
1 Dept. of Internal Medicine, Fac. of Vet. Med., Alexandria University.

2 Animal Health Research Institute, Damanhor.

3 Animal Health Research Institute, Damanhor


Six hundred Friezian calves of 6-18 months age were stocked in different private farms at Alexandria desert road Egypt were clinically examined, feacal samples and skin scraping were collected for detection of internal parasites, ring worm and mange infestation. Feacal examination revealed that the prevalence rate of gastrointestinal nematode in examined animals was (31.7%). The most prevalent nematodes recovered by larval cultural were Trichotronglus spp. (32.1%), Haemonchus spp. (27.9%), Oestertagia spp. (23.2%), and Nematodirus (16.8%).While the infestation rate of Fasciola spp, para mphystomum and moneizia were 16.3 %, 8.3 % and 107 % respectively. Examination of skin scraping revealed that the prevalence rate of mange was (14.7%). The mycological culture revealed isolate of Trichophyton spp. (20.2%). Mixed infestation of gastrointestinal nematodes and skin lesion due to infestation by mange and infection by ringworm were 34.2% and 43.6 % respectively. Mixed infestation of Fasciola spp.and skin lesion which occur due to infestation by mange and by ringworm was 61 % and 82 % respectively. The efficacy of drugs as Ivomec F, Mangecide and Sulpher ointment 10 % treated mange was 100% while the efficacy of drugs in calves infected by ring worm were Dichlorphen 1.5 %. Tincture iodine 3% and glacial acitic acid 3% was 87.5 %, 95 % and 100 % respectively. The efficacy of drugs used for selected calves wormer in this study were, Abendazole in parasitic gostrointestinal, Fascioala and Moneizia infestation was 96%, 83.3 % and 100 % respectively, while levamisol and Ivomec have 100% efficacy in treatment of parasitic gostrointestinal. The treatment of Fasciola by triclabendazole and Ivomec F was 90 % and 85 % respectively.


Dept. of Internal Medicine,

Fac. of Vet. Med., AlexandriaUniversity.


Concurrent infection with internal parasites and skin scaly lesions

in Friesian calves and efficacy

of treatment

(With 10 Tables)



A.A.  Mahmoud; N.M. Bakir*; H.A. Hamouda*

*Animal Health Research Institute, Damanhor.

(Received at 24/5/2008)


توافق الإصابة بالديدان الداخلية والأمراض الجلدية ذات القشور

في العجول الفريزيان وکفاءة العلاج


عبدالکريم عبدالتواب محمود ، نبيل محمد بکير ، حسن عبدالسلام علي حمودة


أجريت هذه الدراسة على 600 عجل فريزيان تتراوح أعمارهم من 6-18 شهر بمزارع على طريق مصر – إسکندرية الصحراوى. تم فحص هذه الحالات للتعرف على وجود الديدان الداخلية والجرب والقراع عن طريق أخذ عينات براز وکحتات جلدية من المناطق الإصابة بالجلد لإجراء الفحوصات الطفيلية اللازمة ، وکذلک الکشف عن وجود القراع. وقد أظهرت النتائج إصابة في إصابة 190 عجل بالديدان المعوية بمعدل انتشار 31.7 % ، وکانت الطفيليات شائعة الإصابة هي ترايکوسترنجليس بنسبة 32.1 % هيمونکس 27.9 % استرتاجيا بمعدل 23.2 % ونيماتوديرس 18.8 % وأيضاً کانت الإصابة بالديدان الکبدية بمعدل 98 عمل بنسبة 16.3 % وديدان البارامفستيومم بمعدل 50 عجل بنسبة 8.3 % وديدان المونيزيا بمعدل 10 عجول بنسبة 1.7 % من إجمالي العدد المصاب. بينما أظهرت النتائج الکحتات الجلدية إصابة 88 عجل بالجرب بنسبة 14.6 % و 121 عجل بالقراع بنسبة 20.2 من إجمالي العدد المصاب. وکذلک أظهرت النتائج أن معدل الإصابة المختلطة بالديدان المعدية والجرب معاً 65 عجل مصاب بنسبة 34.2 % ، وکذلک الإصابة المختلطة بالديدان المعوية والقراع معاً 83 عجل مصاباً بنسبة 43.6 %. وکذلک أظهرت النتائج أن الإصابة المختلطة بين الديدان الکبدية والجرب معاً بمعدل 60 عجل بنسبة 61 % والإصابة بالديدان الکبدية والقراع معاً 80 عجل بنسبة 82% بينما نسبة الإصابة بالجرب في العجول الغير مصابة بالديدان الکبدية هي 28 عجل بنسبة 5.6 % ، وکذلک نسبة الاصابة بالقراع في الحيوانات الغير مصابة بالديدان الکبدية هي 41 عجل بنسبة 8.2 % مما يؤکد توافق الإصابة بين الديدان المعوية والکبدية معاً وبين الاصابة بالجرب والقراع وارتباط العلاقة بينهم حيث أن الديدان المعوية والکبدية تعمل کعامل مساعد قوي للإصابة بالجرب والقراع وظهورهما. تم علاج العجول المصابة بالجرب بالعلاجات الآتية : 1- أيفوماک بمعـدل    1 سم / 50 کجم . 2- منج سايد 3- مرهم کبريت 10 وکلهم أظهروا کفاءة بنسبة 100%. تم علاج الحيوانات المصابة بالقراع بـ ديکلورفين وصبغة اليود وحمض الخليک وکلها کانت مفيدة ومؤثرة في تحسن  الحالات بنسبة 87.5% و95% و100% على التوالى. تم علاج العجول المصابة بالديدان المعوية والکبدية والديدان الشرطية بالبندازول وليفاميزول والأيفوماک وترايکلا بندازول وأيفوماک إف ، وکلها أظهرت نتائج مؤثرة وبنسب مختلفة حسب نوع الدواء المستخدم.




