
Fellow, Assiut University Hospitals Egypt


A total of 120 random samples of dairy water supply, raw cow's milk from different, dairy farms, dairy shops and street vendors (30 samples each) Assiut, Egypt during the period from April 2018 to march 2019 to estimate concentration of Lead, cadmium, manganese and Mercury inwater supply of dairy farm and dairy farms, dairy shops and street vendors raw milk samples in Assiut governorate, Egypt. Statistical analytical results of heavy metals mean values (ppm) in dairy farm water supply were 0.192± 0.006, 0.0005± 0.0001, 0.950± 0.0034 and 0.648± 0.002 respectively. While in in dairy farm cow's milk they were 0.084± 0.026, 0.032± 0.067, 0.830± 0.002 and 3.523± 0.002 (ppm) respectively. But in in dairy shop cow's milk were with means 0.217± 0.045, 0.053± 0.067, 0.900± 0.002 and 4.200± 0.038, respectively. The street vendors cow's milk the mean values were found to be 0.289± 0.067, 0.064± 0.045, 0.954± 0.056 and 4.769± 0.052 respectively. All results of heavy metals were in concentration higher than Maximum permissible limits. The health importance of heavy metals and methods of control are discussed.


Main Subjects

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Fellow, Assiut University Hospitals Egypt


Received: 27 June 2019;     Accepted: 22 July 2019





A total of 120 random samples of dairy water supply, raw cow's milk from different, dairy farms, dairy shops and street vendors (30 samples each) Assiut, Egypt during the period from April 2018 to march 2019 to estimate concentration of Lead, cadmium, manganese and Mercury inwater supply of dairy farm and dairy farms, dairy shops and street vendors raw milk samples in Assiut governorate, Egypt. Statistical analytical results of heavy metals mean values (ppm) in dairy farm water supply were 0.192± 0.006, 0.0005± 0.0001, 0.950± 0.0034 and 0.648± 0.002 respectively. While in in dairy farm cow's milk they were 0.084± 0.026, 0.032± 0.067, 0.830± 0.002 and 3.523± 0.002 (ppm) respectively. But in in dairy shop cow's milk were with means 0.217± 0.045, 0.053± 0.067, 0.900± 0.002 and 4.200± 0.038, respectively. The street vendors cow's milk the mean values were found to be 0.289± 0.067, 0.064± 0.045, 0.954± 0.056 and 4.769± 0.052 respectively. All results of heavy metals were in concentration higher than Maximum permissible limits. The health importance of heavy metals and methods of control are discussed.


Key words:  heavy metals, water supply, dairy farm, raw cow’s milk, Assiut, Egypt.





Milk considered as one of the most important natural food for human at all stages of life. So a greater  deal of efforts have been made to produce clean milk and milk products to become save for use and protect it from pollution by many materials as heavy metals. The most important widely distributed heavy metals of toxicological concern are lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and manganese (Kabzinski, 1998). They are widely distributed in air, water from heavy industries, drainage, fertilizers, sludge applied in the fields and stainless steel used in diary equipment (Naresh et al., 1999). They also may be a pollutant from the use of agricultural pesticides and related chemicals, unhygienic weed out wastes and diffusion of sewage quagmire (Tona et al., 2013). Also, they often deposited in lakes and streams from the air and considered as a main source of water pollution that may be utilized by dairy animals (Enb et al., 2009).


Drinking of polluted water by toxic heavy metals have been responsible for health problems in dairy farms (Mohod and Dhote, 2013). However, water used in the dairy farms for drinking of livestock may be transmitted to dairy animals and appear in a high level in their milk.



Corresponding author: Dr. YASSER, S., WAFY

E-mail address:

Present address: Fellow, Assiut University Hospitals Egypt

Milk polluted with heavy metals is considered a vehicle for transmission of illness among consumers, especially in developing countries where food hygiene is still under-way due to lack of food hygienists, modern diagnostic methods, beside some environmental conditions and financial difficulties (ELAtrash and Atoweir, 2014). They are able to accumulate in the living tissues and organs as kidney and liver leading to kidney damage and liver cirrhosis (Coggiano et al., 2005) and may be cause toxicity in man and animals due to their cumulative nature resulting in cancer, renal failure, human hypertension, neuropathy of both central and peripheral nervous system, gastroenteritis, diabetes mellitus, anemia and ostiomalacia (Malhat et al., 2012).


