Document Type : Research article


1 Animal Health Research Institute, Assiut, Egypt

2 Dept. of Animal Medicine, Fac. of Vet. Med., Assiut Univ., Assiut Egypt


The present study aimed to establish normal concentration of Copper, Zinc, Iron, and Manganese in some randomly selected individuals representing camels, cattle and buffaloes together with a comparison between the recorded results and those reported in the previous literature. A total number of 75 clinically healthy male animals represent camels, cattle and buffaloes (25 each). Agesof examined animals  ranged between 5-7 years. Animals were slaughtered in Bani Adi slaughter house (Assiut city) where blood and liver samples were collected from each slaughtered animal. Selected animals were proved clinically healthy before slaughter by both clinical and laboratory methods of examinations and post mortem examination revealed no any macro pathological changes of carcasses or internal viscera. Blood serum and hepatic levels of Copper, Zinc, iron, and Manganese were determined and compared with respective values of cattle, buffaloes and camels. Blood serum Copper and manganese levels were significantly higher for camels than for cattle and buffaloes. While Liver copper and iron were significantly (p < 0.05) higher for camels than for cattle and buffaloes. The difference in blood serum zinc and iron, liver zinc, manganese between camels, cattle and buffaloes were not statistically significant (p < 0.05) Mean levels of copper, zinc, iron, and manganese in hay and crops residue mixture, on the dry matter basis were at the lower margin of the latest NRC recommendations.


Animal Health Research Institute,

Assiut, Egypt.


Assessment of some trace elements in healthy camel, cattle and buffalos

(With 3 Tables)




* Dept. of Animal Medicine, Fac. of Vet. Med., AssiutUniv., Assiut Egypt.

(Received at 13/1/2011)


تقدير بعض العناصر النادرة فى الجمال والأبقار والجاموس السليمة


جابر فرغلى خميس , إيمان محمد عبد الناصر , أحمد عبد الفتاح عامر


هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقديرترکيز کلا من النحاس, الزنک, الحديد والمنجنيز في الجمال والأبقار والجاموس السليمة اکلينيکيا ومقارنة هذه الترکيزات بالدراسات السابقة. تم إجراء الدراسة على عدد 75 من الجمال والأبقار والجاموس مقسمة إلى25 لکل منهم, وجميعها من الذکور وتتراوح أعمارها من 5-7 سنوات وقد اثبت الفحص الإکلينيکى لهذه الحيوانات قبل الذبح أنها سليمة إکلينيکيا ولا يبدو عليها أية أعراض إکلينيکية مرضية کما أن الفحص الظاهرى للذبيحة والأحشاء الداخلية أثبتت خلوها من أية تغيرات باثولوجية ظاهرية. تم تجميع عينات الدراسة من مجزر بنى عدى بمحافظة أسيوط, حيث تم تجميع عينات الدم (للحصول على مصل الدم) وکذلک عينات الکبد الخاصة بکل حيوان وقد تم تجميع عينات الغذاء (التبن وبقايا الحقول) من أماکن تغذية هذه الحيوانات. وقد أوضحت نتائج تقديرترکيز کلا من النحاس, الزنک, الحديد والمنجنيز فى عينات مصل الدم أن هناک زيادة معنوية فى کلا من ترکيز النحاس والمنجنيز فى الجمال عن الأبقاروالجاموس بينما لا توجد فروق معنوية فى ترکيز کلا من الزنک والحديد بين الجمال مقارنة بالأبقار والجاموس. کما أوضحت نتائج تقديرترکيز کلا من النحاس والحديد فى عينات الکبد أن هناک زيادة معنوية فى الجمال عن الأبقار والجاموس بينما لا توجد فروق معنوية فى ترکيز کلا من الزنک والمنجنيز فى عينات الکبد بين الجمال عند مقارنتها بالأبقار والجاموس. کما أوضحت نتائج تقديرترکيز کلا من النحاس, الزنک, الحديد والمنجنيز فى عينات الغذاء (التبن وبقايا الحقول) أن هذه الترکيزات لا تتعدى الحدود المرجعية الدنيا.




