
Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, South Valley University, Qena Upper Egypt


A total of 120 random samples of some cheeses were collected from various dairy shops, street vendors and supermarkets located in Aswan city (upper Egypt) and The samples were examined microbiologically for enumeration, isolation and identification of Staph. aureus and detection of enterotoxigencity of the isolated Staph. aureus strains These samples included fresh Kareish, pickled Kareish, Domiati and Processed cheese (30 samples each).' Of the examined cheese samples 28(93%), 25(83%), 21(70%) and 6(20%), respectively were contaminated with Staph.aureus. With mean counts of 3.08 X 106 ± 1.79 x106, 3.40 x 105 ± 1.59x105, 7.24 x105± 4.10 x105 and 1.15 x102±8.98, respectively. Incidence of coagulase positive and coagulase negative strains of S. aureus in the examined cheese samples were (15 (54%) and (13(46%), (7 (28%) and (18(72%), (13(62%) and (8 (38%) and (0% and 6(100%), respectively. Methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) was isolated in an incidences of 8(26%), 7(23%), 9(30%). and 0(0%) from examined cheese samples respectively while vancomycin resistant Staph aureus (VRSA) was isolated in an incidences of 3(10%), 5(17%), 8(27%) and 0(0%). Three out of twelve strains of MRSA and VRSA were isolated from fresh Kareish cheese 4 strains from Pickled Kareish cheese and 5 strains of Domiati cheese. Two strains produced enterotoxins A were isolated from fresh Kareish cheese which can also synthesis entertoxins B and another 2 strains isolated from Domiati cheese produce entertoxins A and also one strain synthesiss entertoxins B, entertoxins C, and enterotoxins D. The selected 12 strains were strongly produce coagulase only 4 strains were enterotoxigenic.





Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, South Valley University, Qena Upper Egypt.

Email: lailael.malt@ymail.com  








Received at: 21/9/2013



Accepted: 24/10/2013


A total of 120 random samples of some cheeses were collected from various dairy shops, street vendors and supermarkets located in Aswan city (upper Egypt) and The samples were examined microbiologically for enumeration, isolation and identification of Staph. aureus and detection of enterotoxigencity of the isolated Staph. aureus strains These samples included fresh Kareish, pickled Kareish, Domiati and Processed cheese (30 samples each).' Of the examined cheese samples 28(93%), 25(83%), 21(70%) and 6(20%), respectively were contaminated with Staph.aureus. With mean counts of 3.08 X 106 ± 1.79 x106, 3.40 x 105 ± 1.59x105, 7.24 x105± 4.10 x105 and 1.15 x102±8.98, respectively. Incidence of coagulase positive and coagulase negative strains of S. aureus in the examined cheese samples were (15 (54%) and (13(46%), (7 (28%) and (18(72%), (13(62%) and (8 (38%) and (0% and 6(100%), respectively. Methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) was isolated in an incidences of 8(26%), 7(23%), 9(30%). and 0(0%) from examined cheese samples respectively while vancomycin resistant Staph aureus (VRSA) was isolated in an incidences of 3(10%), 5(17%), 8(27%) and 0(0%). Three out of twelve strains of MRSA and VRSA were isolated from fresh Kareish cheese 4 strains from Pickled Kareish cheese and 5 strains of Domiati cheese. Two strains produced enterotoxins A were isolated from fresh Kareish cheese which can also synthesis entertoxins B and another 2 strains isolated from Domiati cheese produce entertoxins A and also one strain synthesiss entertoxins B, entertoxins C, and enterotoxins D. The selected 12 strains were strongly produce coagulase only 4 strains were enterotoxigenic.



Key words: Staph.aureus, Enterotoxigenic, cheese.





Cheeses are ready to eat food products that do not undergo any further treatment to ensure their safety before consumption Although cheeses have been characterized as one of the safest food products by some authors (Little et al., 2008). In 2006 the consumption of contaminated cheese accounted for the 0.4% of the total food borne outbreaks in Europe (European Food Safety Authority "EFSA", 2008), furthermore, the scientific literature has reported severe food poisoning out breaks associated with various types of cheese. (Kongo et al., 2008).


Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of gastroenteritis resulting from the consumption of contaminated food. Staphylococcal food poisoning is due to the absorption of Staphylococcal enterotoxins preformed in the food (Loir et al., 2003)


Many contaminants find their way to raw milk, from which they gain access to dairy products (Al–khatib and Al-Mitwalli, 2009). Chapaval et al., (2010) found staphylococcalenterotoxins in milk when milk was stored at temperatures of 37 ºC to 42 ºC or when exposed to variations in temperature.


On heating at normal cooking temperature, the bacteria may be killed but the toxins remain active (Presscott et al., 2002). Staphylococcal enterotoxins are highly heat resistant and are thought to be more heat resistant in foodstuffs than in a laboratory culture medium (Bergdoll 1983).


Besides enterotoxins producing S. aureus are most dangerous and harmful for the human health about 50 % of this organism are able to produce enterotoxins associated with food poisoning (Payne, 1974). Illness  through S. aureus ranges from minor skin infection such as pimples, boils, cellulites, toxic shock syndrome impetigo, and abscesses to life threatening disease such as pneumonia, meningitis, endocarditis, and septicemia (Soomro et al., 2003).


SEA and SED are the most common Ses involved in food poisoning outbreaks (Genigeorgis, 1989). Growth of enteroxigenic strains of Staph. aureus to a population of 106 or more cells/g of food is generally considered necessary for production of a sufficient amount of enterotoxins to cause intoxication if the food consumed (Newsome, 1988). The amount of SEA necessary to cause symptoms in humans is about 100ng (Balaban and Rasooly, 2001). The Ses functions as potent gastrointestinal toxins. After ingestion of contaminated food, the toxins are resorbed into the blood in the gastrointestinal tract, activate an emetic reflex and cause nausea, emesis, abdominal cramps an diarrhea (Tortora, 1995) after 2-6 hours of eating contaminated food and the recovery takes 1-3 days, while deaths occur rarely, specifically in very young or old age (Martin and Iandolo, 2000) Time of onset and severity of symptoms depend on the quantity of toxins consumed and the individuals susceptibility (Baird and Lee, 1995).


To detect the level of enterotoxin (100ng) several sensitive detection methods for SE detection have been developed in particular the rapid  methods based on specific antibodies such as a radioimmunoassay (RIA) an enzyme linked immunsorbent assay (ELISA) or enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and reversed passive latex agglutination assay (RPLA) are commonly used in staphylococcal intoxication the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA probes is limited in detection only the presence of Staph aureus genes, but not in detection the presence of preformed toxins  (Di Pinto et al., 2004).


Antimicrobial resistance is a major public health problem in many countries due to the persistent circulation of resistant strains of bacteria in the environment and the possible contamination of bacteria in the environment and the possible contamination of water and food. The development of resistance both in human and animal bacterial pathogens has been associated with the extensive therapeutic use of antimicrobials or with their administration as growth promoters in food animal production (Barber et al., 2003)


The present study was planned to deal with the following:


1-Enumeration, isolation and identification of staph. aureus in  some cheese varieties sold in Aswan city.


2- Identification of antibiotics resistant strains of staph. aureus.


3-Detection of enterotoxigencity of the isolated staph. aureus organisms                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   



A) Collection of samples:                                                    

A total of 120 random samples of some cheese varieties were collected from various dairy shops, street vendors and supermarkets located at Aswan city. These samples included Fresh Kareish, pickled Kareish, Domiati and Processed cheese (30 samples each). Collected samples were transferred in an ice box directly to the laboratory with a minimum of delay to be examined.


B) Preparation of serial dilutions (ISO 8261. 2001):

C) Microbiological examination:


1- Enumeration and isolation of Staph. aureus (A.O.A.C., 2000):

Over duplicated plates of a dry surface of Baird Parker (B-P) agar, 0.1 ml from each prepared dilutions of examined samples were transferred and evenly spread using surface plating technique (Thatcher and Clark, 1988).