Six hundred Friezian calves of 6-18 months age were stocked in different private farms at Alexandria desert road Egypt were clinically examined, feacal samples and skin scraping were collected for detection of internal parasites, ring worm and mange infestation. Feacal examination revealed that the prevalence rate of gastrointestinal nematode in examined animals was (31.7%). The most prevalent nematodes recovered by larval cultural were Trichotronglus spp. (32.1%), Haemonchus spp. (27.9%), Oestertagia spp. (23.2%), and Nematodirus (16.8%).While the infestation rate of Fasciola spp, para mphystomum and moneizia were 16.3 %, 8.3 % and 107 % respectively. Examination of skin scraping revealed that the prevalence rate of mange was (14.7%). The mycological culture revealed isolate of Trichophyton spp. (20.2%). Mixed infestation of gastrointestinal nematodes and skin lesion due to infestation by mange and infection by ringworm were 34.2% and 43.6 % respectively. Mixed infestation of Fasciola spp.and skin lesion which occur due to infestation by mange and by ringworm was 61 % and 82 % respectively. The efficacy of drugs as Ivomec F, Mangecide and Sulpher ointment 10 % treated mange was 100% while the efficacy of drugs in calves infected by ring worm were Dichlorphen 1.5 %. Tincture iodine 3% and glacial acitic acid 3% was 87.5 %, 95 % and 100 % respectively. The efficacy of drugs used for selected calves wormer in this study were, Abendazole in parasitic gostrointestinal, Fascioala and Moneizia infestation was 96%, 83.3 % and 100 % respectively, while levamisol and Ivomec have 100% efficacy in treatment of parasitic gostrointestinal. The treatment of Fasciola by triclabendazole and Ivomec F was 90 % and 85 % respectively.


Key words: calves, skin lesions, parasitism, ringworm




            Parasitic infestations causes an economical losses among cattle. Fasciola gigantica is considered as the most important one and it seriously affects animals health in Egypt. Economical losses are huge due to drop in meat and milk production arised from feeding of young flukes on hepatic cells, anemia and emaciation produced by the daily loss of about 50 ml blood per fluke which was reported by                (Abd El-Gawad et al., 1989).

            Mange is a common cause economic losses include weight losses, decrease milk production and increased susceptibility to other diseases (Urquhart et al., 1988).

            Outbreaks of mange usually occure in housed cattle, as sarcoptic mange is highly contagious and spread by close contact. Infestation in cattle starts usually on the sparsely haired part of the body such as the head and neck or sacral region (Kettle, 1984).

            Under certain conditions, mange can spread all over the body of cattle. Mild infestations showed scaly skin with little hair loss, but in severe cases, the skin becomes thickened and wrinkled (hyperkeratosis) and there is a marked loss of hair. The altered skin functions and the intense priorities in cattle may result in considerable economic losses (Kutzer, 2000).

            Ringworm is the most commonly seen in calves, particularly in the region around the eyes, although generalized skin lesions on the body can develop. Lesions are usually discrete, scaly patches of hair loss with a grey crust formation. Some thickly crusted with pus. Ring worm is more common as a herd health problem in winter months and also in tropical climate due to high humidity (Younes 2002).