The present study aimed to establish normal concentration of Copper, Zinc, Iron, and Manganese in some randomly selected individuals representing camels, cattle and buffaloes together with a comparison between the recorded results and those reported in the previous literature. A total number of 75 clinically healthy male animals represent camels, cattle and buffaloes (25 each). Agesof examined animals  ranged between 5-7 years. Animals were slaughtered in Bani Adi slaughter house (Assiut city) where blood and liver samples were collected from each slaughtered animal. Selected animals were proved clinically healthy before slaughter by both clinical and laboratory methods of examinations and post mortem examination revealed no any macro pathological changes of carcasses or internal viscera. Blood serum and hepatic levels of Copper, Zinc, iron, and Manganese were determined and compared with respective values of cattle, buffaloes and camels. Blood serum Copper and manganese levels were significantly higher for camels than for cattle and buffaloes. While Liver copper and iron were significantly (p< 0.05) higher for camels than for cattle and buffaloes. The difference in blood serum zinc and iron, liver zinc, manganese between camels, cattle and buffaloes were not statistically significant (p< 0.05) Mean levels of copper, zinc, iron, and manganese in hay and crops residue mixture, on the dry matter basis were at the lower margin of the latest NRC recommendations.


Key words: Camel, Cattle, buffaloes, Copper, Zinc, iron, Manganese




Trace minerals are those needed in small amounts, with requirements usually. Expressed as p.p.m (parts per million of the diet) and comprise less than 0.01% of the total mass of an organism (Kincaid, 1999).

Trace elements such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), Selenium (Se), cobalt and iodine are essential in animal nutrition and are needed in very small amounts for essential metabolic reactions in the body. These trace elements are generally included in enzymes, hormones and vitamins molecules. For example, copper in cytochrome oxidase, alkaline phosphatase cystyloxidase, DNA and RNA polymerase and dehydrogenase. Manganese is recorded in pyruvate carboxylase and selenium in gluthione peroxidase. Iodine is included in thyroid hormones, cobalt in vitamin B12, and iron metalloprotein in haemoglobin and myoglobin. These trace elements are not only necessary for normal growth and development of animals but also important for reproduction(Akhtar et al., 2009).

Herd (1997) indicated that there is concern that trace elements may be limiting production in better- managed herds to a much greater extent than previously recognized. In animals sub clinical trace element deficiencies may be a larger problem than an acute deficiency, because specific clinical symptoms are not evident to allow the producer to recognize the deficiency (Failla, 2008). Animals with sub clinical status can continue to reproduce or grow, but at reduced rate, with decreased feed efficiency, and a depressed immune system (Nockles, 1994).

Trace elements deficiencies are often associated with alterations in many metabolic processes and cause various diseases. Also this deficiency causes severe economic loss due to increased susceptibility to oxidative stress, growth retardation in young animals, anemia (Bureau  et al., 2008), decrease in feed efficiency and fertility (Grenier et al., 2003), enhance the virulence of the infectious agents (Failla, 2008) and decrease immune system function (Rink and Ibs, 2003; Knutson and Wessling-Resnick, 2003).

The smallholding livestock system is dependent mainly on grazing and crop residue as a source of dry matter. Mineral imbalances are quite common in this system and there have been evidences of trace minerals deficiency or excess in different regions (McDowell, 1997).

The most common reason to assess the trace element status of ruminants is because performance is below expectation. Accordingly, the assessment is done to determine the presence or prevalence of nutrient deficiencies (or toxicities) within a population. Assessment also is done to evaluate efficacy of dietary supplementation or to compare available supplements (Kincaid, 1999).

Large numbers of livestock in many parts of the world consume diets that do not meet the dietary requirements (McDowell, 1997 and 2003). Continued ingestion of diets that are deficient, imbalanced or excessively high in a mineral induces changes in the form of concentration of the mineral in the body tissues and fluids, so that it falls below or rises above the tolerable limits. In such circumstances biochemical lesions develop, physiological functions are affected adversely and structural disorders may arise (Suttle and Jones, 2000).

