: Trop. Anim. Hlth. Prod. 29: 99-101. Mukhwana, E.J. and Mitema E.S. (1997): Comparative efficacy of three
anthelmintics against mixed gastrointestinal nematode infection
in camels. Tropical Anm. Hlth. Prod. 29: 99-101. Nafady, A.A.; Osman, A.H.; Doghain, R.E.; El-Mady, M.M. and
El-Gayish A. (1995): Preliminary pathology studies on parastic helminths in camel,s intestine. 3rd Sci. Cong., Egypt Soc Cattle
Dis., Assiut, Egypt 5,2, 123-133. Nafie, Th.S.; Hassan, M.G.; Amal, M.; El-Nahala and El-Sayed, RF.
(1992): Incidence and effect of some gastrointestinal parasitic infestation on camels at North of Sinia Assiut Vet. Med. J., 27
(54): 137–147. Nagwa, G.M. (1997): A study on Eimeria species infecting camels
(Camelus dromedarius) in Egypt. Vet. Med. J., 45, 4, 499-509.
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006
Partani, A.K.; Kumer, D.; Man hor, G.S. and Bhan, A.K. (1996):
Eipedimology of gastrointestinal nematodes of camel (Camelus dromedaries) at Bikamer Razasthan Indian J.Vet. Parasitol. 10
(1) 23- 32. Pathuk, K.M.I.; Arora, J.K. and Kapoor, M. (1993): Occurrence and
seasonal variation of gastrointestinal nematodes of the dromedary Camelus dromedaries in Rajasthan State of India.
Indian J. of Animal Sci., 63, 1, 30-31. Reinecke, R.K. (1983): Veterinary helminthiology, (Butterworth
Publisher, Durban/ Pretoria), 321-331. Rutagwende, T. and Munyua, W.K. (1983): The effect of panacur
(fenbedazole) on nematode parasites of camels under nomadic conditions in Northern Kenya. Bulletin of animals' heath and
production in Africa, 33, 63-73. Sayed, A.S., Sadiek, A.H.; Ali, A. A. and Ismail M.N. (1997): Clinical and
laboratory investigation on diarrhoea in camels in association with stress factors. 4th Cong. Sc. Egyptian Society for cattle
disease. Selim, M. K. and Rahman, M. S. (1972): Enteric nematodes of camels in
Egypt. Egypt. J. Vet. Sci. 9(1): 75-80. Soulsby, E.J.L. (1982): Helminth, Arthropods and Protozoa of
Domesticated Animals. 7ed. The English language book
Society Balliere, Tindall and Cassel. London. Urquhart, G.M.; Armour, J.; Duncan, J.L., Dunn, A.M. and Jennings,
FW. (1996): Veterinary Parasitology, 2nd ed., Blackwell
Sience. Woldwsmeskel, M.; Issa, A.; Mersie, A. and Potgieter, L.N.D. (2001):
Investigation of parasitic diseases of one-humped camels (camelus dromedaries) in Eastern Ethiopia. Journal of Camel
Practice and Research, 8, 1, 77–81. Zekele, M. and Bekele, T. (2001): Effect of Seasons on the productivity
of camels (Camelus dromedaries) and the prevalence of the major parasites in eastern Ethiopia. Trop. Hlth. Prod. 33: 321-329