Document Type : Research article


1 Dept. of Infectious diseases* College of veterinary medicine university of Sulaimani/Kurdistan Region/Iraq.

2 Veterinary Medicine College of veterinary medicine university of Sulaimani/Kurdistan Region/Iraq.

3 Veterinary Parasitology***, College of veterinary medicine university of Sulaimani/Kurdistan Region/Iraq.


Parasitosis, especially parasitic gastro-enteritis, constitute to cause a serious health threat and a limitation to the productivity of small ruminants due to the associated morbidity, mortality, cost of treatment and control measures.A survey of the prevalence of gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) parasites in goats was conducted in and around Sulaimani province/Kurdistan Region /Iraq. Fecal survey of eggs/oocysts of gastrointestinal parasites of goats on the Sulaimani farms was conducted between September 2009 and May 2010 out of 316 fecal samples were collected  from local bread type goats and from four selected area of Sulamani province that was Sulamani center, Arbat, Aghgeler and Said sadeq 142 (44.9%) were positive. All fecal samples were examined by using saturated sodium chloride floatation technique. Relative percentage prevalence 55(38.7%), 47(33%), 29(20.4%), 4(2.8%) was obtained for Nematodirus spathiger, Marshallagia marshalli, Trichuris ovis and Eimeria oocysts respectively. Total mixed infection that means more than one type of parasite infected were 7(2.2%) Mixed infection by Trichuris ovis eggs+Nematodirus spathiger eggs had the highest prevalence of 4(2.8%) while the lowest was by Nematodirus spathiger+Marshallagia marshalli+Trichuris ovis with 1(0.7%). Other mixed infection was Trichuris ovis+ Eimeria oocysts with 2(1.4%).





Dept. of Infectious diseases* & Veterinary Medicine** and Veterinary Parasitology***,

College of veterinary medicine university of Sulaimani/Kurdistan Region/Iraq.









Received at: 17/2/2014


Accepted: 8/3/2014


Parasitosis, especially parasitic gastro-enteritis, constitute to cause a serious health threat and a limitation to the productivity of small ruminants due to the associated morbidity, mortality, cost of treatment and control measures.A survey of the prevalence of gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) parasites in goats was conducted in and around Sulaimani province/Kurdistan Region /Iraq. Fecal survey of eggs/oocysts of gastrointestinal parasites of goats on the Sulaimani farms was conducted between September 2009 and May 2010 out of 316 fecal samples were collected  from local bread type goats and from four selected area of Sulamani province that was Sulamani center, Arbat, Aghgeler and Said sadeq 142 (44.9%) were positive. All fecal samples were examined by using saturated sodium chloride floatation technique. Relative percentage prevalence 55(38.7%), 47(33%), 29(20.4%), 4(2.8%) was obtained for Nematodirus spathiger, Marshallagia marshalli, Trichuris ovis and Eimeria oocysts respectively. Total mixed infection that means more than one type of parasite infected were 7(2.2%) Mixed infection by Trichuris ovis eggs+Nematodirus spathiger eggs had the highest prevalence of 4(2.8%) while the lowest was by Nematodirus spathiger+Marshallagia marshalli+Trichuris ovis with 1(0.7%). Other mixed infection was Trichuris ovis+ Eimeria oocysts with 2(1.4%).



Keywords: G.I.T., Parasites, Goats, Iraq.





Internal parasitism is one of the biggest problems in the small ruminant animals. Internal parasite infections of herds can cause major health issues, which have a major effect on the animal’s performance and cause great economic losses to the producer. In fact, most of the economic losses caused by internal parasiteosis are actually not due to mortality but production loss (Waller and Thramsborg 2004).


Parasites, especially parasitic gastro-enteritis, constitutes to pose a serious health threat and a limitation to the productivity of small ruminants due to the associated morbidity, mortality, cost of treatment and control measures (Nwosu et al., 2007).


Parasitic gastroenteritis has been noted as major constraint to ruminants’ productivity in terms of pathology and economic importance (Biu et al., 2006).


Nematode parasites of small ruminants result in low productivity due to stunted growth, poor weight gain and poor food utilization (Pedreira et al., 2006).