Upper Egypt is predominantly the domain of small and marginal farmers and the landless who keep one or two animals generally as a part of small breeders pattern (Atallah, 2004). Their animals are grazing on seasonal crop residues or freely on the perennial vegetation. The problems that arise are often associated with ill-advised feeding regimes; and cost-effective supplemental minerals. It is difficult to get good information on the composition and quality of the ration and the amounts fed in most cases.

The most common tissue analyzed for mineral content is liver, as it is the primary storage organ for many of the essential minerals (McDowell, 1997). Liver values are more informative and consistent as blood levels may remain normal for longer periods after liver trace elements levels commence to fall indicating an early sign of trace elements deficiency (Radostits et al., 2004).

General clinical signs of trace elements deficiency usually revealed animals anemic and manifest stunted growth, late maturity; longer inter calving periods and reproductive disorders (Khan et al., 2006). The young stock in particular is victims of poor growth rate and high mortality. Mild deficiencies or sub-clinical deficiencies assume great importance because they are difficult to be diagnosed and they are clinically manifested only as unthrifty, unsatisfactory growth, production and fertility (Khan et al., 2007). Large numbers of livestock in many parts of the world consume diets that do not meet the dietary requirements (McDowell et al., 1997 and Khan et al., 2006, 2007).

In the present study, analysis of the animal feed, blood serum, and liver was conducted to establish normal concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in some selected individuals representing camels, bovines and buffaloes and to compare the recorded results with those reported in the previous literature.





Seventy five male animals' camels, cattle and buffaloes (25 each) aged from 5-7 years old were selected after careful clinical examination. They were raised at smallholder houses in different villages and slaughtered in Bani Adi slaughter house (Assiut, Egypt) during the period from March to August 2010.


Blood sampling:

Jugular blood samples in clean tubes, free from anticoagulant, were collected from the selected clinically healthy animals. The blood was allowed to clot and centrifuged, then clear blood serum was separated and stored at -20 C° until analysed.


Collection of liver samples:

Liver samples from the selected slaughtered camels, cattle and buffaloes were collected. The samples were transferred into clean sterile containers and immediately frozen at -20 C° until analysed.

Feed samples:

Samples of both hay and crops residue were taken and analysed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Two grams of each sample was wet ashed in a Teflon beaker with cover using (1:3) HNO3/HCLO4 acid mixture. The residue after evaporation was dissolved in dilute HCL and completed to 50 ml using bi-distilled water.


Biochemical analysis:

Blood serum concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (B3003,Perkin Elmer-AAS). Liver samples (one gram) were digested in a mixture of 2:1: 0.5 nitric acid (HNO, 65%, Perchloric acid (HCLO4, 60%) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4, 97%). The samples were further diluted and aspirated into an atomic absorption spectrophotometer.


Statistical analysis:

Recorded data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The statistical differences between means were estimated by DunconsMultipleRange test. The computation was facilitated by statistical package SPSS (2000).




Mean levels of blood serum concentrations of Cu, Fe, and Mn in tested camels, cattle and buffaloes are shown in Table (1). Mean blood serum Cu and Mn in camels were significantly higher (p< 0.05) than that in cattle and buffaloes. The difference in mean blood serum Zn and Fe concentrations between camels, cattle and buffaloes were not statistically significant.


Mean levels of liver concentrations for Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in tested camels, cattle and buffaloes are shown in Table (2). Mean liver concentration of Cu, and Fe in camels were significantly higher (p< 0.05) when compared with their values in cattle and buffaloes, However, the differences in mean liver concentration of Zn and Mn between the camels, cattle and buffaloes were not statistically significant (p< 0.05).


Hay and crops residue mixture concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn were within the range recorded by others (Table 3).


Table 1: Mean levels of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in the serum of camels, cattle and buffaloes.




























     * = Significant (p< 0.05)


Table 2: Mean levels of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in the liver of camels, cattle and buffaloes.



























