Document Type : Research article


1 Dept. of Microbiology, Fac. of Vet. Med., Cairo University

2 Dept. of Vet. Medicine, College of Agriculture and Vet. Med., Qassim Univ.

3 Dept. of Immunity, Amimal Health Research Institute, Dokki, Giza, Egypt


Nitric Oxide is produced by macrophage when activated or invaded by certain antigens or microbes. In the present study, camel peripheral blood leukocytes were obtained by ficoll cushion. Monocytes were separated and grown to macrophages. The mature macrophages were exposed to E. coli LPS as well as sheep pox virus antigen. Nitric oxide
Conclusively, results obtained in this study indicate that nitric oxide and nitrogenous compound intermediates are produced by activated camel macrophages like macrophages of other animal species. This supports, to a considerable limit, the stability of the microbicidal armatures in different animal species. However, further studies are required to detect production of other armatures such as the active oxygen radicals by camel macrophages. Moreover, the iNOS mRNA was found to be conserved among the species studied so far including camel.

Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Dept. of Microbiology, Fac. of Vet. Med., Cairo University


MACROPHAGES (With One Table and One Figure)


and SAHER A.GALAL ** Dept. of Vet. Medicine, College of Agriculture and Vet. Med., Qassim Univ. Dept. of Immunity, Amimal Health Research Institute, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.

(Received at 24/9/2006)

دراسة مبدئية لإنتاج أکسيد النيتريک والتعبير الجيني عن أنزيم تمثيل أکسيد

النيتريک لماکروفاج الجمال محمود السيد حشاد،محمود الدبيب،خالد الخريجي

سحر عبد اللطيف جل

من المعروف أن أکسيد النيتريک ينتج بواسطة الماکروفاج المحفزة بواسطة بعض الأنتيجينات أو الميکروبات. في هذه الدراسة تم فصل کرات الدم البيضاء من دم الجمال بواسطة الفيکول وبعد ذلک تم فصل الخلايا وحيدة النواة وهذه الخلايا تم إنمائها إلى الماکروفاج. تم تعريض خلايا الماکروفاج البالغة على متعدد السکريات الدهنية المشتقة من الإيشيرشيا کولای وکذا

کل من أکسيد النيتريک و الحمض النووي المرسل الخاص

أنتيجين جدري الأغنام وتم قياس بإنزيم تمثيل أکسيد النيتريک وقد استطاع کلا الأنتيجينين تحفيز إنتاج أکسيد النيتريک مع کون أنتيجين جدري الأغنام الأقل تحفيزا. وعند إجراء اختبار تفاعل البوليميريز المتسلسل

بإنتاج أکسيد النيتريک المنتج من

بإستخدام بوادئ خاصة بالحمض النووي المرسل الخاص ماکروفاج الجمال أسفرت الدراسة عن منتج بنفس حجم المقابل له في الفئران مما يدل على


ثبات في العامل الوراثي الخاص


Nitric Oxide is produced by macrophage when activated or invaded by certain antigens or microbes. In the present study, camel peripheral blood leukocytes were obtained by ficoll cushion. Monocytes were separated and grown to macrophages. The mature macrophages were exposed to E. coli LPS as well as sheep pox virus antigen. Nitric oxide


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Conclusively, results obtained in this study indicate that nitric oxide and nitrogenous compound intermediates are produced by activated camel macrophages like macrophages of other animal species. This supports, to a considerable limit, the stability of the microbicidal armatures in different animal species. However, further studies are required to detect production of other armatures such as the active oxygen radicals by camel macrophages. Moreover, the iNOS mRNA was found to be conserved among the species studied so far including camel.


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mathematical statistics, PWS - Kent publishing Company. Campbell, G.A. (1991): Application of monocyte-derived cell line to the

study of phagocytic function in bovine brucellosis, Ph. D. Thesis, area of specialization "microbiology", Texas A&M

University, CS, TX, 77843, USA. Chan, J.; Tanaka, K.; Carroll, D., Flynn, J. and Bloom, B.R. (1994): La Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on murine infection

with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Infect. Immunol, 63(2):

736-740. Franchini, A.; Fontanili, P. and Ottaviani, E. (1995): Invertebrate

immunocytes: relationship between phagocytosis and nitric exde produetion, comporative Biochemistry and moleculear

Biology, 110, (2) 403-407. Gebran, S.J.; Yamamoto, Y.; Newton, T.; Klen, T.W. and Friedman, H.

(1994): Inhibition of Legionella pneumphila growth by gamma interferon in permissive A/J mouse macrophages: Role of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, tryptophan, and iron,

Infect. Immunology, 62(8): 3197-3205. Gopinath, V.K., Musa, M.; Samsudin, A.R. Lalitha, P. and Sosroseno, W.

(2006): Role of Nitric oxide in hydroxyapatite-induced phagocytosis by murine macrophage cell line (RAW 264.7).

Achives of oral Biology, 51-339- 344. Green. S.J.: Nacy. C.A. and Meltzer, M.S. (1991): Cytokine-induced

synthesis of nitric oxides in macrophages: A protective host response to leishmania and other intracellular pathogens, 1. Leukocyte Biol., 50, 93-103.


Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006

Hudson, L. and Hay, F.C. (1991): Practical Immunology, Blackwell

Scientific Publications, Oxford. Jiang, X. and Baldwin, C.L. (1993): Effects of Cytokines on intercellular

growth of Brucella abortus. Infect. Immun., 6 (10): 124–134. Jiang, X., Leonard, B.; Benson, R. and Baldwin, C.L. (1993):

Macrophage control of Brucella abortus: Role of reactive oxygen intermediates and nitric oxide, Cellular Immunol., 151,

309-319. Kramnik, I.; Skamene, E. and Danuta, R. (1993): Assesment of

lymphokine profiles in activated lymphocytes by

semiquantitative PCR., J. Immunol. Methods, 162, 143-153. Kuby, J. (1994): Immunology: second edition, W.H. Freeman and

Company, New York, USA Matsuno, R.; Aramaki, Y.; Arima H.; Adachi, Y., Ohno, N.; Yadomae, T.

and Tsuchiya, S. (1998): Contribution of CR3 to Nitric oxide production from Macropnages stimulated with high-dose of LPS., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,

244, Issue 1,6 march, 115-119. Monacada, S. and Higgs, A. (1993): Mechanism of disease. The

L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway, The New. Eng. J. Med.,

329(27): 2002-2012. Okamura, M.; Lillehoj, H.S., Raybourne, R.B.; Babu, U.S.; Heckert,

R.A.; Tani, H.; Sasai, K.; Baba, E. and Lillehoj, E.P. (2005): Differential Responses of macrophages to Salmonella enterica serovars Enteridis and Typhimurium, Vet. Immun, and Immun.

Path., 107-327-335. Stenger, S.; Thuring, H.; Rollinghoff, M. and Bogdan, C. (1994): Tissue

expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase is closely associated with resistance to Leishmania major. J. Exp. Med.,

180, 783-793. Tizard, I. R. (2000): Veterinary Immunology: An Introduction. 6th ed., W.

B. Saunders Company., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.


Bain, L. and Engelhardt, M. (1989): Introduction to probability and
mathematical statistics, PWS - Kent publishing Company. Campbell, G.A. (1991): Application of monocyte-derived cell line to the
study of phagocytic function in bovine brucellosis, Ph. D. Thesis, area of specialization "microbiology", Texas A&M
University, CS, TX, 77843, USA. Chan, J.; Tanaka, K.; Carroll, D., Flynn, J. and Bloom, B.R. (1994): La Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on murine infection
with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Infect. Immunol, 63(2):
736-740. Franchini, A.; Fontanili, P. and Ottaviani, E. (1995): Invertebrate
immunocytes: relationship between phagocytosis and nitric exde produetion, comporative Biochemistry and moleculear
Biology, 110, (2) 403-407. Gebran, S.J.; Yamamoto, Y.; Newton, T.; Klen, T.W. and Friedman, H.
(1994): Inhibition of Legionella pneumphila growth by gamma interferon in permissive A/J mouse macrophages: Role of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, tryptophan, and iron,
Infect. Immunology, 62(8): 3197-3205. Gopinath, V.K., Musa, M.; Samsudin, A.R. Lalitha, P. and Sosroseno, W.
(2006): Role of Nitric oxide in hydroxyapatite-induced phagocytosis by murine macrophage cell line (RAW 264.7).
Achives of oral Biology, 51-339- 344. Green. S.J.: Nacy. C.A. and Meltzer, M.S. (1991): Cytokine-induced
synthesis of nitric oxides in macrophages: A protective host response to leishmania and other intracellular pathogens, 1. Leukocyte Biol., 50, 93-103.
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No. 111 October 2006
Hudson, L. and Hay, F.C. (1991): Practical Immunology, Blackwell
Scientific Publications, Oxford. Jiang, X. and Baldwin, C.L. (1993): Effects of Cytokines on intercellular
growth of Brucella abortus. Infect. Immun., 6 (10): 124–134. Jiang, X., Leonard, B.; Benson, R. and Baldwin, C.L. (1993):
Macrophage control of Brucella abortus: Role of reactive oxygen intermediates and nitric oxide, Cellular Immunol., 151,
309-319. Kramnik, I.; Skamene, E. and Danuta, R. (1993): Assesment of
lymphokine profiles in activated lymphocytes by
semiquantitative PCR., J. Immunol. Methods, 162, 143-153. Kuby, J. (1994): Immunology: second edition, W.H. Freeman and
Company, New York, USA Matsuno, R.; Aramaki, Y.; Arima H.; Adachi, Y., Ohno, N.; Yadomae, T.
and Tsuchiya, S. (1998): Contribution of CR3 to Nitric oxide production from Macropnages stimulated with high-dose of LPS., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,
244, Issue 1,6 march, 115-119. Monacada, S. and Higgs, A. (1993): Mechanism of disease. The
L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway, The New. Eng. J. Med.,
329(27): 2002-2012. Okamura, M.; Lillehoj, H.S., Raybourne, R.B.; Babu, U.S.; Heckert,
R.A.; Tani, H.; Sasai, K.; Baba, E. and Lillehoj, E.P. (2005): Differential Responses of macrophages to Salmonella enterica serovars Enteridis and Typhimurium, Vet. Immun, and Immun.
Path., 107-327-335. Stenger, S.; Thuring, H.; Rollinghoff, M. and Bogdan, C. (1994): Tissue
expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase is closely associated with resistance to Leishmania major. J. Exp. Med.,
180, 783-793. Tizard, I. R. (2000): Veterinary Immunology: An Introduction. 6th ed., W.
B. Saunders Company., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.