The control of gastrointestinal trichostrongylosis in small ruminants is severely impaired by the increasing development of anthelmintic resistances (Sangster N.C 1999, 2001) Resistances to the three main families of broad spectrum anthelmintics available for the control of trichostrongyles have been described worldwide in most nematode species (Jackson F and Coop 2000) (Sangster N.C., 1999) (Silvestre A. et al., 2002).


Infection by gastrointestinal parasites in sheep and goats can result in severe losses. Production losses result from decreased utilization of food and in se­vere cases from death. Goats have numerous internal parasites; two of the most important are the proto­zoan Coccidia (Dai et al., 2006).


Internal parasites are a significant threat facing today’s small ruminant producer. Problems associated with parasites, particularly those of the gastrointestinal tract of sheep and goats can cause irreversible damage or even death to the animal, reduced performance and economic loss for the producer. (Christensen, 2005).


Goats and sheep have numerous gastrointestinal parasites, many of which are shared by both species. The most important include coccidia (protozoa), nematodes (roundworms), cestodes (tapeworms), and trematodes (flukes). Gastrointestinal nematodes of Trichostrongylidae family are perhaps the most important parasites of small ruminant’s world-wide, causing significant morbidity and loss of production.

Gastrointestinal nematode infections can be treated by anthelmintic chemotherapy; however, treatment is costly and drug resistance has evolved in all major parasite species (ROSS, 1997; ZAJAC and GIPSON, 2000; VEALE, 2002).




Description of study site: The area of study is characterized by seasonal rain from October to May and poor farmer awareness about the control and management of the internal parasite in sheep and goat. Selected sampling areas were four sites Sulamani center, Arbat, Aghgeler and Said sadeq.


Sample collection: Faecal samples were obtained from the rectum of (316) goats randomly. Different age and sex goats’ sample of only local breed from various regions of the Sulaimani province collected. Period sampling was between September 2009 and May 2010.


Faecal examination: Faecal samples obtained were examined using saturated sodium chloride floatationand eggs or oocysts identified. The samples were transported to the Veterinary teaching hospital and college of Veterinary Medicine Laboratories, Sulaimani for the identification of endoparasitic infection using direct microscopic examination and centrifugation floatation techniques using the light microscope at x40 objective. Identification of the eggs was made on the basis of morphological characteristics and size of eggs (Anna and Gary, 2012), (Foriet, 1999).


Parasite eggs, cysts, and oocysts were concentrated on the surface of the medium because of their lighter density. The result is a clean preparation for microscopic examination with a minimal amount of distracting fecal debris. (Chinone, 2001)




The result were summarized by table (1), the prevalence of parasitic gastro intestinal eggs /oocysts identified on the research farm as shown in Table 1 indicated an overall rate of (44.9%) representing 142 infected cases out of the 316 goats examined. Single infection by Nematodirus spathiger had the highest prevalence of 55 (38.7%), followed by Marshallagia marshalli ova with 47 (33%) while Eimeria oocysts had the lowest with 4 (2.8%). Overall prevalence rate of mixed infection were 7(4.8%). Nematodirus spathiger+ Trichuris ovis ova had the highest prevalence 4(2.8%), while the lowest was by Nematodirus spathiger+ Marshallagia marshalli+ Trichuris ovis 1(0.7%) table 2.


There is no significant difference in the infection between male and female of goats.



Table1: Prevalence rate of the gastrointestinal parasites.




*Relative prevalence


Overall prevalence


No. of sample positive

Nematodirus spathiger




Marshallagia marshalli




Trichuris ovis




Eimeria oocysts




Mixed infection





*Based on the positive samples=142.Negative samples=173.


Table 2: Prevalence rate of gastrointestinal parasite of mixed infection.