- The inoculated B-P agar plates were incubated at 37°C for 24-48 hrs. Suspected colonies are circular, smooth, convex, moist, 2-3 mm in diameter, gray to jet black, shiny, with light color (off-white) narrow margin, surrounded by hallow zones and had buttery to gummy consistency when touched with inoculating  needle were counted. The plates were then reincubated for additional 18-24 hrs before being counted for further growth, Staph. aureus count/ g  were recorded.


- Furthermore, an appropriate amount from each prepared sample was inoculated into sterile Nacl 10% broth. Inoculated Nacl 10% broths were inoculated at 37 °C for 24 hrs. A loopful of the incubated broth was streaked onto sterile plates of Mannitol Salt agar. (A.O.A.C., 2000)


Identification of Staph. aureus recovered from the examined samples:


A- Morphological characters for all isolates:


1-    Staining reaction (A.P.H.A., 2004):-


B- Biochemical reactions:- catalase activity (Koneman et al., 2005), anaerobic mannitol fermentation (Baird-Parker, 1962), coagulase test. according to (Cruickshank et al., 1973).


2- Isolation of antibiotics resistant strain of staph. aureus.


a- Identification of methicillin resistant Staph aureus (MRSA): (Simor et al., 2001).


The cultures of Staph aureus were subcultured on Oxacillin Resistance Screen Agar Base (ORSAB) (Oxoid Limited, Basingstoke, England) containing ORSAB Selective Supplement contained two antibiotics-oxacillin at 2mg/L and polymyxin B 50.000 IU/l. The plate was incubated at 37 OC for 24-48 h and examined for the presence of MRSA colonies, which were blue on ORSAB.


b- Identification of vancomycin resistant Staph aureus (VRSA) LTiwari and Sen, 2006).


3- Detection of the enterotoxigencity of Staph. aureus (Park et al., 1994)

Using RIDASCREE®SET A, B, C, D, E (Art. No.:R4101) manufactured by R- Biopharm AG, Germany.


Selected strains of the isolated MRSA and VRSA from the examined samples were tested for –ability to produce entertoxins.






Table 1: Statistical analytical results of Staph.aureus count in the examined cheese samples.


Examined samples

No. of examined samples

Positive samples


Count /g

No. of samples above E.S.









Fresh Kareish cheese










Pickled Kareish cheese










Domiati cheese










Processed cheese











  ⃰E.S.: Egyptian Standard (2005).


Table 2: Frequency distribution of positive cheese samples based on their S.aureus count.


           Count /g

Fresh Kareish cheese

Pichled Kareish cheese

Domiati cheese

Processed cheese



















































































Table 3: Incidence of coagulase positive and coagulase negative strains of S. aureus in the examined cheese.


Examined samples

No. of examined samples

No. of isolated S.aureus

coagulase positive

coagulase negative





Fresh Kareish cheese







Pickled Kareish cheese







Domiati cheese







Processed cheese








Table 4: Frequency distribution of MRSA and VRSA and recovered from the examined cheese samples.


Examined samples

No. of isolated S.aureus










 Fresh  Kareish cheese








Pickled Kareish cheese
















Processed cheese









Table 5: Incidence of MRSA and VRSA strains isolated from the examined cheese



Examined samples

No. of examined samples







Fresh Kareish cheese






Pickled Kareish cheese






Domiati cheese








Table 6: Enterotoxins produced by some strains of Staph. aureus isolated from the examined cheese samples.


Examined samples

No. of strains tested

No. of strains producing enterotoxins

Types of produced enterotoxins






Fresh Kareish cheese








Pickled Kareish cheese








Domiati cheese









Table 7: Entertoxins production in relation to coagulase producing Staph. aureus strains.


No. of strains tested

Coagulase producing strains.