      * = Significant (p< 0.05)


Table 3: Mean levels of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in the feed of camels, cattle and buffaloes (on dry matter basis).





crops residue




















In the present study, the obtained concentrations of some serum trace elements (Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn) in camels were comparable to that recorded by Selim (1992), and Sayed, (1998).

In general, the blood serum concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn, in cattle and buffaloes were within the lower range recorded for ruminants (Black et al., 1985; Stoszek et al., 1986 and Engle et al., 2001). The obtained blood serum Cu level in camels was significantly higher than that demonstrated in cattle and buffaloes. This is in agreement with the previous reports in which blood serum Cu values are higher in camels than in ruminants (Faye and Grillet, 1984; Faye et al., 1990). This may be attributed to the fact that camels graze more forages and more crops residue than cattle and buffaloes.

Concerning the small variations between the present values and those reported by other workers, can be attributed to the influence of number of examined animals, age, breed, nutrition and the environment difference.

Recorded blood serum Zn and Fe levels showed no differences between camels, cattle and buffaloes. These levels were within the general range reported for other animals (Hafez, 1994; Sayed, 1998).

On the other hand, the determined blood serum Mn concentrations in camels were significantly higher (p< 0.05) than its level in cattle and buffaloes. These results agree with that reported by El Tohamy et al. (1986).

The recorded values for mean hepatic concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in camels agree with the previous reports of (Kalifa et al., 1983; Abu Damir et al., 1983; Wensvoort, 1992). Also Liver concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn obtained for cattle and buffaloes were within the general range recorded by (Hatfield et al., 2001; Arthington and Pate 2002). In fact, the trace elements concentrations for animals' in both serum and liver will therefore depend on the mineral contents of feed and forage, the level of dietary sources intake, and the availability of minerals (Kamalu et al., 2006; Khan et al., 2007).

The obtained results indicated that, the hepatic Cu and iron concentrations recorded in camels were significantly higher (p< 0.05) than their values in cattle and buffaloes. This may be due to increase accumulation of Cu in the liver of camels, as the liver is the primary copper storage organ (Bailey et al., 2001; Radostits et al., 2004) where hepatic copper represents about 10% of the total amount of copper in the body. Also camels grass more forage –trees than grasses (Rutagwenda  et al., 1990) and leaves from those trees are generally richer in copper than pasture plants which are the main diet for the cattle and buffaloes (Faye et al., 1986; Faye et al., 1990). On the other hand, there were no significant differences in hepatic Zn and Mn recorded between camels, cattle and buffaloes.

Mean levels of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in hay and crops residue mixture at the dry matter basis were at the lower margin of the latest NRC (1996) recommendations.

In Fact, theses animals depend mainly on the amount of trace elements found in their food and no attention paid from the small holders to increase the quality of the animals' food by use supplementation with micronutrients where it is necessary. Many environmental and plant factors affect the mineral concentrations of forage plants; which include, species or strain, variety, soil type, the climatic conditions of different seasons during plant growth, stage of maturity of forage plants and other management practices.

Further studies will be needed to evaluate the effects of diet, regional differences, season and physiological status of the animals on serum trace elements of different animals under local farming processes.




Abu Damir, H.; Tartour, G. and Adam, S.E.I. (1983): Mineral contents in livestock in eastern Sudan. Tropical anim. Helth. and Prod., 15: 15-16.

Akhtar, M.S.; Farooq, A.A.; Muhammad, S.A.; Lodhi, L.A.; Haya, T. and Mushtag, A. (2009):Serum electrolyte and mineral variations during pregnancy and lactation in Nili-Ravi Buffalo. Biol. Trace Elem Res., 2003, 91: 49.

Arthington, J.D. and Pate, F.M. (2002):Effect of corn vs molasses- based supplements on trace mineral status in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 2787-2791.

Atallah, S.T. (2004): Effect of cattle diseases on reproductive, productive and economic efficiency of dairy farms. Minufeia Vet. J. 3 (1): 99-114.