Mixed infection species


*Relative percentage


Overall percentage


No. Of samples positive

Nematodirus spathiger+ Trichuris ovis




Trichuris ovis+ Eimeria oocysts




Nematodirus spathiger+ Marshallagia marshalli+ Trichuris ovis





*Based on the positive sample=142




Present study showed that goats of the Sulaimani province are commonly infected with a variety of gastro intestinal parasite species with a high prevalence of (44.9%) and generally high egg/oocyst number because there is no scientific record or survey of the gastrointestinal in Sulaimani area, we compare with study in Mosul/Iraq. These results agree with the study of (Al-Bayati and Arsalan 2009) in the points of infection, but there are difference in the species and relative prevalence rate of the infection. The present survey explain four species of gastrointestinal parasite in the goats that were Nematodirus spathiger, Trichuris ovis, Eimeria oocysts and Marshallagia marshalli but (Al-Bayati and Arsalan 2009) they found out sixteen species of the gastrointestinal parasites and only three species resembling with results of this study that were Nematodirus spathiger, Trichuris ovis, and Marshallagia the present study the highest prevalent rate was Nematodirus spathiger (38.7%) but (Al-Bayati and Arsalan 2009) there results were Marshallagia marshalli (62.9%).The lowest prevalent rate in the present study was Eimeria oocysts (2.8%) but (Al-Bayati and Arsalan 2009) detected Gongylonema spp (1.2%).


The present study results showed highly prevalence rate of gastrointestinal parasites due to the randomly drenching of the animals by the farmer and there is no basic data about the most common or most important parasites and this study is the most recent one about the gastrointestinal parasite and for long period we don’t have any data about these parasites (personal communiacation).


Eimeria oocysts were the lowest prevalent rate by (2.8%) in the present study and this disagree with (M. Asif et al., 2008) in Islamabad, Pakistan that explain the high prevalence with Emeria oocycts by (57.5%) this variation may be due to the geographical and breed of the goats, and lead to production losses by reducing weight gain or through mortality (Sharma and Singh, 1997) in kids but in the present study the infected animal by Eimeria oocysts show moderate abnormal conditions.


The relative prevalence rate of the Nematodirus spathiger was (33%) and there is significant variation with (Asif et al., 2008) in Islamabad, Pakistan that is explained no infection with this species and there is (14.1%) in Mosul/Iraq by Nematodirus spathiger (Al-Bayati and Arsalan 2009).


The results of the present study support the opinion that goats acquire a lower level of immunity to gastrointestinal parasites than sheep (PAWEL GORSKI et al., 2004).


There are numerous species and genera of gastrointestinal nematodes which parasitized domestic animals (Lancester et al., 1990). The prevalence and seasonal activity, life cycle and pathogenicity of each species vary with animal species, country and/or climatic region (Umur 1997).


Most of the animals examined during the present survey had low to moderate clinical signs suggesting that some infections were sub-clinical. However, sub-clinical infections may be very important economically leading to retarded growth; reduced productivity and animals are more susceptible to other infections. The animal will also continuously contaminate pastures. Some positive animals treated by antithelmentic drug like Albendazole and Closantile this mean there may be appearance the resistancy against the anti parasite drug.




Al-Bayati, O.A.S. and Arsalan S.H. (2009): Clinical and hematological study in sheep infected with gastrointestinal parasites in Mosul. Iraqi journal of veterinary scince pp: 93-100.

Ann M. Zajac and Gary A. Canboy (2012): Clinical parasitology eight editions. Wiley-Blackwell pp: 61-91.

Asif, M.; Azeem, S.; Asif, S. and Nazir, S. (2008): Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites of Sheep and Goats in and around Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan. J. Vet. Anim. Sci, Vol. 1: 14-17.

Biu, A.A. and Eteng, F.O. (2006): Some parasites causing diarrhea amongst kid goats in Maiduguri, Nigeria. In: Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria. September 17th -19th, 2001 University of Maiduguri Convocation Square. Pp. 232-233.

Chinone Shiro (2001): Technical Manual for the examination and control of parasites of Domestic animals’. March. Japan Livestock technology Association. pp 9-10.

Christensen, Karin. (2005): Internal Parasites of the Goat. Scientific Animation and Illustration.

Dai, Y.; Liu, X.; Liu, M. and Tao, J. (2006): Pathogenic effects of the coccidium Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae in goats. Vet. Res. Commun. 30, 149-160.