This work was planned to estimate concentration of Lead, cadmium ,manganese and Mercury inwater supply of dairy farm and  dairy farms, dairy shops and street vendors raw milk samples sold in Assiut governorate, Egypt.




Collection and handling of the samples:

A total of 120 random samples of dairy water supply, raw cow's milk from different, dairy farms and dairy shops and street vendors (30 samples each) Assiut, Egypt during the period from April 2018 to march 2019 were collected in a clean, dry and sterile containers, and transferred to the laboratory with a minimum of delay, whereas they directly examined or held in the refrigerator until time of examination.


Preparation, digestion and estimation of samples: 


Water digestion (Chau et al., 1979):

Five milliliter of each sample was transferred to a digestion flask where it was treated with 5 ml of nitric and perchloric acids mixture (HNO3: HCLO4 = 4:1 v/v). The samples were left to be stand for the cold digestion overnight, and then were heated on a hot plate (model 1030-RuMO 100) at 70˚C till disappearance of the brown fumes of NO3 and the sample become clear. After cooling, each sample was diluted to 25 ml with bi-distilled water and filtered through ashless filter paper (Whatman paper). The digested samples were kept refrigerated in 50 ml propylene bottles till analysis.


Milk digestion (Slavin et al., 1975):

Milk samples were digesed according to Slavin et al. (1975) with some modification as follow:


From each milk sample, 25 ml was drawn with clean sterile 25 ml glass pipette and placed in clean dried 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask.


Erlenmeyer flasks that contained milk samples  were put  in hot air oven at 100C for half an hour and then were left at 50C for 24 hours till evaporation of water from the milk sample occurred .


25 ml digestion mixture (Equal volumes of concentrated nitric acid and 72% perchloric acid) were added to each flask, shaked and the acid was allowed to react at room temperature for 24 hours to facilitate the processes of digestion.


After this the flasks were put on hot plate at approximately 100C, shaked and several milliliters of concentrated nitric acid were added in each flask during the process of heating. Heating continued till the sample become colorless (complete digestion of the sample and disappearance of the brown gas (Nitricoxide, NO3) after its evaporation from the flask).


Samples were allowed to cool, filtered with filter paper, flasks then washed out several times with ion free water till the final volume of the digested sample reach 25 ml. These samples stored at refrigerator tell their analysis and estimation of Aluminum.


Determination of Lead, Cadmium, Manganese and Mercury in milk samples in ppm were estimated in the digested milk samples by means of, atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Shimadzu Atomic absorption / flame spectrophotometer ModelAA630-02P / N204-27600-02AA630-02), Kyoto-Japan. Analysis line wave length, Lamp current, slite width, Brner flam and support gas flow (e /min) for it  were Analysis linewave length: nm, Lamp crrent:  mA, Slit width:  Burner flam: cm air-C2H2, Spport gas flow   (e /min.)





Table 1:  Statistical analytical results of heavy metals concentration (ppm) in dairy farm water supply.


Heavy metals

No. of exam. samples

Positive   samples

Maximum permissible limits according to WHO, 2011 (ppm)





Mean ± SE







0.192± 0.006








0.0005± 0.0001








0.950± 0.0034








0.648± 0.002



Table 2:Statistical analytical results of heavy metals concentration (ppm) in dairy farm cow's milk samples.


Heavy metals

No.of exam.samples

Positive   samples





Mean ± SE







0.084± 0.026







0.032± 0.067







0.830± 0.002







3.523± 0.002




Table 3: Statistical analytical results of heavy metals concentration (ppm) in dairy shop milk in raw cow's milk samples.


Heavy metals

No. of exam. samples

Positive   samples





Mean ± SE







0.217± 0.045







0.053± 0.067







0.900± 0.002





0. 012


4.200± 0.038


Table 4: Statistical analytical results of heavy metals concentration (ppm) in street vendors milk in raw cow's milk samples.