            The aim of the present work is to spotalight on:

1 - The relationship between the infestation by internal parasites and scaly skin lesions (mange and ring worm).

2 - The efficacy of the treatment.


Materials and Methods



A total 600 Friezian calves of 6-18 months age belonging to a private farm at Alexandria desert road Egypt were used in this study.

Samples and methods

A - Feacal samples:

Feacal samples of 600 Friezian calves were collected from the rectum and examined microscopically using concentration flotation and concentration sedimentation techniques, the feacal culture and larval differentiation carried out according to (Georgi 1980).

B - Skin scraping:

Samples were collected from the periphery of lesions, taking no more than 10% of the total area of the lesion at any sampling time, scrapings were made using a sharp flat scalpel from an area approximately 3x3 cm. A part of each sample was placed in a few drops of Potassium Hydroxide 20% solution on a slide covered with a cover slid and examined microscopically after 30 minute without its dryness for the presence of fungal elements (Emmons et al., 1977).

The second-third part of skin scraping was inoculated into the surface of Sabouroud's Dextrose Agar media to which Chlormphenicol (250 mg/L) and Actidione (500mg/L) were added. The inoculated tubes incubated at 25-30°C for 2 weeks. The growing organisms were examined for cultural characteristics and spore morphology was studied by slide culture method according to Freg et al. (1979).

Approximately the last-third of each skin scraping was moserated in 10% potassium hydroxide in a hot water (not boiled) until clearing of the skin tissues, cooling them, centrifuged and examined microscopically for detection of mites (Barth and Visse 1985).


            Treatment were carried out by using different drugs for internal parasites [Albendazole 10 % 3ml/45 K.g B.W Orally, Levacide 10 % (levamisol Hcl 10 %), 10ml/100 K.g B.W S/C, Ivomec 1 ml /50 K,.g B.W subcut . Tricla-bendazole (Fasinex) 10 ml /100 K.g B.W. orally.

            Efficacy of drugs in mange is carried by using Ivomec 1ml       50 K,.g B.W s/c twice injection with week interval, mangcide applied locally daily for 5 days and sulpher ointment 10 % applied locally daily for 5 days. 

            Different drugs are used in treatment of ring worm                  (Di-chlorophan 1.5%, spray for 2 weeks, tincture iodine 3% applied for 3 weeks and glacial acetic acid 3 %locally for 10 days, all animals were treated orally by potassium iodide 2 mg / k.g B.w for 10 days, AD3E   (10 m/calves) i.m, twice injection.




Some calves were suffering from diarrhea, rough coat, loss of weight, emaciation and unthriftness. Skin affection appeared on some cases in addition to the previous signs. There were itching manifested by bitting and rubbing of the infested skin; the skin of the effected area was thickened with some fissures as well as denuded crusts; the hair was broken and extirpated.

Results of the parasitological examination of feacal samples revealed that gastrointestinal nematodes Fasciola, Paramphystomum and Moneizia were31.7 %, 16.3 %, 8.3 % and 1.7 % respectively. While the results of feacal culture for larval differentiation revealed the infestation of these calves with Trichostrongylus spp., Heamonchus spp., Oestartagia spp. and Nematodiurus spp (Table 2).

Skin scraping examination recorded 88 calves were infested with mange (14.1 %) and 121 calves infected with ring worm (20.2 %)  (Table 3).

The percentage of infestation with mange and ring worm in PGI infested calves was high 34.2 % and 43.6 % respectively in which 65 managed calves and 83 infected ring worm calves out of 190 infested with parasitic gastrointestinal one, while it was low 5.6% and 9.3 % respectively (23 managed calves and 38 infected ring worm out of 410 PGI free calves) (Tables 4, 5).

The percentage of infestation with mange and infected ring worm in fasciolated calves was high 61% and 82 % respectively in which 60 managed calves and 80 infected ring worm calves out of 98 fasciolated calves. While it was low 5.6 % and 8.2 % respectively where 28 manged calves and 41 infected ring worm in out 502. Fasciola free calves (Tables 6, 7).


Ivomec, magnified and sulpher ointment 10% are used in treatment of manged calves and show 100 % cure rate (Table 8). Treatment of ring worm by different drugs dichlorophen 1.5 %, tincture iodine 3% and glacial acetic acid show 87.5 %, 95 % and 100 % curity respectively (Table 9).