Bailey, J.D.; Ansotegui, R.P.; Paterson, J.A.; Swenson, C.K. and Johnson, A.B. (2001): Effects of supplementing combinations of inorganic and complexes copper on performance and liver mineral status of beef heifers consuming antagonists. J. Anim. Sci. 79: 2926-2934.

Bureau, E.; Gueux, E.; Rock, A.M.; Roussel, I.; Mazur, A. and Rayssiguier, Y. (2008): Female rats are protected against oxidative stress during copper deficiency. 11th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals. P:208E.

Black, J.R.; Ammerman, C.B. and Henry, P.R. (1985): Effects of high dietary manganese oxide or manganese carbonate in sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 60: 861-866.

EL Tohamy, M.M.; Salama, A. and Youssef, A.E. (1986):Blood constituents in relation to the reproductive state in she-camel (Camelus dromedaries) Beitrage Fur Trop. Landwitschaft und Vet. Med. 24: 425-430.

Engle, T.E.; Feliner, V. and Speers, J.W. (2001):Copper status, serum cholesterol and milk fatty acid profile in Holstein cows fed varying concentrations of copper. J. Dairy Sci., 84: 2308-2313.

Failla, L. (2008): Trace metals and host defense - recent advances and continuing challenges. 11th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals., pp: 204E.

Faye, B. and Grillet, C. (1984):Copper deficiency in domestic ruminants in the Awash region (Ethiopia). 1. Plasma copper and ceruloplasmin content in sheep, goat, cattle and camel of the Awash region Ethiopia. Rev. Elev. Med. Vet. Pays Trop., 37: 42-60.

Faye, R.; Chillet, C. and Tessema, A. (1986):Trace mineral contents in forages and plasma of domesticated ruminants in Ethiopia. Rev. Elev. Med. Vet. Pays Trop., 39: 227-237.

Faye, R.; Kamil, M. and Labonne, M. (1990):Trace elements in feedstuffs and blood plasma of ruminants in Djibouti. Revued Elevage et de Medicine Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 43: 365-373.

Grenier, C.; Heeren, A. and Veado, G. (2003): Comparing zinc levels from Brazilian cattle tissues determined by ICP-MS with FAO’s and USDA’s Releases. J. Nutr. 133: 217E-218E.

Hafez, A.M. (1994):Studies on mineral picture in the blood sera of healthy camels in upper Egypt. Assiut Vet. Med. J. 62:        164-169.

Hatfield, P.G.; Swenson, C.K.; Kott, R.W.; Ansotegui, R.P. and Robinson, B.L. (2001): Zinc and copper status in ewes supplementad with sulfate- and amino acid complexed forms of zinc and copper. J. Anim. Sci. 79: 261-266.

Herd, D.B. (1997): Mineral supplementation of beef cows in Texas. Texas Agric. Extension Service Publ. B-6056.



Khalifa, H.; Fouad, M.T.; Awad, Y.L. and George, M.E. (1983): Application of the grey R.A. to the spectrophotometric determination of copper in the liver of the Egyptian camel. Microchem. J. 18: 536-542.

Khan, Z.I.; Hussain, A.; Ashraf, M. and McDowell, L.R. (2006): Mineral status of soil and forages in South Western Punjab, Pakistan. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Sciences, 19(7): 915-923.

Khan, Z.I.; Ashraf, M. and Hussain, A. (2007): Evaluation of macro mineral contents of forages: influence of pasture and seasonal variation. Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 20, 6: 908.

Kamalu, T.N.; Okpe, G.C. and Williams, A. (2006): Mineral contents of extracellular fluids in camel and cattle in northeast Sahel region of Nigeria. Nigerian. Vet. J., 24: 13-20.

Kincaid, R.L. (1999): Assessment of trace mineral status of ruminants: A review Department of Animal Sciences, WashingtonStateUniversity, Pullman 99164-6351 Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science.

Knutson, M. and Wessling-Resnick, M. (2003): Ferroportin-1 (Fpn1) and Iron Release by a Murine Macrophage Cell Line. J. Nutr., 133: 206E.