Heavy metals

No. of exam. samples

Positive   samples





Mean ± SE







0.289± 0.067







0.064± 0.045







0.954± 0.056







4.769± 0.052



Table 5: The relationship between international permissible limits of heavy metals (ppm) and mean finding in dairy farm water supply, dairy farm's, dairy shop's and street vendor 's cow's milk.


heavy metals

Mean ± SE

dairy shop

Mean ± SE

street vendors

Mean ± SE

dairy farm

Maximum  permissible limits According to IDF Standard (1979) and  Codex  (2007)


0.084± 0.026

0.217± 0.045

0.289± 0.067



0.032± 0.067

0.053± 0.067

0.064± 0.045



0.830± 0.002

0.900± 0.002

0.954± 0.056



3.523± 0.002

4.200± 0.038

4.769± 0.052





Polluted drinking water play important roles in transmition of many types of heavy metals to dairy animals and appear in milk causing many problems to the consumers for man and animals may reach to a toxicity level (Jaleel et al., 2001). Lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn) and mercury (Hg) are the most distributed heavy metals in water   (Kabzinski, 1998).


The summarized results in Tables 1 showed that Statistical analytical results of heavy metals (ppm) in dairy farm water supply were 22(73.33%), 17 (56.66%), 12(40 %) and 7(23.33 %) of examined samples (30 samples) + ve for Lead, Cadmium, Manganese and Mercury, respectively. The incidence of lead, cadmium, manganese and mercury (ppm) ranged from 0.156, 0.0004, 0.460 and 0.002 to 0.235, 0.0007, 1.380 and 0.780 with mean ranges 0.192± 0.006, 0.0005± 0.073, 0.950± 0.0034 and 0.648± 0.002, respectively. In the other hand, these results of  water samples were significantly higher in lead, Manganese and Mercury than Maximumpermissible limits according to WHO, 2011 (ppm) but  cadmium appear in save percentage which  low the Maximum permissible limits according to WHO, 2011 (ppm) .


These results agree with that obtained by Jaleel et al. (2001), Nassef et al. (2006); Abdl-khalik et al. (2013); Wongsasuluk et al. (2014); Boateng et al. (2015); Aamer et al. (2016).


The obtained result in Table 2revealed that Statistical analytical results of heavy metals (ppm) in dairy farm cow's milk were19 (63.33), 11 (36.66), 8 (26.66) and 5 (16.66) of examined samples + ve for Lead, Cadmium, Manganese and Mercury, respectively. The incidence of lead, cadmium, manganese and mercury (ppm) ranged from0.019, 0.003, 0.40 and 0.001 to 0.212, 0.038, 1.300 and 5.400 with mean ranges 0.084± 0.026, 0.032± 0.067, 0.830± 0.002 and3.523± 0.002 respectively.


The summarized results in Table 3 Pointed out Statistical analytical results of heavy metals (ppm) in dairy shop cow's milk were 22 (73.33 ), 14 (46.66 ), 8 (26.66) and 6 (30) of examined samples (30 samples) + ve for Lead, Cadmium, Manganese and Mercury respectively. And the incidence of lead, cadmium, manganese and mercury (ppm) ranged from 0.082, 0.008, 0.540 and 0.012 to, 0.496, 0.085, 1.380 and 5.200 with mean ranges 0.217± 0.045, 0.053± 0.067, 0.900± 0.002 and 4.200± 0.038, respectively.


The results of Table 4 revealed that Statistical analytical results of heavy metals (ppm) in street vendors cow's milk were 23 (76.66), 16(53.33), 8 (26.66) and 8 (26.66)of examined samples (30 samples) + ve for Lead, Cadmium, Manganese and Mercury respectively. And the incidence of lead, cadmium, manganese and mercury (ppm) wereranged from, 0.089, 0.006, 0.630 and 0.018 to 0.568, 0.096, 1.700 and 5.986 with a mean range 0.289± 0.067, 0.064± 0.045, 0.954± 0.056 and 4.769± 0.052 respectively.