Efficacy of drugs in selected calves wormer show that Albendazol were 96 % of PGI 88.3 % of Fasciola and 100 % in moniezia levamisol and Ivomec show 100% in both drug in parasitic gastrointestinal. Triclabendazole and Ivomec F cure 90 % and 85 % respectively from fasciolated calves.


Table 1: Results of parasitological examination of feacal samples.


Total No. of examined animals

 Fasciola spp.



 Parastic G.I


Mixed infestation

Fasciola and P.G.I


Mixed infestation

Paramphystomum and P.G.I








































Table 2: Results of larval differentiation of feacal culture.



No. of 






Heamonchus spp.


Oestrtagia spp.


Nematodirus spp.




























Table 3: Results of examination of skin scraping.


Total No. of examined animals

No. of animals infested with mite

No. of animals infected with ringworm

















Table 4: Results of manged calves from PGI infested and PGI free calves.


Total No.

of ex.


No. of PGI infested Calves

  No. of manged calves recovered from  PGI infested Calves



No. of PGI free calves

No. of manged calves recovered from PGI free calves






34.2 %



5.6 %


Table 5: Results of ringworm infected calves recovered from PGI infested and PGI free calves. 


Total No.

of ex.


No. of PGI infested Calves

No. of ringworm infected calves recovered from  PGI infested Calves



No. of PGI free calves

No. of ringworm infected calves recovered from PGI free calves









9.3 %



Table 6: Results of manged calves recovered from fasciolated and fasciola free calves.


Total No.

Of ex.


No. of fasciola infested Calves

No. of manged calves recovered from  fasciola infested Calves



No. of fasciola free calves

No. of manged calves recovered from fasciola free calves






61 %



5.6 %


Table 7: Results of ringworm infected calves recovered from fasciola and fasciola free calves


Total No.

Of ex.


No. of fasciola infested Calves

No. of ringworm infected calves recovered from  fasciola infested Calves



No. of fasciola free calves

No. of ringworm infected calves recovered fasciola from  free calves






82 %



8.2 %


Table 8: Results of efficacy of mangecidal drugs.


Total infested

No. (88)


Drug administration

Cure rate








(Twice injection with week interval)






Mangcide ( Benzyl benzoate, Sulpher, Salicylic acid, Phenol and Tar) applied locally daily

for 5 days.






Sulpher ointment 10 % applied locally daily for 5 days





Table 9: Results of efficacy of fungicidal drugs.


Total infected

calves (120)

Drug administration

Cure rate





Dichlorophen 1.5% for two weeks





Tincture iodine 3% for three weeks





3 % Glacial acetic acid for 10 days




Table 10: Efficacy of drugs in selected calves wormers.



Generic drug name




Total 190

Total 98

Total 10

No. of treated



No. of treated



No. of treated











































Ivomec F













Gastrointestinal nematodes and liver fluke infestation are the major contributors to reduced productivity and can lower the production of meat and milk (Radostits et al., 2000). Mange is one of the most destructive parasitic diseases not only on the skin, but also to general condition of the affected animals (Hourrigan 1979). Ring worm is more common as a herd health problem in winter months, spontaneous recovery is common in cattle, but valuable animals are commonly treated to limit progression of the disease to other members (Emmons   et al., 1977).

This investigation revealed the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes  infestation in naturally infested calves (Table 1) 190 calves (31.7 %) were infested with  gastrointestinal nematodes, 98 calves   (16.3 %) infested with fasciola spp., 50 calves (8.3 %) infested with paramphystomum and 10 calves (1.7 %) infested with Moneizia these results agree with Morsy et al. (2005), who recorded fasciola infestation rate among calves (20 %) but disagree with El-Shazly et al. (2002) who reported it 9.73 %.

It was observed that the infestation with Paramphystomum     (8.3 %), this results agree with Haridy et al. (2006) who reported Paramphystomum infestation was 10%. The results of larval differentiation of fecal culture of nematodes were Trichostrongylus spp (32.1 %), Heamonchus spp (27 %), Oestertagia spp. (32.2%) and Nematodirus spp. (16.8 %) (Table 2). It was obvious that highest susceptibility of calves less than 1.5 years old to parasitic infestation especially PGI that could be explained by incomplete development of immune system in young ages and with age progress the immune system can overcome these parasitic infestations and eliminates it from the animal body this agree with Salib (2007).

Results of skin scraping examination recorded in Table (3) reveled that 14.7 % and 20.2 % for mange and ring worm respectively. This result agrees with Gates and Wescott (2000) and Younes (2002).