McDowell, L.R. (1997): Minerals for grazing ruminants in tropical regions.3rd Edition, Dept. of Animal Science Bulletin, Center for tropical Agriculture, Univ. of Fla, Gainesville.

McDowell, L.R. (2003): Minerals in animal and human nutrition, 2nd Ed. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.

Nockles, C.F. (1994): Micronutrients and the immune response. In: Montana Nutrition Conference Proceedings. MontanaStateUniversity, p. 31.

NRC (1996): Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 7th ed. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

Radostitis, O.M; Gay, C.C.; Blood, D.C. and Hinchcliff, K.W. (2004): Veterinary Medicine, 9th Ed. (Baillier Tindall, London, Philadelphia, New york).

Rink, L. and Ibs, K.H. (2003): Zinc-altered Immune Function. J. Nutr. 133: 204E-205E.

Rutagwenda, T.; Lechner-Doll, M.; Schwartz, W. and Engelhardt, W.V. (1990):Anim. Food Sci. Techn., 31: 179-192.

Sayed, A.S. (1998): Clinical, hematological and some trace elements status in healthy and emaciated camels in Assiut and New Valley Governorates. Assiut Vet. Med. J., 77: 154-166

Selim, H.M. (1992): Studies on some trace elements in healthy and diseased camels with special references to methods of treatment. M. Vet. Sci. Thesis, ZagazigUniversity.

SPSS (2000): Sample Power Statistics, SPSS 11.5, Syntax Reference Guide for SPSS Base. SPSS Inc., 233 South Wacker Drive, Chicago.

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Suttle, N.F. and Jones, D.J. (2000):Micronutrient imbalance, In: Diseases of Sheep, 3rd ed., Martin, W.B. and Aitken, I.D. ed., Blackwell Science, Oxford, Tokyo, Berlin. 332-344.

Wensvoort, J. (1992):Observations on liver copper concentration and diet of race camels (Camelus dromedaries). Proceedings of 1st international Camel Conference, Dubai, U.A.E., 2-6 February, 319-322.