Foriet, W. (1999): In: Reference Manual of Veterinary Parasitology. 5th (ed). Wiley Blackwell, New York, USA. pp: 22-26.

Jackson, F. and Coop, R.L. (2000): The development of anthelmintic resistance in sheep nematodes, Parasitology 120 S95-S107.

Lancester, M.B. and Hong, C. (1947): The identification of females within the subfamily Ostertagina Lopez-Neyra Vet.Parasitol., 1990; 35: 21-27.

Nwosu, C.O.; Madu, P.P. and Richards. W.S. (2007): Prevalence and seasonal changes in the population of gastrointestinal nematodes of small ruminants in the semi-arid zone of North-Eastern Nigeria. Veterinary Parasitology, 144: 118–124.

Pawel Gorski, Roman Niznikowski, Ewa Strzelec, Dominik Popielarczyk, Agnieszka Gajewska and Halina Wedrychowicz (2004): Arch. Tierz., Dummerstorf 47 Special Issue, 43-49.

Pedreira, J.; Silva, A.P.; Andrade, R.S.; Suarez, J.L.; Arias, M.; Lomba, C.; Diaz, P.; Lopez, C.; Banos, P.D. and Morrondo, P. (2006): Prevalences of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep and parasite control practices in North-West Spain. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 75: 56-62.

ROOS, M.H. (1997): The role of drugs in the control of parasitic nematode infections: must we do without? Parasitology, 114, 137-144.

Sangster, N.C. (1999): Anthelmintic resistance: past, present and future, Int. J. Parasitol. 29        115-124.

Sangster, N.C. (2001): Managing parasiticide resistance, Vet. Parasitol. 98 89-109.

Sharma, D.K. and Singh, N. (1997): Mortality among goats due to parasitic infestations: A post mortem analysis. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 67,    463-465.

Silvestre, A.; Leignel, V.; Berrag, B.; Gasnier, N.; Humbert, J.-F.; Chartier, C. and Cabaret, J. (2002): Sheep and goat nematode resistance to anthelmintics: pro and cons among breeding management factors, Vet. Res. 33 465-480.

Umur, þ. and Kars, Y. (1997): Resi koyunlarÝnÝn mide-baÛÝrsak nematodlarÝ ve mevsimsel daÛÝlÝmlarÝ. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 21: 57-65.

VEALE, P.I. (2002): Resistance to macrocyclic lactones in nematodes of goats. Australian Veterinary Journal, 80, 303-304.

Waller, P.J. and Thramsborg, S.M. (2004): Nematode control in ‘green’ ruminant production systems. Trends in Parasitology. 20 (10):     493-497.

ZAJAC, A.M. and GIPSON, T.A. (2000): Multiple anthelmintic resistances in a goat herd. Veterinary Parasitology, 87, 163-172.




انتشار الطفيليات المعوية في الماعز في محافظة السليمانية


عثمان جمال نصر الله ، رزکار رحيم سليمان ، شادان عبد الله حسن



تعتبر الطفيليات وخاصة الطفيليات المعوية من أسباب المخاطر للصحة وکذلک من محددات الإنتاج للمجترات الصغيرة وذلک بسبب الإصابة والوفيات وتکاليف العلاج والسيطرة. تم عمل مسح لإيجاد نسبة الإصابة بالطفيليات المعوية في الماعز في وحول محافظة السليمانية , وذلک عن طريق فحص البراز للکشف عن البيويضات وکيس الاوالي في الفترة مابين ايلول 2009 ومارس 2010 0اظهرت الدراسة ان 142 عينة من مجموع 316 عينة براز تم جمعها من حقول  اربع مناطق من محافظة السليمانية وهي مرکز السليمانية وعربت و اغجلر و سيد صادق. کل عينات البراز تم فحصها بطريقة الطفو واستعمال محلول الملح المشبع وتم الحصول على نسبة 55(38.7%) و47(33%) و29 (20.4%) و4(2.8%) لبيوض لطفيليات نيماتودايرس سباثيجر ومارشاليجيا مارشالي ولبويضات ترايکيورس اوفز وکييسات الاوالي ايميريا على التوالي0ا على نسبة إصابة کانت 55(38.7%)  لبيوض طفيليات  نيماتودايرس سباثيجر وکانت اقل نسبة اصابة لکييسات اوالي الايميريا بسبة 4(2.8%)0 کانت هناک نسبة إصابة مختلطة أي الإصابة بأکثر من طفيلي واحد بنسبة 7 عينات وانت اعلي نسبة 4(2.8%) مصابة ببيوض طفيليات نيماتودايرس سباثيجر وترايکيورس اوفز بينما اقل نسبة إصابة ببيض طفيليات  نيماتودايرس سباثيجر وترايکيورس اوفزو مارشاليجيا مارشالي بنسبة 1(0,7%).