Nearly similar results of lead, Cadmium and Mercury were obtained by Saad et al. (2001); Pavlovic et al. (2004); Gabryszuk et al. (2010); Bilandžić et al. (2011); Malhat et al. (2012); Abdl-khalik et al. (2013); Aamer et al. (2016). Same results were obtained by Haldar et al. (2003); Santos et al. (2015) for Manganese who found Mn in cow’s milk with the range of 1.60 to 1.69 ppm.


The obtained resultsTable 5 mentioned  that the mean finding of heavy metals in dairy farms, dairy shops and street vendor's cow's milk were significantly higher level of lead, Cadmium ,Manganese and Mercury than the maximumpermissible  according to IDF Standard (1979) and  Codex  (2007).


Drinking water supply contain heavy metals concentration higher than Maximum permissible limits according to WHO, (2011) (ppm) mean level of this may be due to contamination from air, water from heavy industries, drainage, fertilizers, sludge applied in the fields and stainless steel used in diary equipment (Naresh et al., 1999). Dairy farm milk contain heavy metals in concentration higher than maximum permissible limits according to IDF Standard (1979) and Codex (2007) where the concentration of heavy metals in market raw milk samples considerably higher than those detected in dairy farm milk. This may be due to the different sources of samples which depend on the surrounding circumstances (Saad et al., 2001; Kodrik et al., 2011).


Polluted Milk with heavy metals is considered a vehicle for transmission of illness among consumers, which accumulate in the living tissues and organs as kidney and liver leading to kidney damage and liver cirrhosis (Coggiano et al., 2005). Resulting in cancer, renal failure, human hypertension, neuropathy of both central and peripheral nervous system, gastroenteritis, diabetes mellitus, anemia and ostiomalacia (Hagag and Fayz, 2012). And may be cause toxicity in man and animals. (Klopov, 1998 and Eife et al., 1999).




At the end of this study we can conclude that Polluted drinking water play important roles in transition of many types of heavy metals as Lead, cadmium, manganese and mercury to dairy animals and appear in milk causing many problems (Jaleel et al., 2001) and there is a significant relationship between heavy metal pollution of milk and those in water samples. This mean that the main source of milk polluted with heavy metals from water contamination.


Water supply must be protected from chemical contaminants, effluents and sewage to assure health safety for human and animals.


Periodical examination of milk for chemical pollution specially heavy metals.




Aamer, H.A.; Hassan, M.D. and Kotb, S. (2016): Estimation Of Some Metallic Pollutants In Drinking Water Of Some Poultry Farms At Assiut Governorate. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 62 No. 149, 1-12.

Abdl-Kalik, A.; Azza, G.M. and Raslan (2013): Estimation of Some Heavy Metals in Cow's Milk In Zagazig Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 59 No. 138- 74: 77.

Bilandžić, N.; Dokić, M.; Sedak, M.; Božica, S.; Varenina, I. and Knežević, Z. (2011): Trace element levels in raw milk from northern and southern regions of Croatia. Food Chemistry; 127(1): 63–66. 

Boateng, T.K.; Opoku, F.; Acquaah, S.O. and Akoto, O. (2015): Pollution evaluation, sources and risk assessment of heavy metals in hand-dug wells from Ejisu-Juaben Municipality, Ghana. Environ Syst Res (2015) 4: 18.

Caggiano, R.; Sabia, S.; D'Emilio, M.; Macchiato, M.; Anastasio, A.; Ragosta, M. and Paino, S. (2005): Metal levels in fodder, milk, dairy products and tissue sampled in farms of Southered Italy. Environmental Research, 99 (1): 48-57.

Chau, Y.K.; Wong, P.T.S. and Bengert, G.A. (1979): Determination of tetra-alkyl-lead compounds in water, sediments, and fish samples. Anal Chem. 51: 186–188.

Codex Alimentarius Commission (2007): Codex standard for food grade salt. CX STAN 150- 1985, Amend, 3–2007. 1–7. In: World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.

Eife, R.; Weiss, M.; Barros, V.; Sigmund, B.; Goriup, U.; Komb, D.; Wolf, W.; Kittel, J.; Schramel, P. and Reister, K. (1999): Chronic poisoning by copper in tap water. Copper intoxication with predominately gastrointestinal symptoms. Eur. J. Med. Res. 4 (6): 219-233.