Abu Damir, H.; Tartour, G. and Adam, S.E.I. (1983): Mineral contents in livestock in eastern Sudan. Tropical anim. Helth. and Prod., 15: 15-16.
Akhtar, M.S.; Farooq, A.A.; Muhammad, S.A.; Lodhi, L.A.; Haya, T. and Mushtag, A. (2009):Serum electrolyte and mineral variations during pregnancy and lactation in Nili-Ravi Buffalo. Biol. Trace Elem Res., 2003, 91: 49.
Arthington, J.D. and Pate, F.M. (2002):Effect of corn vs molasses- based supplements on trace mineral status in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 2787-2791.
Atallah, S.T. (2004): Effect of cattle diseases on reproductive, productive and economic efficiency of dairy farms. Minufeia Vet. J. 3 (1): 99-114.
Bailey, J.D.; Ansotegui, R.P.; Paterson, J.A.; Swenson, C.K. and Johnson, A.B. (2001): Effects of supplementing combinations of inorganic and complexes copper on performance and liver mineral status of beef heifers consuming antagonists. J. Anim. Sci. 79: 2926-2934.
Bureau, E.; Gueux, E.; Rock, A.M.; Roussel, I.; Mazur, A. and Rayssiguier, Y. (2008): Female rats are protected against oxidative stress during copper deficiency. 11th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals. P:208E.
Black, J.R.; Ammerman, C.B. and Henry, P.R. (1985): Effects of high dietary manganese oxide or manganese carbonate in sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 60: 861-866.
EL Tohamy, M.M.; Salama, A. and Youssef, A.E. (1986):Blood constituents in relation to the reproductive state in she-camel (Camelus dromedaries) Beitrage Fur Trop. Landwitschaft und Vet. Med. 24: 425-430.
Engle, T.E.; Feliner, V. and Speers, J.W. (2001):Copper status, serum cholesterol and milk fatty acid profile in Holstein cows fed varying concentrations of copper. J. Dairy Sci., 84: 2308-2313.
Failla, L. (2008): Trace metals and host defense - recent advances and continuing challenges. 11th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals., pp: 204E.
Faye, B. and Grillet, C. (1984):Copper deficiency in domestic ruminants in the Awash region (Ethiopia). 1. Plasma copper and ceruloplasmin content in sheep, goat, cattle and camel of the Awash region Ethiopia. Rev. Elev. Med. Vet. Pays Trop., 37: 42-60.
Faye, R.; Chillet, C. and Tessema, A. (1986):Trace mineral contents in forages and plasma of domesticated ruminants in Ethiopia. Rev. Elev. Med. Vet. Pays Trop., 39: 227-237.
Faye, R.; Kamil, M. and Labonne, M. (1990):Trace elements in feedstuffs and blood plasma of ruminants in Djibouti. Revued Elevage et de Medicine Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 43: 365-373.
Grenier, C.; Heeren, A. and Veado, G. (2003): Comparing zinc levels from Brazilian cattle tissues determined by ICP-MS with FAO’s and USDA’s Releases. J. Nutr. 133: 217E-218E.
Hafez, A.M. (1994):Studies on mineral picture in the blood sera of healthy camels in upper Egypt. Assiut Vet. Med. J. 62:        164-169.
Hatfield, P.G.; Swenson, C.K.; Kott, R.W.; Ansotegui, R.P. and Robinson, B.L. (2001): Zinc and copper status in ewes supplementad with sulfate- and amino acid complexed forms of zinc and copper. J. Anim. Sci. 79: 261-266.
Herd, D.B. (1997): Mineral supplementation of beef cows in Texas. Texas Agric. Extension Service Publ. B-6056.
Khalifa, H.; Fouad, M.T.; Awad, Y.L. and George, M.E. (1983): Application of the grey R.A. to the spectrophotometric determination of copper in the liver of the Egyptian camel. Microchem. J. 18: 536-542.
Khan, Z.I.; Hussain, A.; Ashraf, M. and McDowell, L.R. (2006): Mineral status of soil and forages in South Western Punjab, Pakistan. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Sciences, 19(7): 915-923.
Khan, Z.I.; Ashraf, M. and Hussain, A. (2007): Evaluation of macro mineral contents of forages: influence of pasture and seasonal variation. Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 20, 6: 908.
Kamalu, T.N.; Okpe, G.C. and Williams, A. (2006): Mineral contents of extracellular fluids in camel and cattle in northeast Sahel region of Nigeria. Nigerian. Vet. J., 24: 13-20.
Kincaid, R.L. (1999): Assessment of trace mineral status of ruminants: A review Department of Animal Sciences, WashingtonStateUniversity, Pullman 99164-6351 Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science.
Knutson, M. and Wessling-Resnick, M. (2003): Ferroportin-1 (Fpn1) and Iron Release by a Murine Macrophage Cell Line. J. Nutr., 133: 206E.
McDowell, L.R. (1997): Minerals for grazing ruminants in tropical regions.3rd Edition, Dept. of Animal Science Bulletin, Center for tropical Agriculture, Univ. of Fla, Gainesville.
McDowell, L.R. (2003): Minerals in animal and human nutrition, 2nd Ed. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
Nockles, C.F. (1994): Micronutrients and the immune response. In: Montana Nutrition Conference Proceedings. MontanaStateUniversity, p. 31.
NRC (1996): Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 7th ed. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Radostitis, O.M; Gay, C.C.; Blood, D.C. and Hinchcliff, K.W. (2004): Veterinary Medicine, 9th Ed. (Baillier Tindall, London, Philadelphia, New york).
Rink, L. and Ibs, K.H. (2003): Zinc-altered Immune Function. J. Nutr. 133: 204E-205E.
Rutagwenda, T.; Lechner-Doll, M.; Schwartz, W. and Engelhardt, W.V. (1990):Anim. Food Sci. Techn., 31: 179-192.
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