Enterotoxigenic Staph. aureus strains















The results recorded in Table 1showed that 28(93%), 25(83%), 21(70%) and 6(20%) of the examined fresh Kareish, Pickled Kareish, Domiati and processed cheese samples were contaminated with Staph.aureus, respectively.


The S.aureus count ranged from 1 x103 to 5.25 x107 with a mean count of 3.08 X 106 ± 1.79 x106 in fresh Kareish cheese samples, from 4.17 x102 to 4.70 x106 with a mean Count of 3.40 x 105 ± 1.59x105 in Pickled Kareish cheese samples, from 1 x10 to 1.27 x107 with a mean count of 7.24 x105± 4.10 x105 and for Processed cheese the counts ranged from 1 x10 to 1.90 x102 with a mean count of 1.15 x102±8.98 cfu/g.


Egyptian standards (2005) pointed out that the cheese must be free from Staph. aureus and its toxins It was evident that 28(93%), 25(83%), 21(70%) and 6(20%) of the examined fresh Kareish, Pickled Kareish Domiati and processed cheese samples failed to comply with the standerd, respectively.


The results in Table 2, revealed that the highest frequency distribution of fresh Kareish cheese samples was  8(28.5%) lied in the range of 103 <104 and 106  <107 cfu/g, while the rest of the positive samples were distributed  as 21,18 and 4% lied in between 104 <105, 105 <106 and 107 <108 cfu/g, respectively. In case of Pickled Kareish cheese samples the highest frequency distribution was (44%) lied in the range of 103 <104 cfu/g, while the rest of the positive samples were distributed as 36,8,8 and 4% lied in between 105  <106, 102 <103 , 104 - <105 and 107  <108 cfu/g, respectively.


For Domiati cheese samples the highest frequency distribution was (43%) lied in the range of 102 <103 cfu/g, while the rest of the positive samples were distributed as 33, 14 and 10 % lied between 103 <104, 104 <105 and 106 <107, respectively. While the Processed cheese positive samples all of them lie in range102 <103 fresh Kareish cheese samples ,comparatively higher counts were obtained by Tawfek et al. (1988) Relatively lower counts were detected by Shelaih (1979),Ahmed (1980). Ewida (2009),De Reu et al. (2002) and In case of the examined Pickled Kareish cheese samples comparatively lower counts were obtained by Kaldes (1997). While for Domiati cheese samples results, higher counts obtained by Sallam et al. (1985).Relatively lower counts obtained by El-Malt (1993)and Hassan (2009). Lower incidence of S.aureus in curd (6.66 %) was reported by Kumar and Prasad (2010) and  (3.33 %) Thaker et al. (2013). The difference in the prevalence of S.aureus between different types of cheese may originate from the method of manufacture, storage and handling. 


Turkoglu et al. (2001) and Soncini et al. (2002)failed to detect the S. aureus in the examined Processed cheese samples.


Fresh Kareish cheese is a popular Egyptian food. It is made at farmers houses from raw skim milk and the fresh product is either consumed fresh or consumed after pickling in its salted fresh whey with added spices and medical plants (mish cheese) so the source of Staph.aureus in Kareish cheese are the raw milk, during processing and distribution in village markets these sources lead to the expected high count of Staph. aureus. Domiati cheese is considered to be the main national popular pickled soft cheese produced in Egypt. It is traditionally prepared from raw milk without addition of lactic acid culture starters but by addition of appreciable amount of salt to milk before renneting. It can be consumed fresh, but usually it is consumed after pickling in its salted fresh whey for a period of not less than 8 weeks, the product may be soiled with pathogens which enter through different environmental sources that render it a source of infection by many diseases. Genigeorgis (1989) demonstrated that the higher concentration of competing microorganisms in milk, the lower the rate of S. aureus growth and SE production. Competition with lactic acid bacteria has been reported in other research on cheese (Otero et al., 1988).