Dept. of Infectious diseases* & Veterinary Medicine** and Veterinary Parasitology***,

College of veterinary medicine university of Sulaimani/Kurdistan Region/Iraq.









Received at: 17/2/2014


Accepted: 8/3/2014


Parasitosis, especially parasitic gastro-enteritis, constitute to cause a serious health threat and a limitation to the productivity of small ruminants due to the associated morbidity, mortality, cost of treatment and control measures.A survey of the prevalence of gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) parasites in goats was conducted in and around Sulaimani province/Kurdistan Region /Iraq. Fecal survey of eggs/oocysts of gastrointestinal parasites of goats on the Sulaimani farms was conducted between September 2009 and May 2010 out of 316 fecal samples were collected  from local bread type goats and from four selected area of Sulamani province that was Sulamani center, Arbat, Aghgeler and Said sadeq 142 (44.9%) were positive. All fecal samples were examined by using saturated sodium chloride floatation technique. Relative percentage prevalence 55(38.7%), 47(33%), 29(20.4%), 4(2.8%) was obtained for Nematodirus spathiger, Marshallagia marshalli, Trichuris ovis and Eimeria oocystsrespectively. Total mixed infection that means more than one type of parasite infected were 7(2.2%) Mixed infection by Trichuris ovis eggs+Nematodirus spathiger eggs had the highest prevalence of 4(2.8%) while the lowest was by Nematodirus spathiger+Marshallagia marshalli+Trichuris ovis with 1(0.7%). Other mixed infection was Trichuris ovis+ Eimeria oocysts with 2(1.4%).



Keywords: G.I.T., Parasites, Goats, Iraq.





Internal parasitism is one of the biggest problems in the small ruminant animals. Internal parasite infections of herds can cause major health issues, which have a major effect on the animal’s performance and cause great economic losses to the producer. In fact, most of the economic losses caused by internal parasiteosis are actually not due to mortality but production loss (Waller and Thramsborg 2004).


Parasites, especially parasitic gastro-enteritis, constitutes to pose a serious health threat and a limitation to the productivity of small ruminants due to the associated morbidity, mortality, cost of treatment and control measures (Nwosu et al., 2007).


Parasitic gastroenteritis has been noted as major constraint to ruminants’ productivity in terms of pathology and economic importance (Biu et al., 2006).


Nematode parasites of small ruminants result in low productivity due to stunted growth, poor weight gain and poor food utilization (Pedreira et al., 2006).

The control of gastrointestinal trichostrongylosis in small ruminants is severely impaired by the increasing development of anthelmintic resistances (Sangster N.C 1999, 2001) Resistances to the three main families of broad spectrum anthelmintics available for the control of trichostrongyles have been described worldwide in most nematode species (Jackson F and Coop 2000) (Sangster N.C., 1999) (Silvestre A. et al., 2002).


Infection by gastrointestinal parasites in sheep and goats can result in severe losses. Production losses result from decreased utilization of food and in se­vere cases from death. Goats have numerous internal parasites; two of the most important are the proto­zoan Coccidia (Dai et al., 2006).


Internal parasites are a significant threat facing today’s small ruminant producer. Problems associated with parasites, particularly those of the gastrointestinal tract of sheep and goats can cause irreversible damage or even death to the animal, reduced performance and economic loss for the producer. (Christensen, 2005).