El- atrash, S. and Atoweir, N. (2014): Determination of lead and cadmium in raw cow's milk by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 12(1): 92-100.

Enb, A.; Abou Donia, M.A.; Sbd-Robu, N.S.; Abo Arab, A.K. and El-Semaity (2009): Chemical compotation during processing of milk product. Global Veterinaria, 3: 268-275.

Gabryszuk, M.; Słoniewski, K.; Metera, E. and Sakowski, T. (2010): Content of mineral elements in milk and hair of cows from organic farms. Journal of Elementology. 15(2): 259–267.

Hagag, M.F. and Fayz, S.A.E. (2012): Contamination of cow's milk by heavy metal in Egypt. Bull Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 88 (4): 611-613.

Haldar, S.; Ghosh, T.K. and Pal, N. (2003): Effects of trace elements supplementation in commercially                                                                                                                   reared dairy Research Journal 22(3): 981-986

IDF Standard. (1979): International Dairy Federation Bulletin, Chemical residues in milk and milk products. I.D.F. Document, 133.

Jaleel, MA.; Noreen, R. and Baseer, A. (2001): Concentration of heavy metals in drinking water of different localities in district east Karachi. J. Ayub Med. Coll Abbottabad. OctDec, 13(4): 12-5.

Kabzinski, A.K. (1998): Application of covalent affinity chromatography with thiol-disulfide interchanges for determination of environmental exposition to heavy metals based on the quantitative determination of Znthionein from physiological human fluids by indirect method on analysis of metal content. Biomed. Chromatogr., 12 (5): 281-290.

Kodrik, L.; Wagner, L.; Imre, K. and Husveth, F. (2011): The effect of highway traffico on heavy metals content of cow milk and cheese. Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry Veszprem. 29 (1): 15-19.

Klopov, P.V. (1998): Levels of heavy metals in women residing in the Russian Arctic. Int. J. Circumpolar Health, 57 (1): 582-585.

Malhat, F.; Hagag, M.; Saber, A. and Fayz, A.E. (2012): Contamination of cow’s milk by heavy metal in Egypt. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 88: 611-613.

Mohod, C.V. and Dhote, J. (2013): Review of heavy metals in drinking water and their effect. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 2(7): 2992–2996.

Naresh, R.; Dwivedi, K.; Swarup, D. and Dey, S. (1999): Lead and cadmium concentrations in milk and blood of Indian cows with mastitis. Vet. Hum. Toxicol., 41 (6): 392-393.

Nassef, M.; Hannigan, R.; EL Sayed, K.A. and ElTahawy, M.S. (2006): Determination of Some Heavy Metals In the Environment of Sadat Industrial City. Proceedings of the 2nd Environmental Physics Conference, 18-22 Feb. 2006, Alexandria, Egypt.

Pavlovic, I.; Sikiric, M.; Havranek, J.L.; Plavljanic, N. and Brajenovic, N. (2004): Lead and cadmium levels in raw cow’s milk from an industrialized Croatian region determined by electro-thermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 49(4): 164-168.

Saad, A.; El-Kosi, O. and Abdel-Hakiem, E. (2001): Surveillance of some heavy metals in raw milk. 1st Cong. of Food Hygiene & Human Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 59 No. 138 July 2013 78 Health February. Dept. Food Hygiene, Fac. Vet. Med., Assiut University, p. 258-270.

Slavin, S.; Barnett, W.B. and Kahn, H.L. (1975): The Determination of Atomic Absorpation Detection Limits by Direct Measument. Atomic Absorption Newsleter 11: 37-41.

Santos, C.B.G.; Oliveira, A.P.; Martins, D.L.; Oliveira, J.C.; Pedro, F.G.G. and Villa, R.D. (2015): Determination of the concentrations of essential and toxic metals in UHT milk produced in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. International Food.

Sayed, M.M. and Omar, M.H. (2013): 39 Estimation of Some Metallic Pollutants in Drinking Water of Some Poultry Farms At Assiut Governorate. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 59 No. 139-39: 43.

Tona, G.O.; Adetunji, V.O.; Ameen, S.A. and Ibikunle, A.O. (2013): Evaluation of Lead and Cadmium Heavy Metal Residues in Milk and Milk Products Sold in Ogbomoso, Southwestern Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 12 (2): 168-171.