Table 3 showed that 15(54%), 7(28%) and 13 (62 %) of the examined staphylococci strains recovered from fresh Kareish cheese, Pickled Kareish cheese and Domiati cheese, respectively. were coagulases positive. While, 13(46%), 18(72%), 8(38%) and 6(100%) of the isolated strains of staphylococci of the examined cheese, respectively. were coagulase negative. Concerning the result of coagulase positive S.aureus in the examined fresh Kareish cheese samples, higher results were obtained by Ahmed (1980), Al-Hawary et al. (2009) and Helmy et al. (2009). Lower results were detected by Aman (1994); Kaldes (1997) and Kolluman et al. (2011).


In case of coagulase positive S.aureus in the examined Domiati cheese samples, lower results were detected by Coveney et al. (1994), Kaldes (1997); Normanno   et al. (2005)  and Kolluman et al. (2011).


Various examples of staphylococcal food poisoning are described in the literature. In one case, cheese was involved in an outbreak because it had been made from unheat treated milk, milk contaminated after pasteurization and before inoculation with lactic starter culture or did not use culture starter. In this particular case, the starter culture did not grow properly, resulting in a fermentation accident that allowed the S. aureus strain to develop and produce SE (Vasavada, 1988) Although milk and milk products are frequently contaminated with S. aureus, dairy products are rarely involved in staphylococcal food poisoning because the critical cell density of >105 cfu/g-1 is usually not reached (Altekruse et al., 1994).


The result in Table 4 showed that 8(29%), 3(11%) and 3(11%) showed staph aureus strains isolated from fresh Kareish cheese were MRSA, VRSA, respectively. While 7(28%), 5(20%) and 4(16%) Staph aureus strains isolated from Pickled Kareish cheese were MRSA, VRSA, respectively. The frequency distribution of MRSA and VRSA in the Domiati cheese samples were 9(43%) and 8(38%) while 3(14%) can be resistant for both drugs. In Processed cheese there is no of isolated strains of MARSA, VRSA or resistant for both drugs.


In Table 5 the incidences of MRSA and VRSA from the examined samples were 26%, 3(10%), 7(23%), 5(17%), 9(30%) and 8(27%) of fresh Kareish cheese, Pickled Kareish cheese and Domiati cheese respectively.


Inspection of Table 6 revealed that out of 12 methicillin and vancomycin resistance Staph aureus strains tested for enterotoxins production 3 strains of fresh Kareish cheese, 4 strains of Pickled Kareish cheese and 5 strains of Domiati cheese. From fresh Kareish cheese 2 strains were synthesized enterotoxins A and SEB (one strains) in Pickled Kareish cheese there is no strains producing interotoxins. Domiati cheese 2 strains were isolated and produce enterotoxins A(2 strains), SEB (one strain), SEC (one strain) and SED (one strain).


This finding was in contrast to other studies from Spain, Kenya, Switzerland, Brazil, South Korea, the USA, Slovakia and Palestine, where most of the enterotoxigenic Staph aureus isolated usually synthesized the toxins SEA, SEC, or SED (Scherrer    et al., 2004).


The higher percentages of SEA among Staph aureus strains isolated from milk and milk products may be due to the fact that enterotoxins A are less common among the strains of animals origin than from human origin (Hajek and Marsalek, 1973). These strains of human origin contaminate milk and milk producte during different stages of production or at consumer outlet. On the other side the presence of SEC and SED can be attributed to the increased incidence of Sraphylococcal mastitis as enterotoxins C and D were found to be produced by Staph aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitis and were designated as animal strains (Olson et al., 1970).


Although the selected 12 isolates were strongly producing coagulase, only 4 were enterotoxigenic which confirm what was stated by A.P.H.A. (1992) and Ryser (2001) Table (7) that attempts to associate enterotoxin production by Staph aureus with specific biochemical properties were generally failed. Consequently, confirmation of the toxin by serological or other means provide the only proof that the particular strain is enterotoxigenic.