Goats and sheep have numerous gastrointestinal parasites, many of which are shared by both species. The most important include coccidia (protozoa), nematodes (roundworms), cestodes (tapeworms), and trematodes (flukes). Gastrointestinal nematodes of Trichostrongylidae family are perhaps the most important parasites of small ruminant’s world-wide, causing significant morbidity and loss of production.

Gastrointestinal nematode infections can be treated by anthelmintic chemotherapy; however, treatment is costly and drug resistance has evolved in all major parasite species (ROSS, 1997; ZAJAC and GIPSON, 2000; VEALE, 2002).




Description of study site: The area of study is characterized by seasonal rain from October to May and poor farmer awareness about the control and management of the internal parasite in sheep and goat. Selected sampling areas were four sites Sulamani center, Arbat, Aghgeler and Said sadeq.


Sample collection: Faecal samples were obtained from the rectum of (316) goats randomly. Different age and sex goats’ sample of only local breed from various regions of the Sulaimani province collected. Period sampling was between September 2009 and May 2010.


Faecal examination: Faecal samples obtained were examined using saturated sodium chloride floatationand eggs or oocysts identified. The samples were transported to the Veterinary teaching hospital and college of Veterinary Medicine Laboratories, Sulaimani for the identification of endoparasitic infection using direct microscopic examination and centrifugation floatation techniques using the light microscope at x40 objective. Identification of the eggs was made on the basis of morphological characteristics and size of eggs (Anna and Gary, 2012), (Foriet, 1999).


Parasite eggs, cysts, and oocysts were concentrated on the surface of the medium because of their lighter density. The result is a clean preparation for microscopic examination with a minimal amount of distracting fecal debris. (Chinone, 2001)




The result were summarized by table (1), the prevalence of parasitic gastro intestinal eggs /oocysts identified on the research farm as shown in Table 1 indicated an overall rate of (44.9%) representing 142 infected cases out of the 316 goats examined. Single infection by Nematodirus spathiger had the highest prevalence of 55 (38.7%), followed by Marshallagia marshalli ova with 47 (33%) while Eimeria oocysts had the lowest with 4 (2.8%). Overall prevalence rate of mixed infection were 7(4.8%). Nematodirus spathiger+ Trichuris ovis ova had the highest prevalence 4(2.8%), while the lowest was by Nematodirus spathiger+ Marshallagia marshalli+ Trichuris ovis 1(0.7%) table 2.


There is no significant difference in the infection between male and female of goats.



Table1: Prevalence rate of the gastrointestinal parasites.




*Relative prevalence


Overall prevalence


No. of sample positive

Nematodirus spathiger




Marshallagia marshalli




Trichuris ovis




Eimeria oocysts




Mixed infection





*Based on the positive samples=142.Negative samples=173.


Table 2: Prevalence rate of gastrointestinal parasite of mixed infection.


Mixed infection species


*Relative percentage


Overall percentage


No. Of samples positive

Nematodirus spathiger+ Trichuris ovis




Trichuris ovis+ Eimeria oocysts




Nematodirus spathiger+ Marshallagia marshalli+ Trichuris ovis





*Based on the positive sample=142



Present study showed that goats of the Sulaimani province are commonly infected with a variety of gastro intestinal parasite species with a high prevalence of (44.9%) and generally high egg/oocyst number because there is no scientific record or survey of the gastrointestinal in Sulaimani area, we compare with study in Mosul/Iraq. These results agree with the study of (Al-Bayati and Arsalan 2009) in the points of infection, but there are difference in the species and relative prevalence rate of the infection. The present survey explain four species of gastrointestinal parasite in the goats that were Nematodirus spathiger, Trichuris ovis, Eimeria oocysts and Marshallagia marshalli but (Al-Bayati and Arsalan 2009) they found out sixteen species of the gastrointestinal parasites and only three species resembling with results of this study that were Nematodirus spathiger, Trichuris ovis, and Marshallagia the present study the highest prevalent rate was Nematodirus spathiger (38.7%) but (Al-Bayati and Arsalan 2009) there results were Marshallagia marshalli (62.9%).The lowest prevalent rate in the present study was Eimeria oocysts (2.8%) but (Al-Bayati and Arsalan 2009) detected Gongylonema spp (1.2%).