WHO (World Health Organization) (2011): Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 4th Ed. Switzerland, Geneva

Wongsasuluk, P.; Chotpantarat, S.; Siriwong, W. and Robson, M. (2014): Heavy metal contamination and human health risk assessment in drinking water from shallow groundwater wells in an agricultural area in UbonRatchathani province, Thailand. Environ. Geochem. Health. 36: 169–182.





تقدير ترکيز بعض المعادن الثقيلة في مصادرالمياه فى مزارع الألبان وحليب البقر الخام المباع

 في مدينة أسيوط ، مصر

ياسـر وافى


E-mail:           Assiut University web-site:

تم جمع 120 عينة عشوائية من مصادر المياه فى مزارع الألبان وحليب البقر الخام من مختلف مزارع الألبان ومحلات الألبان والباعة المتجولين (30 عينة لکل منهما) في محافظة أسيوط خلال الفترة من أبريل 2018 إلى مارس 2019 لتقدير ترکيز الرصاص والکادميوم والمنجنيز والزئبق وکانت النتائج التحليلية والإحصائية للمعادن الثقيلة (ppm) في مصادر مياه مزارع الألبان بمتوسط 006, 0 ± 0,192​​ و 0001, 0 ± 0,0005 و 0034, 0 ± 0,950 و 002, 0 ± 0,648 جزء فى المليون على التوالي. في حين في لبن مزارع الألبان کانت بمتوسط 026, 0 ± 0,084 و 067, 0 ± 0,032 و 002, 0 ± 0,830و002, 0 ± 3,523 على التوالي . ولکن في محلات الألبان ، کان حليب الأبقار يتراوح في المتوسط 045, 0 ± 0,217  و 067, 0 ± 0,053 و002, 0 ± 0,900 و038, 0 ± 4,200 على التوالي ولکن في الباعة المتجولين کانوا حليب البقر 067, 0 ± 0,298 و 045, 0 ± 0,064 و056, 0 ± 0,954 و052, 0 ± 4,769 على التوالى .


وکانت جميع نتائج المعادن الثقيلة في ترکيز أعلى من الحدود القصوى المسموح بها دوليا. وتم مناقشة الأهمية الصحية للمعادن الثقيلة وطرق التحکم فيها.