Park et al. (1994) evaluated the RIDASCREEN SET kit for its efficiency. They concluded the major advantages of the kits were a high degree of specify (neither false –positive results due to the growth of nonstaphyloccal microorganisms nor cross –reaction among reagents of the kits was reported), excellent sensitivity, simplicity rapidity (results can obtained in 3h) and semi quantitative results.




The obtained results allow concluding that fresh Kareish cheese, Pickled Kareish cheese, Domiati cheese and Processed cheese samples sold in Aswan city markets were produced, handled, packed and distributed under neglected hygienic measures. The information given by the achieved results proved that most of the examined  fresh Kareish cheese, Pickled Kareish cheese, Domiati cheese and Processed cheese samples sold in Aswan city market were highly contaminated with high number of Staph aureus which may lead to undesirable changes of these products that render them unfit for consumption and indicate unpersonal hygiene and un- sanitary conditions during processing and handling of such product in compared with examined Processed cheese which show lower incidences or counts.


In the resent years, the extensive therapeutic use of antimicrobials or with their administration as growth promoters in food animal production lead to development of resistance both in human and animal's pathogens as occurred with Staph aureus. Nowdays, Staph aureus can resist many antibiotics as methicillin and vancomycin which lead to difficulty in their susceptibility of Staph aureus to these antibiotics and other group of antibiotics. In this study, methicillin resistance Staph aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin resistance Staph aureus (VRSA) could be isolated from examined samples in different percentages.




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Sallam, S.S.; Hafez, Ragaa, S. and Moursy, A.W. (1985):Staph. aureus in some varieties of Egyptian cheese. Vet. Med. J., 33:191.

Scherrer, D.; Corti, S. and Muchlherr, J.E. (2004): Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Staph. aureus isolates from raw bulk-tank milk samples of goats and sheeo. Vet. Microbial., 101: 101-107.

Shelaih, M.A. (1979):Microbiological studies on Egyptian soft cheese. Ph.D. Thesis, Fac. Vet. Med., Cairo Univ.

Simor, A.E.; Goodffellow, J.; Louie, L. and Louie, M. (2001): Evaluation of a new medium, Oxacillin Resistance Screening Agar Base, for the detection of methicillin resistant Staph. aureus from clinical specimens. J. Clin. Microbio., 39(9): 3422.

Soncini, G.; Valnegri, L. and Marchisio, E. (2002): Research on the quality of industrial milk and cheese products.Industrie alimentary. 2002. 41: 417, 933-936.

Soomro, A.H.; Arain, M.A.; Khaskheli, M. and Bhutto, B. (2003): Isolation of Staphylococcus aureus from milk products sold at sweet meat shops of Hyderabad. Online J. Biol. Sci.,3(1): 91-94.

Tawfek, N.F.; Sharaf, O.M. and Hewedy, M.M. (1988): Incidence of pathogens and Staphylococcal enterotoxins in Kareish cheese. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci., 16: 295.

Thaker, H.C.; Brahmbhatt, M.N. and Naya, J.B. (2013):Isolation and identification of Staphylococcus aureus from milk and milk products and their drug resistance patterns in Anand, Gujarat. doi:10.5455/vetworld.10-13.

Thatcher, F.S. and Clark, D.S. (1988):Microorganisms in Foods 1: Their significance and methods of enumeration. Revised 2nd Ed., University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Tiwari, H.K. and Sen, M.R. (2006): Emergence of vancomycin resistance Staph. aureus (VRSA) from a tertiary care hospital from northern part of India. BMC Infectious Dis., 6:156.

Tortora, G.J. (1995): Staphylococcal food poisoning (Staphylococcal enterotoxicosis) In: Microbiology, Tortora, G.J.; Funke, B.R. and Case, C.L. (eds) Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Publishing Company, Inc, Redwood City, CA, pp.: 616-618

Turkoglu, H.; Ceylan, Z.G. and Caglar, A. (2001): Some microbiological properties of processed cheese made with vegetable oils at different levels. Ziraat fakultesi dergisi, Ataturk university. 2001.32: 4,447-483.