The present study results showed highly prevalence rate of gastrointestinal parasites due to the randomly drenching of the animals by the farmer and there is no basic data about the most common or most important parasites and this study is the most recent one about the gastrointestinal parasite and for long period we don’t have any data about these parasites (personal communiacation).


Eimeria oocysts were the lowest prevalent rate by (2.8%) in the present study and this disagree with (M. Asif et al., 2008) in Islamabad, Pakistan that explain the high prevalence with Emeria oocycts by (57.5%) this variation may be due to the geographical and breed of the goats, and lead to production losses by reducing weight gain or through mortality (Sharma and Singh, 1997) in kids but in the present study the infected animal by Eimeria oocysts show moderate abnormal conditions.


The relative prevalence rate of the Nematodirus spathiger was (33%) and there is significant variation with (Asif et al., 2008) in Islamabad, Pakistan that is explained no infection with this species and there is (14.1%) in Mosul/Iraq by Nematodirus spathiger (Al-Bayati and Arsalan 2009).


The results of the present study support the opinion that goats acquire a lower level of immunity to gastrointestinal parasites than sheep (PAWEL GORSKI et al., 2004).


There are numerous species and genera of gastrointestinal nematodes which parasitized domestic animals (Lancester et al., 1990). The prevalence and seasonal activity, life cycle and pathogenicity of each species vary with animal species, country and/or climatic region (Umur 1997).


Most of the animals examined during the present survey had low to moderate clinical signs suggesting that some infections were sub-clinical. However, sub-clinical infections may be very important economically leading to retarded growth; reduced productivity and animals are more susceptible to other infections. The animal will also continuously contaminate pastures. Some positive animals treated by antithelmentic drug like Albendazole and Closantile this mean there may be appearance the resistancy against the anti parasite drug.




Al-Bayati, O.A.S. and Arsalan S.H. (2009):Clinical and hematological study in sheep infected with gastrointestinal parasites in Mosul. Iraqi journal of veterinary scince pp: 93-100.

Ann M. Zajac and Gary A. Canboy (2012): Clinical parasitology eight editions. Wiley-Blackwell pp: 61-91.

Asif, M.; Azeem, S.; Asif, S. and Nazir, S. (2008): Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites of Sheep and Goats in and around Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan. J. Vet. Anim. Sci, Vol. 1: 14-17.

Biu, A.A. and Eteng, F.O. (2006): Some parasites causing diarrhea amongst kid goats in Maiduguri, Nigeria. In: Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria. September 17th -19th, 2001 University of Maiduguri Convocation Square. Pp. 232-233.

Chinone Shiro (2001):Technical Manual for the examination and control of parasites of Domestic animals’. March. Japan Livestock technology Association. pp 9-10.

Christensen, Karin. (2005): Internal Parasites of the Goat. Scientific Animation and Illustration.

Dai, Y.; Liu, X.; Liu, M. and Tao, J. (2006): Pathogenic effects of the coccidium Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae in goats. Vet. Res. Commun. 30, 149-160.

Foriet, W. (1999): In: Reference Manual of Veterinary Parasitology. 5th (ed). Wiley Blackwell, New York, USA. pp: 22-26.

Jackson, F. and Coop, R.L. (2000):The development of anthelmintic resistance in sheep nematodes, Parasitology 120 S95-S107.

Lancester, M.B. and Hong, C. (1947): The identification of females within the subfamily Ostertagina Lopez-Neyra Vet.Parasitol., 1990; 35: 21-27.

Nwosu, C.O.; Madu, P.P. and Richards. W.S. (2007): Prevalence and seasonal changes in the population of gastrointestinal nematodes of small ruminants in the semi-arid zone of North-Eastern Nigeria. Veterinary Parasitology, 144: 118–124.

Pawel Gorski, Roman Niznikowski, Ewa Strzelec, Dominik Popielarczyk, Agnieszka Gajewska and Halina Wedrychowicz (2004): Arch. Tierz., Dummerstorf 47 Special Issue, 43-49.