Aamer, H.A.; Hassan, M.D. and Kotb, S. (2016): Estimation Of Some Metallic Pollutants In Drinking Water Of Some Poultry Farms At Assiut Governorate. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 62 No. 149, 1-12.
Abdl-Kalik, A.; Azza, G.M. and Raslan (2013): Estimation of Some Heavy Metals in Cow's Milk In Zagazig Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 59 No. 138- 74: 77.
Bilandžić, N.; Dokić, M.; Sedak, M.; Božica, S.; Varenina, I. and Knežević, Z. (2011): Trace element levels in raw milk from northern and southern regions of Croatia. Food Chemistry; 127(1): 63–66. 
Boateng, T.K.; Opoku, F.; Acquaah, S.O. and Akoto, O. (2015): Pollution evaluation, sources and risk assessment of heavy metals in hand-dug wells from Ejisu-Juaben Municipality, Ghana. Environ Syst Res (2015) 4: 18.
Caggiano, R.; Sabia, S.; D'Emilio, M.; Macchiato, M.; Anastasio, A.; Ragosta, M. and Paino, S. (2005): Metal levels in fodder, milk, dairy products and tissue sampled in farms of Southered Italy. Environmental Research, 99 (1): 48-57.
Chau, Y.K.; Wong, P.T.S. and Bengert, G.A. (1979): Determination of tetra-alkyl-lead compounds in water, sediments, and fish samples. Anal Chem. 51: 186–188.
Codex Alimentarius Commission (2007): Codex standard for food grade salt. CX STAN 150- 1985, Amend, 3–2007. 1–7. In: World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
Eife, R.; Weiss, M.; Barros, V.; Sigmund, B.; Goriup, U.; Komb, D.; Wolf, W.; Kittel, J.; Schramel, P. and Reister, K. (1999): Chronic poisoning by copper in tap water. Copper intoxication with predominately gastrointestinal symptoms. Eur. J. Med. Res. 4 (6): 219-233.
El- atrash, S. and Atoweir, N. (2014): Determination of lead and cadmium in raw cow's milk by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 12(1): 92-100.
Enb, A.; Abou Donia, M.A.; Sbd-Robu, N.S.; Abo Arab, A.K. and El-Semaity (2009): Chemical compotation during processing of milk product. Global Veterinaria, 3: 268-275.
Gabryszuk, M.; Słoniewski, K.; Metera, E. and Sakowski, T. (2010): Content of mineral elements in milk and hair of cows from organic farms. Journal of Elementology. 15(2): 259–267.
Hagag, M.F. and Fayz, S.A.E. (2012): Contamination of cow's milk by heavy metal in Egypt. Bull Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 88 (4): 611-613.
Haldar, S.; Ghosh, T.K. and Pal, N. (2003): Effects of trace elements supplementation in commercially                                                                                                                   reared dairy Research Journal 22(3): 981-986
IDF Standard. (1979): International Dairy Federation Bulletin, Chemical residues in milk and milk products. I.D.F. Document, 133.
Jaleel, MA.; Noreen, R. and Baseer, A. (2001): Concentration of heavy metals in drinking water of different localities in district east Karachi. J. Ayub Med. Coll Abbottabad. OctDec, 13(4): 12-5.
Kabzinski, A.K. (1998): Application of covalent affinity chromatography with thiol-disulfide interchanges for determination of environmental exposition to heavy metals based on the quantitative determination of Znthionein from physiological human fluids by indirect method on analysis of metal content. Biomed. Chromatogr., 12 (5): 281-290.
Kodrik, L.; Wagner, L.; Imre, K. and Husveth, F. (2011): The effect of highway traffico on heavy metals content of cow milk and cheese. Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry Veszprem. 29 (1): 15-19.
Klopov, P.V. (1998): Levels of heavy metals in women residing in the Russian Arctic. Int. J. Circumpolar Health, 57 (1): 582-585.
Malhat, F.; Hagag, M.; Saber, A. and Fayz, A.E. (2012): Contamination of cow’s milk by heavy metal in Egypt. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 88: 611-613.
Mohod, C.V. and Dhote, J. (2013): Review of heavy metals in drinking water and their effect. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 2(7): 2992–2996.
Naresh, R.; Dwivedi, K.; Swarup, D. and Dey, S. (1999): Lead and cadmium concentrations in milk and blood of Indian cows with mastitis. Vet. Hum. Toxicol., 41 (6): 392-393.
Nassef, M.; Hannigan, R.; EL Sayed, K.A. and ElTahawy, M.S. (2006): Determination of Some Heavy Metals In the Environment of Sadat Industrial City. Proceedings of the 2nd Environmental Physics Conference, 18-22 Feb. 2006, Alexandria, Egypt.
Pavlovic, I.; Sikiric, M.; Havranek, J.L.; Plavljanic, N. and Brajenovic, N. (2004): Lead and cadmium levels in raw cow’s milk from an industrialized Croatian region determined by electro-thermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 49(4): 164-168.
Saad, A.; El-Kosi, O. and Abdel-Hakiem, E. (2001): Surveillance of some heavy metals in raw milk. 1st Cong. of Food Hygiene & Human Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 59 No. 138 July 2013 78 Health February. Dept. Food Hygiene, Fac. Vet. Med., Assiut University, p. 258-270.
Slavin, S.; Barnett, W.B. and Kahn, H.L. (1975): The Determination of Atomic Absorpation Detection Limits by Direct Measument. Atomic Absorption Newsleter 11: 37-41.
Santos, C.B.G.; Oliveira, A.P.; Martins, D.L.; Oliveira, J.C.; Pedro, F.G.G. and Villa, R.D. (2015): Determination of the concentrations of essential and toxic metals in UHT milk produced in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. International Food.
Sayed, M.M. and Omar, M.H. (2013): 39 Estimation of Some Metallic Pollutants in Drinking Water of Some Poultry Farms At Assiut Governorate. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 59 No. 139-39: 43.
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