The mixed infestation of gastrointestinal parasite mange and ring worm were 34.2 % and 43.6 % respectively (65 managed calves and 83 ring worm infected calves respectively out of 190 of parasitic gastrointestinal one) while it was low 5.6 % and 9.3 % respectively in parasitic gasterointestinal free calves (23 manged calves and 38 ring worm infected calves out of 410 one)

Although mixed infestation of fasciola, mange and ring worm were 61 % and 82 % respectively (60 managed calves and 80  ring worm infected calves respectively out of 98 fasciolated calves) while it was low 5.6 % and 8.2 % respectively in fasciola free calves (28 manged calves and 41 infected ring worm calves out of 502 of fasciola free calves).

From the obtained results it could be concluded that gastrointestinal and fasciola fluckes may enhance susceptibility of calves to mange and ring worm and predispose to infestation.

            Naturally occurring of parasitic diseases in farm animals are frequently caused by concurrent infections with two or more immunobiologically unrelated or remotely related species of parasites (Fakae and Chiejina 1993) while, (Christensen et al., 1987) reported that heterologous parasite interaction in domestic animals may give rise to the prolonged survival and enhanced pathogenicity of one of the concomitant infections. Also Bruer and West (1993), Fritsche et al. (1993) reported that, gastrointestinal nematodes naturally infested with mange. They attributed these results to the nematodes infestation which induces desquamation and sloughing of the epithelium, villous atrophy and consequently decrease absorption mineral and other food nutrients and inappetance.morever, At farm level the factors must be considered in approaching the mange outbreak such as source of infestation, helminth parasite status and general health status (O'Brien 1999).

            The efficacy of the treatment was assessed based on healing of the skin lesions and absence of mites on the skin. Table (8) showd that total of 88 calves naturally infected with mange were divided into 3 groups which were group 1 treated with Ivomec F 2 injections subcutaneously at week intervals, and group 2 treated with Mangecide applied locally daily for 5 days and group 3 treated with a sulpher ointment 10 % topically applied once daily for a week. Skin scrapings were examined at weekly intervals to determine the efficacy of the treatments. It was shown that the total number of treatments to cure mange was 100% in all three groups. Ivomec F provides numerous advantages when used in the form of injection. meanwhile local treatments to be effective the drug must cover the entire integument which may cause side effects such as burning sensation and irrigative dermatitis (Buffect and Dupin 2003). So Ivomec is the most easily effective applied treatment against mange. This result agrees with results obtianed by Bridi et al. (2001) and Patal et al. (2003).

            In Table (9) a total of 120 calves infected with ring worm were divided into 3 groups which were treated with dichlorophen 1.5% for two weeks, tincture iodine 3% for three weeks and glacial acidic acid for 10 days. Skin scrapings were examined at weekly intervals to determine the efficacy of the treatment. It was shown that, the efficacy of treatments was 87.5%, 95% and 100%for Dichlorophen,Tincture iodine and Glacial acetic acid respectively. This result agrees with Younes (2002).

            Table (10) shows efficacy of drugs in selected cattle wormers where Albendazole effect 96%, 94.7% and 100% on PGI, Fasciola and Moneizia respectively. Levamisol and Ivomec effect 100% on PGI. These results agree with Gates and Wescott (2000).

            Triclabendazole effected on 90% of liver fluke our results supported by Yehia et al. (2006).

            Ivomec F effected on 85% of liver flukes agreed by Eisa and Esmail (2003).




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Abdel-Gawad, A.F.; Soliman, M.A. and Abdel Ghani, A.F. (1981): Diagnosis of immature Fasciola gigantica by interadermal test. J. Egypt. Vet. Assoc., 41 (2): 179-187.
Barth, D. and Visse, M. (1985): Comparison of two methods for counting living mites in skin scrapings. Zentralbi Bacteriol. Mikrobiol. Hyg. Ass. 260-412.
Bridi, A.A.; Carvalho, L.A.; Cramer, L.G. and B. Arrick, R.A. (2001): Efficacy of long-acting formulation of Ivermectin against psorptes ovis  in cattle. Vet. Parasitol. (97): 277-283.
Bruere, A.N. and West, D.M. (1993): The sheep health disease and production. Vet. Assoc., Palmerston North. New Zealand      pp. 397
Buffect, M. and Dupin, N. (2003): Current treatments for scabies. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, 17 (2): 217-220.
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