Vasavada, P.C. (1988). Pathogenic bacteria in milk-A review. J. Dairy Sci., 71: 2809-2816.



تواجد المکور العنقودى الذهبى المفرز للسموم المعوية فى بعض الجبنة المباعة بمحافظة أسوان مصر العليا


ليلى مصطفى کامل الملط

Email: lailael.malt@ymail.com


يعتبر الميکروب المکور العنقودى الذهبى من أهم الميکروبات التى تساهم فى احداث حالات التسمم الغذائى التى اهم اعراضها الاسهال وما زال يسبب الکثير من المشاکل الصحية الاخرى على مستوى العالم مثل تسمم الدم البکتيرى والتهاب عضلة القلب والتهاب العظام. هذا وتعتبر الالبان ومنتجاتها من اهم الاغذية التى يمکن ان يصل اليها الميکروب حيث انه بعيش فى الامعاء والجهاز التنفسى وعلى جلود الانسان والماشية وکذلک أيضاً يوجد فى ضرع الماشية ويسبب الالتهاب الضرعى ولذلک يکون من السهولة تلوث اللبن به. أجريت الدراسة على عدد مائة وعشرين عينة من الجبن المصنع محليا ثلاثون عينة من کل من (الجبن القريش الطازج ، الجبن القريش المملح ، الجبن الدمياطى)، والجبن المطبوخ المصنع فى شرکات الالبان وقد جمعت العينات من الباعة الجائلين وأسواق مدينة أسوان بطريقة عشوائية لفحصها وقد تبين بالفحص البکتريولجى أن نسبة تواجد الميکروب المکور العنقودى الذهبى 28(93%) ، 25(83%)، 21(70%) و6(20%) لکل من الجبن القريش الطازج ، الجبن القريش المملح ، الجبن الدمياطى والجبن المطبوخ على التوالى. وکان متوسط العدد الکلى للمکور العنقودى الذهبى لهذه المنتجات على التوالى  3.08× 610 ± 1.79 × 610 ± ، 3.40 × 10± 1.59 × 105 ، 7.24 × 105 ± 4.10 × 105 و 1.15 × 210 ± 8.98 جم. وقد امکن عزل الميکروب المکور العنقودى الذهبى المقاوم للمثيسيللين من العينات المفحوصة بنسبة 8(26%) ، 7(23%) ، 9(30%) و 0(0%) على الترتيب. بينما تم عزل الميکروب المکور العنقودى الذهبى المقاوم للفانکوميسين بنسبة 3(10%)، ، 5(17%)، 8(27%) و0(0%) من العينات المفحوصة على التوالى. وباستخدام اختبار ELISA تم تصنيف السموم المفروزة من اثنى عشرة عترة من الميکروب المکور العنقودى الذهبى المقاوم للمثيسيللين وللفانکوميسين (ثلاثة عترات من جبن القريش ، واربعة عترات من الجبن القريش المملح وخمس عترات من الجبن الدمياطى) وقد وجد ان اربعة عترات من (عترتين تم عزلهم من جبن القريش وعترتين تم عزلهم من الجبن الدمياطى) لهم قدرة على افراز سم A وتم عزل عترة واحدة من جبن القريش لها القدرة على افراز سم B وکذلک عترة من الجبن الدمياطى تفرز ثلاث انواع من السموم B, C&D 

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Thaker, H.C.; Brahmbhatt, M.N. and Naya, J.B. (2013):Isolation and identification of Staphylococcus aureus from milk and milk products and their drug resistance patterns in Anand, Gujarat. doi:10.5455/vetworld.10-13.
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Turkoglu, H.; Ceylan, Z.G. and Caglar, A. (2001): Some microbiological properties of processed cheese made with vegetable oils at different levels. Ziraat fakultesi dergisi, Ataturk university. 2001.32: 4,447-483.
Vasavada, P.C. (1988). Pathogenic bacteria in milk-A review. J. Dairy Sci., 71: 2809-2816.