Pedreira, J.; Silva, A.P.; Andrade, R.S.; Suarez, J.L.; Arias, M.; Lomba, C.; Diaz, P.; Lopez, C.; Banos, P.D. and Morrondo, P. (2006): Prevalences of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep and parasite control practices in North-West Spain. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 75: 56-62.

ROOS, M.H. (1997): The role of drugs in the control of parasitic nematode infections: must we do without? Parasitology, 114, 137-144.

Sangster, N.C. (1999): Anthelmintic resistance: past, present and future, Int. J. Parasitol. 29        115-124.

Sangster, N.C. (2001): Managing parasiticide resistance, Vet. Parasitol. 98 89-109.

Sharma, D.K. and Singh, N. (1997): Mortality among goats due to parasitic infestations: A post mortem analysis. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 67,    463-465.

Silvestre, A.; Leignel, V.; Berrag, B.; Gasnier, N.; Humbert, J.-F.; Chartier, C. and Cabaret, J. (2002): Sheep and goat nematode resistance to anthelmintics: pro and cons among breeding management factors, Vet. Res. 33 465-480.

Umur, þ. and Kars, Y. (1997): Resi koyunlarÝnÝn mide-baÛÝrsak nematodlarÝ ve mevsimsel daÛÝlÝmlarÝ. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 21: 57-65.

VEALE, P.I. (2002): Resistance to macrocyclic lactones in nematodes of goats. Australian Veterinary Journal, 80, 303-304.

Waller, P.J. and Thramsborg, S.M. (2004): Nematode control in ‘green’ ruminant production systems. Trends in Parasitology. 20 (10):     493-497.

ZAJAC, A.M. and GIPSON, T.A. (2000): Multiple anthelmintic resistances in a goat herd. Veterinary Parasitology, 87, 163-172.



انتشار الطفيليات المعوية في الماعز في محافظة السليمانية


عثمان جمال نصر الله ، رزکار رحيم سليمان ، شادان عبد الله حسن



تعتبر الطفيليات وخاصة الطفيليات المعوية من أسباب المخاطر للصحة وکذلک من محددات الإنتاج للمجترات الصغيرة وذلک بسبب الإصابة والوفيات وتکاليف العلاج والسيطرة. تم عمل مسح لإيجاد نسبة الإصابة بالطفيليات المعوية في الماعز في وحول محافظة السليمانية , وذلک عن طريق فحص البراز للکشف عن البيويضات وکيس الاوالي في الفترة مابين ايلول 2009 ومارس 2010 0اظهرت الدراسة ان 142 عينة من مجموع 316 عينة براز تم جمعها من حقول  اربع مناطق من محافظة السليمانية وهي مرکز السليمانية وعربت و اغجلر و سيد صادق. کل عينات البراز تم فحصها بطريقة الطفو واستعمال محلول الملح المشبع وتم الحصول على نسبة 55(38.7%) و47(33%) و29 (20.4%) و4(2.8%) لبيوض لطفيليات نيماتودايرس سباثيجر ومارشاليجيا مارشالي ولبويضات ترايکيورس اوفز وکييسات الاوالي ايميريا على التوالي0ا على نسبة إصابة کانت 55(38.7%)  لبيوض طفيليات  نيماتودايرس سباثيجر وکانت اقل نسبة اصابة لکييسات اوالي الايميريا بسبة 4(2.8%)0 کانت هناک نسبة إصابة مختلطة أي الإصابة بأکثر من طفيلي واحد بنسبة 7 عينات وانت اعلي نسبة4(2.8%) مصابة ببيوض طفيليات نيماتودايرس سباثيجر وترايکيورس اوفز بينما اقل نسبة إصابة ببيض طفيليات  نيماتودايرس سباثيجر وترايکيورس اوفزو مارشاليجيا مارشالي بنسبة 1(0,7%).









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Umur, þ. and Kars, Y. (1997): Resi koyunlarÝnÝn mide-baÛÝrsak nematodlarÝ ve mevsimsel daÛÝlÝmlarÝ. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 21: 57-65.
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